Certamen Historicum ~ Ludi Conditorum 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

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Welcome to the Certamen Historicum

Salvete omnes,

Welcome to the Certamen Historicum, the historical quiz.

To celebrate the anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, the quiz this time is about our own Nova Roma history.

This is a great opportunity to see how much we can remember, or, for newer citizens, to help you learn about what has happened in our Republic. So please take part, join in the fun, and let's see how much we know, or can find out, about our own past.

There are three sets of eight questions. One mark will be given for each correct answer. Where there is more than one element in the question, a mark will be given for each element answered correctly.

The answers should all be found in and around the Nova Roma web pages. To give you all enough research time, the answers must reach me by 6pm Rome time on Friday 29 February.

Please send your answers to me at the following email address: jbshr1pwa@btinternet.com

So here we go with the first eight questions. Good luck and happy hunting.

C Marcius Crispus

First Round Questions


1. Who founded Nova Roma (Roman names please), and when?

Flavius Vedius Germanicus and Marcus Cassius Iulianus, the fathers of the country, issued the Declaratio on 28 February 1998 (prid. Kal. Mar. MMDCCLI a.u.c). This publicly declared the founding of Nova Roma. Today we celebrate that founding event. . The earliest citizenship dates start from the next day, 1 March 1998 (Kal. Mar. MMDCCLI a.u.c).

2. How many times, and in which years, were these two joint consuls?

Twice. 1998 and 2001. (MMDCCLI and MMDCCLIV a.u.c).

3. Who was the first Censor of Nova Roma, and who replaced him?

At the beginning of Nova Roma, from 1 March 1998, Flavius Vedius Germanicus and Marcus Cassius Iulianus were at the same time both Consuls and Censors. Flavius Vedius Germanicus, resigned VII Id Sep MMDCCI (7 Sep 1998). Decius Iunius Palladius, was appointed Censor Suffectus XIV Kal Oct MMDCCLI (18 Sep 1998), joining Marcus Cassius Iulianus as joint Censor.

4. What major Nova Roman turn of events took place at the end of June, 1999 and who were the consuls for that year?

At the end of June 1999 Nova Roma entered into what has become known as the Civil War. Arguments broke out as to whether appointments in Nova Roma were legitimate. Various factions were formed, each claiming to have the greatest legitimacy. One of these took down the website. In July the Senate appointed Flavius Vedius Germanicus as Dictator to sort things out. This was the Vedian Dictatorship. As a result, there were three consuls that year: Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus (whose election was invalidated by Flavius Vedius Germanicus), Decius Iunius Palladius (Invictus), and Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Felix).

5. Where is Nova Roma legally incorporated?

Maine, USA

6. What is the extent of land area owned by Nova Roma, where is it, and when was it purchased?

In April, 2003 the Senate of Nova Roma approved the purchase of a 10-acre ranch in Culberson County in West Texas., USA. (Nova Roma's Provincia America Austroccidentalis). The land was purchased by M. Cassius Iulianus and he donated it to Nova Roma. Any Citizen of Nova

Roma is welcome to visit it should they travel to the area. Take some water with you, though!


7. What is the currency of Nova Roma?

The only currency actually in circulation is the Sestertius.

8. How many issues of the Nova Roma currency have there been, and what were the names of each issue?

There have been two issues of currency. The first is known as the Declaratio, to commemorate publication of the Declaratio as the founding event of Nova Roma, and was made of bronze. The second is called the Quadriga, and is made of brass.

Second Round Questions

Third Round Questions

Final Results

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