Codex Iuris Novae Romae

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Codex Iuris Novae Romae
The Codex Iuris Novae Romae presents the leges of Nova Roma in several libri (books). Each book collates all active legislation on a specific legal topic. This layout is intended to make it easier to find related or common laws and identify topicsThis Codex is not an official record of laws. It is intended to be a helpful guide for magistrates needing to understand the law and for interested citizens wanting to learn their rights. Citizens should refer to the Tabularium of Nova Roma for official information and other means to access of legislation of Nova Roma.
Introduction to Roman Law
Roman law is the legal system of ancient Rome, including the legal developments spanning over a thousand years of jurisprudence, from the Twelve Tables (c. 449 BC), to the Corpus Iuris Civilis (AD 529) ordered by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I. Roman law forms the basic framework for civil law, the most widely used legal system today, and the terms are sometimes used synonymously. The historical importance of Roman law is reflected by the continued use of Latin legal terminology in many legal systems influenced by it, including common law.
Ius or Jus (Latin, plural iura) in ancient Rome was a right to which a citizen (civis) was entitled by virtue of his citizenship (civitas). The iura were specified by laws, so ius sometimes meant law. As one went to the law courts to sue for one's rights, ius also meant justice and the place where justice was sought.
On the whole, the Romans valued their rights as the greatest good of Roman citizenship (civitas romana), as opposed to citizenship in other city-states under the jurisdiction of Rome but without Roman rights. Outsiders (peregrini) and freedmen (libertini) perforce used Roman lawyers to represent them in actions undertaken under the jurisdiction of Roman law. Representation was one of the civic obligations (munera) owed to the state by citizens. These munera (on which account the citizens were municipes) included military service as well as paying taxes, but specialized obligations might also be associated with functions of elected offices or assigned by the government, such as paying the cost of road or aqueduct maintenance. Some of these functions were highly lucrative, such as tax collecting, since the collector collected much more than he owed the government, but for the most part functionaries were appointed for their wealth and were expected to assume the costs as their munus. If they did not, they were tried and sometimes executed. Violation of the iura of other citizens, whether in office or out, was a serious matter.
Using the Codex
Distributed among the boxes below are several books on various iura or legal topics. Navigate to a book by clicking one from the selection below. Books may contain sub categories that further group common legislation. Against each piece of legislation will be links to other law or policy that edits, amends or expands upon that element. There will also be references included when the particular legislation also features in other parts of the codex.