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INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.


Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.

Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.


Edicta of the Censores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Consules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum consulare de regulis edictorum gerendorum in foro praecipuo

Edict on the administration of edicts to the Forum Romanum

The Lex Vedia de ratione edictorum defines the requirement to post edicta to Nova Roma public fora, namely the Forum Romanum. This edictum applies additional requirements upon magistrates to aid in the administration and record of all edicta.

By this edictum, all magistrates with the ius edicendi need to take steps to ensure their edicta are clearly visible in posts to the Forum Romanum. Magistrates who post an edict must ensure that either the word “edict” or “edictum” are present in the title or the very first line of any edicta they post.

All magistrates, including governors, must ensure all their edicta have been recorded or linked to the Nova Roma Tabularium on the official website, visible from this page: novaroma.org/nr/Category:Edicta_(Nova_Roma). Governors are free to maintain their provincial edicta on their Nova Roma official website province pages as they see fit, but must ensure they are linked back to the above page. Any discrepancies or omissions must be reported to the Officium rei informaticae: novaroma.org/nr/Curator_rei_informaticae_(Nova_Roma).

Edictum consulare conjunctum de quaestoribus adsignandis


I. Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus consuli S. Lucilio Tutori ut quaestor consularis adsignatus est.

II. Quaestrix T. Popillia Laenas consuli A. Tulliae Scholasticae ut quaestrix consularis adsignata est.

III. Quaestor C. Marcius Augustinus praetori D. Aurelio Ingeniario ut quaestor praetorius adsignatus est.

IV. Quaestor P. Aurelius Barbatus praetori C. Cornelio Baroso ut quaestor praetorius adsignatus est.

I. Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus is assigned to consul Sex. Lucilius as his consular quaestor.

II. Quaestor T. Popillia Laenas is assigned to consul A. Tullia Scholastica as her consular quaestrix.

III. Quaestor C. Marcius Augustinus is assigned to praetor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as his praetorian quaestor.

IV. Quaestor P. Aurelius Barbatus is assigned to praetor C. Cornelius Barosus as his praetorian quaestor.

Datum: pr. Non. Jan. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c., XXV a.N.R.c.

Signed: S. Lucilius Tutor et A. Tullia Scholastica



Edictum consulare consulis Sex. Lucili tutoris de comitiis curiatis convocandis


I. In this edictum, I, Consul Sex. Lucilius Tutor, recognize all past edicts of last year's consuls as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.

II. Authorized by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constitudenda, III.A, I convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under my auspices, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.

III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now on 3 January, and is considered opened by this edict. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after this opening edict, as follows, posting it to:


Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor Sex. Lucilius Tutorem et A. Tulliam Scholasticam consules, D. Aurelium Ingeniarium et C. Cornelium Barosum praetores Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.

I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of Sex. Lucilius Tutor and A. Tullia Scholastica as consules, and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius and C. Cornelius Barosus as praetores of Nova Roma. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.


III. The session ends when I announce the closing of the session, the intended date of closing is approximately 48 hours from this opening.

IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the magistrates with imperium is considered completed and is valid.

DATUM a.d. III Non. Ian. Sex. Lucilio Tutore II et A. Tullia Scholastica II coss., 25 ANRC / 2775 AUC / 2022 AD (Given on 3 January, in the consulship of Sextus Lucilius Tutor II and A. Tullia Scholastica II).

Vale, Sextus Lucilius Tutor CONSUL

Edicta of the Praetores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum Praetorium de Scriba Creando

Edictum Praetorium de Scriba Creando

I. I hereby appoint D. Fabricius Avitus as my Scriba Praetoris, with all obligations and privileges prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.

II. His job will be to assist the completion of administrative and logistical tasks I will need to undertake in my capacity as Praetor, as well as the researching of topics and articles as directed.

III. No oath shall be required.

IV. This edict takes effect immediately.

Enacted today, on: pr. Kal. Feb. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos.


