Lex Arminia de sanctitate (Nova Roma)

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This lex has been REPEALED.

Approved by Comitia Populi Tributa
Yes: 20 No: 11 Abs.: 1
Id. Sext. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.

This law, together with the Lex Arminia Equitia de imperio and the Lex Arminia Equitia de dignitate curuli, is intended to define the last of the five characteristics of the powers of Nova Roman magistrates.

Una cum Lege Arminia Equitia de Imperio et Lege Arminia Equitia de Dignitate Curuli, haec lex ultimam quinque proprietatum potestatum magistratuum Novae Romae definitura.

  • I:

-A. Etsi verbum "sanctitas" ab origine religiosum est, haec lex de consecutionibus legitimis sanctitatis modo tractabit.

- A. Although "sanctitas" is originally a religious term, this definition and law will deal only with the legal consequences of sanctitas.

-B. Definitiones religiosae et consecutiones sanctitatis Religioni Romanae attribuendae a proposito huius legis absunt.

- B. Religious definitions and the consequences of the attribution of sanctitas to the Religio Romana are not within the scope of this law.

  • II:

-A. Nulli magistratui licet et sanctitatem et dignitatem curulem uno tempore habere, nisi magistratus provincialis dignitas curulis sit.

- A. No magistrate may hold both sanctitas and curule dignitas at the same time, unless the curule dignitas is from a provincial magistrature.

-B. Nullus magistratus cui ambae hae proprietates sunt definiatur.

- B. No magistrature may be defined as having both these attributes.

  • III:

-Licet magistratui cui proprium sanctitatis est nec signum nec habitum peculiare quidquam habeat, ne togam peculiarem quidem gerat.

- A magistrate possessing the attribute of sanctitas may not possess any special symbol or feature of that magistrature, including the wearing of any special toga.

  • IV:

-A. Per magistratum suum, non licet magistratui cui sanctitas est legibus Novae Romae in crimen vocari.

- A. A magistrate possessing sanctitas may not be charged under Nova Roman law during his magistracy.

-B. Plane autem haec lex nominatim ad crimina macronationum non pertinet.

- B. This law, however, explicitly states that this provision does not apply to macronational charges.

  • V:

-Si magistratus cui sanctitas est moderandus sit, liberetur intercessione unius tribuni plebis simplici.

- If a magistrate possessing sanctitas is put on moderation, he may be released by a simple veto of one tribune of the plebs.

  • VI:

-Haec lex non explicabitur qualis ullo modo circumscribens quos magistratus sanctitatem possideant.

- This law shall not be interpreted as defining in any way which magistracies possess sanctitas.

Repealed by Lex Minucia, a.d. III Non. Mai. MMDCCLIX (05 May 2006)