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INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.


Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.

Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.


Edicta of the Censores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Consules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum consulare consulis Sex. Lucili tutoris de comitiis curiatis convocandis


I. In this edictum, I, Consul Sex. Lucilius Tutor, recognize all past edicts of last year's consuls as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.

II. Authorized by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constitudenda, III.A, I convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under my auspices, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.

III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now on 3 January, and is considered opened by this edict. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after this opening edict, as follows, posting it to:


Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor Sex. Lucilius Tutorem et A. Tulliam Scholasticam consules, D. Aurelium Ingeniarium et C. Cornelium Barosum praetores Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.

I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of Sex. Lucilius Tutor and A. Tullia Scholastica as consules, and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius and C. Cornelius Barosus as praetores of Nova Roma. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.


III. The session ends when I announce the closing of the session, the intended date of closing is approximately 48 hours from this opening.

IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the magistrates with imperium is considered completed and is valid.

DATUM a.d. III Non. Ian. Sex. Lucilio Tutore II et A. Tullia Scholastica II coss., 25 ANRC / 2775 AUC / 2022 AD (Given on 3 January, in the consulship of Sextus Lucilius Tutor II and A. Tullia Scholastica II).

Vale, Sextus Lucilius Tutor CONSUL

Edicta of the Praetores

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Edicta of the Aediles Curules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Aediles Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

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