Praetor Rei Publicae Novae Romae

Edictum Praetorium de Legibus Mutandis

Praetorial edict for the change of laws in 2774

I. In accordance with article I of the Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the primary duty of the praetors is to cast decisions and interpretation on leges when there is an issue with the validity or interpretation of a law, or part thereof. Exercising iurisdictio, the following decisions are made for the various affected leges that came into force in Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. or earlier. Subject to intervention of those with the iurisdictio, the following decisions will be published as necessary as commentary on the affected official leges.

II. With the approval of the Lex Arria de decuriis apparitorum, article I of the Lex Arminia de ministris tribunorum, is now in conflict. In line with the legislation of article I of the Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the most recent lex takes precedence. By this edict, a praetorian comment is to be placed referencing article I of the Lex Arminia acknowledging the impact associated with the now updated Lex Vedia apparitoria. The following comment is to be placed against article I in the Lex Arminia:

“Article I is no longer considered valid, with precedence given to the modifications introduced by the Lex Arria de decuriis apparitorum. Other titles other than viator are now permissible under the Lex Vedia apparitoria.”

III. An accompanying praetorian comment should also be lodged with article V of the now modified Lex Vedia apparitoria, which enforces that all appointees to a Decuriae viatorum are of the Plebeian class, in accordance with the Lex Arminia.

IV. Article III.A. of the Lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve states required changes to sections III.A.3-4 of the Lex Arria de censu civium aestimando. However, the new lex still publishes new additional text under III.A.2. for the lex Arria. By this edict, article III.A.2. from the lex Arria Tullia will also replace the III.A.2. of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando.

V. The published version of the lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratuum has found to be misrepresenting the true final form of the comitia approved lex.

A. The publication of this law has contained, for a decade, a variant text for this very same lex which was in fact just a non-final draft of the rogatio, never to be accepted by vote. This draft version was published as the primary text, and the real, accepted text was only given as the second text on this page. The final version of the lex Minucia as accepted by the comitia tributa only addressed the magistrates elected by the comitia tributa, because in those years a strict interpretation of the Constitution prevailed according to which a lex accepted by the comitia tributa may regulate magistrates elected by that comitia, and a lex accepted by the comitia centuriata may regulate only the centuriate magistrates. Consul Minucia Strabo presented first only one rogatio which discussed both the tribal and the centuriate magistrates' resignations in one law. She later corrected it and divided the proposal into two rogationes, one about the tribal magistrates' resignations, to be passed by the tribal comitia, and another about the centuriate magistrates, to be passed by the centuriate comitia. The tribal one passed, the centuriate law failed. Editors of the tabularium of the day, for an unknown reason, decided to put the original, unified law which discussed the resignations of both types of magistrates in one law as the primary text of this lex, but it was not correct, and it was never a law. B. Before any modifications are implemented by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve, the following changes are to be made. By this edict, the unofficial draft text is to be removed from the published lex Minucia and the valid version of the lex Minucia, as accepted by the comitia, is to be published. This is verified through records in the Forum Romanum and attestations of the Curator rei informaticae. Commentary from this edict should be published accordingly with the lex.

VI. The lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve contains an instruction to change the preamble of the lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratuum. The new text, as voted on and accepted by the comitia, is perceived to have been corrupted or otherwise contains editorial errors. The new preamble of the lex Arria Tullia would have been an exact sentence, unchanged, from the previous version of the preamble, in a form that was contradictory to the other changes in this lex. By this edict, section V.A. of the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve is not implementable, and is disregarded when considering the modifications of the lex Arria Tullia to the lex Minucia.

VII. The lex Octavia de sermone references the now defunct Yahoo groups list. By this edict, a praetorian comment is to be lodged against article IV.A. It is to specify for clarity, as follows:

“The previous Yahoo group list mentioned is now defunct. The current general discussion mailing list is currently https://groups.io/g/TheForumRomanum.”

VIII. The lex Galeria de privatis rebus references the now defunct position of the magister aranearius. This office has now merged with the current curator rei informaticae. By this edict, a praetorian comment is to specify that the instance of “magister aranearius” is to be understood to be the “curator rei informaticae”.

