Talk:Priests (Nova Roma)

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Revision as of 03:55, 10 November 2006 by M. Lucretius Agricola (Talk | contribs)
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Article name

Should this be moved to "Sacerdotes (Nova Roma)"? Or should we keep "Sacerdotes" as an article about sacerdotes in Roma Antiqua and use the English title (plus NR) for the modern article? Agricola 10:56, 8 November 2006 (CET)

I would, personally, rather we use "Sacerdotes (Nova Roma)" for the title. However, Cn. Astur made a good argument some time ago about using the title "priests", albeit one with which I disagree. That's not to say, though, that we can't make the current page a redirection page, and similarly with the same for Antiquity. Metellus 03:50, 10 November 2006 (CET)
My preference for wiki policy is that the articles have Latin titles and the vernacular terms are redirects to them. This would mean that the translation links ("language bar") would point diectly to the translated article, not to an intermediate redirect. I don't know if that would reduce server load, but I think it sets things up in such a way as to avoid proliferation of double redirects. Additionally, using Latin titles is one way that we can promote and teach the use of Latin. I would like to hear what Astur has to say because it may be that this article should be an exception. Agricola 04:54, 10 November 2006 (CET)
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