Edictum II censoris de censu anni MMDCCLX

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Vide: Edictum censoris de censu anni MMDCCLX


Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus S.P.D.

Ex Officio

Here is further information from the Census of 2007.


Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus

Census 2007 Report Part II

Officina Census CFBM
Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus, Censor
Marca Hortensia Maior, Scriba Censoris Census Primus
Scribae Censoris Officinae Census:
T. Arminius Genialis, Gn. Cornelius Lentullus, Gn. Equitius Marinus, M. Iulius Severus, and M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus.


Purpose and Results

The Officina Census conducted a census of all current members of Nova Roma from 1 Nov. to 1Dec. 2007. On file with the censors are the records of approximately 3787 applicants for membership, down from the 4332 files reviewed during Census 2005. Among these were 910 files of applicants who were never approved for membership. At the start of the census 135 applicants were still being processed, another 106 Citizens were in probationary status awaiting full citizenship. Another 226 former members have officially renounced their citizenship. The census began with 1189 former applicants and/or members listed as "disappeared." Five Citizens were listed as deceased. The focus of the census was thus placed on determining the status of the remaining 1216 members classified as Active Citizens.

Among Active members are four categories of cives:

1. Assidui who contributed annual dues to Nova Roma in 2007

2. Cives who voted in the elections of December 2004

3. Probationary Cives who joined after 1 January 2007 and had not yet completed their probationary period prior to 1 December 2007.

4. Capite Censi who responded to the Officina Census or to the propraetor/propraetrix of their respective provincia.

At the completion of Census 2005 it was determined that Nova Roma had a total of 662 full citizens and an additional 184 probationary citizens, for a potential of 846 Active members. Inactive Socii amounted to 1749 members, including 501 Socii who warranted being reclassified with a status of "Disappeared." By the beginning of Census 2007 the category of Socii had been eliminated, reducing the total number of files kept, and there were listed 1242 as "Disappeared." Through the process of the census another 440 were discovered who could not be contacted, and thus the number of those listed as "Disappeared" has increased to 1682 as of 1 December 2007. An overview of 831 Active Citizens is given below. The total number of Active Citizens decreased only 15 from 2005, with the main difference seen in the number of new applicants accepted as probationary Citizens even though, with over 900 applicants in 2007 alone, there has actually been an increase in the number of new applicants.

Full Citizens by Year of Citizenship

As m As f CC m CC f Mn Total 1998 11 3 4 1 0 19 1999 6 0 7 2 0 15 2000 9 4 14 4 2 33 2001 20 6 29 1 1 57 2002 20 7 36 9 1 73 2003 12 6 20 5 0 43 2004 21 5 38 8 3 75 2005 27 13 57 7 5 109 2006 33 13 68 9 6 129 2007 28 6 109 18 4 165

Citizens by Gender

Cives: Assidui Capite Censi minors Probationary Totals male 187 382 16 99 684 82% female 63 64 6 14 147 18 %

Patricias and Plebeians

Cives: Assidui Capite Censi minors Probationary Totals Patrician 67 65 6 138 17% Plebeian 183 381 16 113 693 83 %

Citizens by Provincia

1 Dec. 2007 As CC Mn Prob. Total Diff. 2005 Britannia 7 16 0 5 28 - 15 Dacia 16 3 1 0 20 - 1 (Deceased) Gallia 8 6 0 5 19 - 1 Germania 6 13 0 7 26 + 4 Hibernia 1 1 0 0 2 - 1 Hispania 13 62 0 16 91 + 2 Italia 12 37 1 8 58 + 10 Pannonia 6 5 0 1 12 - 2 Sarmatia 0 4 3 1 8 + 7 Thule 12 13 0 2 27 - 4 Venedia 0 3 0 0 3 + 2 Unorganized 1 1 0 2 4 + 1 Europe 82 164 5 47 298 + 2

North America As CC Mn Prob. Total Diff. 2005 Canada Occidentalis 9 3 0 1 13 + 3 Canada Orientalis 7 20 3 1 31 + 14