Enacted: a.d. XV Kal. Feb. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius et C. Cornelius Barosus Praetores

Edictum translaticium

Edictum translaticium

I. In accordance with the Lex Arria de edictis, magistrates are required to confirm or revoke those edicta of their office predecessors before any new edicta can be issued.

II. The following edicta are confirmed and considered in-force for the term of the praetors of 2775 a.u.c:

A. Edictum praetorium C. Artorii de foris publicis (2774) – about how citizens represent themselves online.
B. Edictum praetorium de correctione C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis (2774) – defines the Law Revision Committee of Classicists and Latinists as referenced in legislation elsewhere and who currently sits on that committee.
C. Edictum praetorium Barosi de iure iurando Latino (2774) – provides the required Latin translation of the oath of office.
D. Edictum de Renovatione Tabularii (2774) – defines how the Nova Roma Tabularium should be structured.
E. Edictum praetorium de candidatis (2773) – mandates that election candidates are required to post a link to their Album Civium entry when making public campaigns.

III. All other edicta are considered enacted and now lapsed or otherwise now void.

Enacted: a.d. VII Id. Ian. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius et C. Cornelius Barosus Praetores

Edicta of the Aediles Curules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum Aedilicium De Mercatu Novo Romano


With this edict, I establish a temporary system for the marketplace of Nova Roma, market rules and registered merchants, according the authorization by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda.

I. The websites and forums of Nova Roma are open for marketing and advertisement only to officially registered merchants of Nova Roma.

II. Officially registered merchants are recognized by collective decision of the four aediles. The following vendors can receive this status:

A. Nova Roman assiduus citizens and Latin citizens of Nova Roma: for an annual business tax the amount of which they decide voluntarily, and for at least a 5% discount price for their products for Nova Roman and Latin citizens of Nova Roma. The annual business tax shall be paid in addition to the regular citizen tax. The minimum amount of annual business tax for Latin citizens shall be any amount that is higher than the regular citizen tax.

B. Peregrini, non-citizens Nova Roma: for an annual business tax the amount of which shall be a donation of at least 250 USD (they can donate more if they wish), and for at least a 5% discount price for their products for citizens of Nova Roma. After their agreement about business with Nova Roma, such peregrini receive the allied or friend status, socius or amicus status.

III. Registered vendors are required to mention Nova Roma in their official websites and inform the buyers about the discount price for Nova Roman and Latin citizens of Nova Roma.

IV. The annual business tax shall be paid to the treasure until the deadline of general citizen taxes.

V. Official merchants will be given place on the websites and forums of Nova Roma. The frequency of their advertisements on the forums of Nova Roma may be limited according to common sense and people's reactions. Recommended frequency is no more than once in a week, but in certain cases (extra discount sales campaign, etc) exceptions are acceptable. Vendors are advised to observe the people's reaction and if there are complaints about the frequency of an advertisement, to decrease it. The aediles will follow the people's wish and will apply restriction on the frequency of the posting of advertisements if it causes discontent. The regulations will be more detailed, if needed, as we observe how the system works in practice.

VI. Those wanting to obtain the status of registered merchant shall provide the following information to the aediles: - Roman name - Macronational name - Name of business (if any, i.e. corporate or trademarked name), and the date of its founding or starting of operation - City, region, country in which business will be primarily conducted - Websites of your business - Summary of nature of business - Description of products and/or services offered (attach extra sheets if necessary), including if possible estimated pricing structure, and relevance, if any to the culture of Rome between or to Nova Roma. - Percent of permanent discount for Nova Roman citizens. Minimum is 5%, but you are free to choose a higher discount. - Amount of one time annual business tax (donation) that you are willing to contribute to the Nova Roman treasury. It is an annual donation that the owner should send at the time of paying his or her regular citizen tax. The amount is not determined, you should decide it based on how much you think it is worth for you. The aediles will judge your offer an on individual base. - Are you willing to provide documentation, including but not limited to, copies of macronational tax reports/returns and account ledgers relevant to the subject business, upon request of the Senate, or a magistrate of Nova Roma?

VII. Effective immediately, it is intended as a temporary regulation until a wider consensus is reached about commerce within Nova Roma. All previous regulations regarding merchants and the marketplace are hereby rescinded.


