ES:Res publica Novae Romae
From NovaRoma
Revision as of 07:42, 28 January 2008 by M. Lucretius Agricola (Talk | contribs)
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¿Qué es Nova Roma?
Nova Roma es una organización dedicada al estudio y a la restauración de la antigua cultura Romana. Desde su legendaria fundación en el 753 A.C. al 330 d.C., cuando dejó de ser el centro de la autoridad Imperial, Roma sentó las bases para la consolidación de nuestra civilización occidental.
Album Civium (lista de gentes y ciudadanos) - FAQ
Provinciae - Provincias
Nova Roma is divided into a number of Provincias. A provincia can comprise a single country or several, or on the other end of the spectrum, can be made up of sub-national units from a single country. Unlike provinces of Canada or American states, Nova Roman provinciae are creations of the Senate, the 'national' governing body. The Senate, under the Lex Vedia Provincialis, can create a new provincia or combine existing ones by Senatus Consultum. The Senate also has the power to appoint and replace governors. Webs Provinciales
Aerarium Saturni - Financial Documents
The Nova Roma Aerarium Saturni is the repository for all the official financial documents of the State. All official documents and treasury reports of the quaestors are available for the perusal of all at any time.
Anales de Nova Roma
Read the Anales de Nova Roma, from its founding in Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. ‡ MMDCCLI a.u.c. to the present.
Magistrates and Senators
Elected annually, our Magistrados de este año are the executive officers of Nova Roma. Our magistracies are as close to those of the late Roman Republic as we can make them.
Senadores are appointed by the Censores. Our Senate is patterned after that of the late Republic as well.Leyes, Edictos, Constitución
The Nova Roma's Tabularium is modeled on that of ancient Rome.
Ager Publicus - Our land
In April, 2003 the Senate of Nova Roma approved the purchase of a 10-acre ranch in Texas, USA (Nova Roma's Provincia America Austroccidentalis) to serve as our ager publicus This land is a confirmation of Nova Roma's existence as a viable organization with practical real world objectives.
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