Edict establishing the Nova Roma wiki

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Edict establishing the Nova Roma wiki

This Edictum is issued in collaboration with Quintus Valerius Callidus, Magister Aranearius.

I. A content managament and collaboration tool has been selected and installed on the Nova Roma web site. This tool is MediaWiki, the same software used by wikipedia.org. It is located at:


II. Most static content of the web site - that is, almost everything except citizen profile pages - will be moved into the Wiki as time permits. The Annales and Tabularium are high-priority projects.

III. The following citizens shall be WikiMagisters (Scribae), possessing administrative accounts within the Wiki, maintaining user accounts, creating and maintaining templates, creating and enforcing style guidelines, and supervising edits of articles:

1. Quintus Valerius Callidus, Magister Aranearius.

2. Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Wiki Sysadmin and Bureaucrat.

3. Titus Octavius Pius Ahenobarbus

4. Marcus Lucretius Agricola

IV. Any citizen who wishes to participate may do so by signing up for a Wiki account and joining the mailing list NRWiki@yahoogroups.com. Before making any major contributions, please announce on the mailing list which articles you wish to work on, to avoid duplication of effort.

Dated Kal. MARTIAS 10:15 AM Roman time, issued officially in the consulship of Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus and Pompeia Minucia Strabo.

Ref: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NovaRoma-Announce/message/852

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