Hodié a.d. XVI Kal. Mar. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c. est. "D"


M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius AEDILIS CURULIS

Edictum Aedilicium On Previous Edicts


I confirm all previous edicts of the aediles curules that are currently in force.


Hodié a.d. XVI Kal. Mar. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c. est. "D"


M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius AEDILIS CURULIS

Edicta of the Aediles Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum Tribuni Plebis De Contione Convocanda


I. All plebeians of Nova Roma are hereby called to attend the contio of the Comitia Plebis Tributa in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma.


Auspices are not required for a contio, and none were taken. Auspices will be taken for the comitia when convened. An opening sacrificial offering has been made to Jupiter today in by me seeking his blessing upon this contio, our deliberations and their outcome.

Iuppiter Optime Maxime,

ego tribunus plebis Novae Romae

te quaeso precorque,

uti hanc contionem plebis

nunc a me apertam, initam, inceptam, habitam

esse accipias, confirmes, recognoscas,

utique sies volens propitius

his rogationibus Petroniis,

his candidatis tribunatus plebis,

huic contioni, consiliis nostris et his deliberationibus,

plebi Novae Romanae, mihi tribuno plebis,

domo, familiae!

Harum rerum ergo macte hoc ture et hoc lacte esto.

Contio comitiorum plebis tributorum nunc incipitur, contio nunc habetur.


The time schedule of the contio is the following:

Contio begins immediately, as of 18:00 PM Rome Time on 1 February 2022

Contio will end at 12:00 AM Rome Time on 20 February 2022

Comitia are intended to be called to order at 18:00 PM Rome Time on 20 February 2022

Comitia are intended to closed at 18:00 PM Rome Time on 25 February 2022


ITEM I – Election of the two missing tribuni plebis

ITEM II – Discussing the rogatio Petronia about the correction of the requirements of tribunician apparitors

ITEM III – Discussing the rogatio Petonia about some simplification of citizenship approval process


Candidates for the office of tribunus plebis:

1. Marcus Martianius Lupus


2. Gaius Artorius Preaconinus


3. Aulus Fabricius Pardalas



I put the following two law proposals before the Nova Roman plebs for voting:


I. The tribunes of the plebs are free to appoint citizens as their apparitores regardless of their gentilician genus, whether patrician or plebeian.

II. The special powers of the tribuni plebis are not transferable to their appointed assistants. Apparitors or any assistants of the tribunes may be delegated to execute the administrative orders of a tribunes within their tribunicia potestas.

II. The lex Arminia de ministris tribunorum is hereby rescinded.


I. Sons and daughters of any existing, full citizen of Nova Roma shall be granted citizenship in Nova Roma without any requirement of probationary period and citizenship test.

II. When an entire community joins Nova Roma for full Nova Roman citizenship, as part of the process of incorporation within Nova Roma as a municipality or another form of community, its members shall not be submitted to the probationary period and the citizenship test, but shall be granted citizenship en masse.

III. When legions, gladiatorial schools, other reenactment groups, religious societies or other non-governmental Roman communities join Nova Roma, whether with their entire membership or with a number of their members, the Censorial Office shall have the authority to apply the procedure described at Section II, according to the discretion of the decision makers (the censors, when the officer in charge in their absence).

IV. The Censorial Office shall have right to waive the requirement of probationary period and citizenship test for any applicant of citizenship.

V. Sections II and II.A of the lex Equitia de tirocinio civium novorum shall be modified to read as:

“II. Beginning Kalendis Ianuarias, MMDCCLVIII, all new citizens of Nova Roma shall be subject to a probationary period, during which they will not be allowed the 'iura publica', the right to vote and to stand for any public office.

III.A. The probationary period will end when the new citizen has taken and passed a simple examination covering elementary matters of Nova Roman citizenship and basic Roman history, religion, language, and social practices.”

Given, on the Kalends of February in the year of the second consulship of both Sex. Lucilius Tutor anf A. Tullia Scholastica.

C. Petronius Stephanus


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