America Austroccidentalis 17 24 1 11 53 + 4 America Austrorientalis 27 26 0 8 61 - 18 America Boreoccidentalis 5 14 0 3 22 - 2 California 10 22 0 6 38 - 13 Lacus Magni 13 28 0 5 46 - 4 America Mediatlantica 23 38 2 9 72 - 12 America Mediocc. Superior 6 8 0 2 16 - 8 Nova Britannia 17 18 1 3 39 + 3

Mexico 5 10 0 2 17 - 2 North America 139 211 7 51 408 -35

Central America 1 5 0 1 7 N/A

South America As CC Mn Prob. Total Diff. 2005 Argentina 0 9 0 1 10 - 5 Brasilia 20 37 1 1 59 + 15 Peru 1 8 1 1 11 + 9 Unorganized 1 12 3 3 19 + 10 South America 22 66 5 6 99 + 29

As CC Mn Prob. Total Diff. 2005 Asia Ulterior 3 3 0 1 7 - 1 Asia Inferior 3 4 0 4 11 + 3 Australia 4 3 0 1 8 - 2

Africa (Unorganized) 0 4 0 1 5 - 4

1 Dec. 2007 As CC Mn Prob. Total Diff. 2005 Totals 254 460 22 112 843 - 3

The Assidui

Among the 714 full Citizens that Nova Roma had by the end of the census, 254 are assidui. This is the same proportion (36%) as was found in Census 2005. The number of assidui increased in all regions except in South America where the number has decreased at the same time that GNP in the countries of this region has likewise decreased. The chart below rearranges the provinciae according to the number of assidui in each. Differences in the tax rate (projected for 2008) for each provincia were then considered to show what each provincia will potentially provide in revenues to Nova Roma for the coming year. The increase or decrease shown in parentheses reflects that tax rates have fluctuated since 2005, with the tax rates rises for next year in North America and Europe, but decreasing in South America.

America Austrorientalis 27 $394.20 (+$173.20) America Mediatlantica 23 $335.80 (-$41.20) America Austroccidentalis 17 $248.20 (+$27.20) Nova Britannia 17 $248.20 (-$37.80) Lacus Magni 13 $189.80 (-$5.20) Thule 12 @ $150.89 (+$60.89) California 10 $146.00 (+$29.00) Italia 12 $120.84 (-$5.16) Hispania 13 $118.69 (-$63.31) Canada Occidentalis 9 $107.10 (+$47.10) America Mediocc. Superior 6 $87.60 (+$35.60) Gallia 8 @ $85.60 (+$45.60) Canada Orientalis 7 $83.30 (+43.30) Britannia 7 $74.20 (-$33.80) America Boreoccidentalis 5 $73.00 (-$5.00) Germania 6 @ $67.06 (+$17.06) Brasilia 20 $58.60 (-$1.40) Dacia 16 $48.48 (+$38.48) Australia 4 $44.40 (+$44.40) Pannonia 6 @ $38.46 (+$21.46) Asia Orientalis 3 $33.09 (+$29.09) Mexico 5 $17.85 (+$14.85) Latin America (Unorganized) 4 $17.00 (+$5.00) Hibernia 1 $14.83 (+4.83) Asia Occidentalis 3 $11.64 (+$11.64) Africa (Unorganized) 0 $0 (-$4.30) Argentina 0 $0 (No Change) Sarmatia 0 $0 (No Change) Venedia 0 $0 (No Change)

Totals 254 $2814.83 (+$443.53)

Conduct of the Census

Announcements of the census were posted to the Nova Roma Mainpage, Mainlist and Announcements Board. Scriba Census Primus M. Hortensia Maior and the scribae of the Offica Census CFBM contacted each of the provincial governors. Provincial governors then posted the announcement of the census to provincial email lists and contacted individual Citizens.

The Offica Census 2007 sent out emails to all 1216 Active Civis on 3 November, followed again on 17 November. Additional emails were sent out in Spanish to those Cives in Mexico, Central America, South America and Spain. Translations into other languages were provided by governors to their provincial lists. Censor Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus then sent personal emails to all Active Citzens between 17 – 19 November. When emails were returned for a bad email address, the governors of the respective provincia was notified and asked to do a follow up by alternate means so that individual files could be updated.

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