Talk:Election MMDCCLX (Nova Roma)

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Ex offico Tiberius Galerius Paulinus

I hereby withdraw my edicts convening both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa.

I declare all votes cast to be null and void and without legal effect.

Within the next seventy-two hours I will ask Censor and Augur Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus to again take the auspices and I will then reconvene both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa to elect our magistrate for 2761 a.u.c. and to enact laws.

In light of the fact that we did not have enough candidates for all offices I will also accept additional candidates for those offices only that still need a full allotment of candidates. ALL A CITIZENS NEED DO TO RUN FOR ANY OF THESE IS TO POST TO THE MAIN LIST OF NOVA ROMA. I WILL SEE THE POST THERE.

The offices up for election are:

  • AEDILIS CURULIS (2 openings) We have one candidate
  • QUAESTOR (8 openings) We have three candidates
  • CUSTOS (2 openings) We have one candidate

The ballots will also include our current candidates for these offices and for Censor, Consul and Praetor.

The proposed legislation will also be placed on the ballot. In addition to the leges that I have already proposed I will be adding a few more. One will be to simplify our elections based on the recommendations of those who have to carry them out.

I also offer my profound apologies to the citizens of Nova Roma. As Consul and as the convening magistrate I take full responsibility for this turn of events.

Given by my hand a.d. IV Id. Nov. MMDCCLX A.U.C.

( November 10 2760 A.U.C.), at 00:45 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.

Edict: Election MMDCCLX: offices and eligibility.

Ex officio Tiberius Galerius Paulinus:

I herby issue a call for candidates for the following offices:

  • I CENSOR: Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st,2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II CONSULS: Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st,2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II PRAETORS: Must be at least 25 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st,2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II CURULE AEDILES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • VIII QUAESTORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • II ROGATORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st,2008). Must be assiduus.
  • IV DIRIBITORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • II CUSTODES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.

Please announce your candidacy in this Roman forum (main e-mail list ) and by posting to me at: <> . To serve in any of these offices must have been a citizen for at least six months by Kal. Ian. 2761 (January 1st, 2008) and be an assiduus (tax-paying) citizen. I will submit an official list to the Magister Aranearius for placement in the cista and will post the same to the Forum.

Candidates will be accepted until pr. Kal. Nov. (October 31st 2760 ) 2359 Roman time.

The voting will commence on the a.d. XVII Kal. Dec.(November 15th) Pending favorable auspices.

tribuni plebis designati and aediles plebis designati

M Curiatius Complutensis, Tribunus Plebis, omnes civibus Novae Romae SPD.

A call for candidates is hereby issued for the offices of tribuni plebis designati and aediles plebis designati. Those designati for plebeian offices who are accepted by the Comitia Plebis Tributa by passage of a further plebiscitum de consecratio will then have their terms of office begin AUC 2760 a.d.IV Idus Dec.(10 Dec 2006). Any and all qualified plebeian citizens who desire to hold these offices in the coming months shall:

1.declare their candidacy to the current tribuni plebis and
2.announce their intentions to run for office before the Comitia Plebis Tributa (

Announcements of candidacy for these offices that are made to any other Nova Roma lists are allowed but will not meet the requirements needed to be recognized as a candidate. You must post your announcement to the Comitia Plebis Tributa


  • TRIBUNUS PLEBIS - ( 5 positions available ) Candidates must be cives, in good standing, for at least six full months before taking office, of the plebeian order, assidui, and at least 25 years of age by AUC 2760 a.d.IV Idus Dec (10 Dec 2007).
  • AEDILIS PLEBEIUS - ( 2 positions available ) Candidates must be cives, in good standing, for at least six full months before taking office on AUC 2760 a.d. IV Idus Dec (10 Dec 2007). They must be of the plebeian order, assidui, and at least 21 years of age by AUC 2759 a.d.IV Idus Dec (10 Dec 2006). Candidates for aedilis plebis must also have served at least six months as a tribunus plebis, quaestors, magister aranearius, editor commentariorum, or propraetor, or the candidate must demonstrate that he or she has served as a scriba to one of the current aediles plebis for at least six months.

Information for candidates

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Your statement

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{{CandidateDeclarationPage|MMDCCLX|Your Roman name|Office you are running for}}
[[Category:Candidates MMDCCLX|Your name without praenomen]]
<div class="scriptum">

  1. Change the parts in italics to your information.
  2. Anything you put between the "<div class="scriptum"> </div>" tags will appear in a red-bordered box. This is usually used for documents that are quoted verbatim.
  3. Use of the red-bordered section is optional. If a wiki-staffer copies your declaration of candidacy from the main list, it will appear in a box. You can leave it as it is or edit it away.
  4. Make sure that the category tag ([[Category:Candidates MMDCCLX|Your name without praenomen]]) is included.

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It is your responsibility to make sure that your information is correct and up to date. If you have any questions, please contact the wiki staff via the link above.

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