Aedilitas curulis MMDCCLXI - Edict n°61-08

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- PMA 61-08 on the organization of the Magna Mater Fund


EDICT n°61-08

Aed. Cur. Memmius EDICT (n° 61-08) concerning the organization of Magna Mater Project (Edictum de ordine Magnae Matris Institutum)

In view of my previous edict n° 61-07 on the management of the aedilician fund (Edictum de regimine aerarii aedilicii), that the present text specifies,

Edict :

Article 1 : Management of Magna Mater Project

The Magna Mater Project is lead either directly by the aediles, or by a specially assigned scriba, called « Coordinator ».As every scriba aedilicius, the Coordinator works under the responsibility of the curule aediles. (S-)he may, if the aediles agree, take part to the communication on the Project with the Senate. The coordinator has the same mission and tasks than every project leader, applied naturally to the specificities of Magna Mater Project.

For year 2761 a.u.c. (2008 c.c.), and in application of aedilician edict n° 61-07 March 2761, a.d. Kal. Apr. XVI, (17/03/2008), Aedile P. Memmius Albucius takes the direct responsibility of Magna Mater Project.

Article 2 : Organization of Magna Mater Project

Aedilie Memmius is assisted in 2761/2008 by a Project team composed of members of aedilician cohors, of a delegate of the consuls, and of qualified personalities, chosen for their experience, skills and involvement, specially for Magna Mater Project.

The Project team is chaired and managed by aedile P. Memmius Albucius or, exceptionally in case of not avaibility, by a delegate member of the aedilitas specially designed for this task.

Article 3 : Organization of Magna Mater Collegium

1. The Magna Mater Collegium is composed of twelve members :

  • P. Memmius Albucius, curule aedile

Members of aedilician cohors :

  • L. Vitellius Triarius, quaestor, who will specially watch on Magna Mater Project finances along with aed. Memmius, and assist him when needed in reporting to the Senate;
  • G. Marcius Crispus, scribe
  • Q. Valerius Poplicola, scribe

Delegate of the consul :

  • Eq. Iunia Laeca, quaestor.

Qualified personalities, ex qualities :

  • Fr. Apulus Caesar, consularis, former aedile and Praefectus Italiae
  • M. Iulius Perusianus, former aedile and praetor, currently in charge of MMP European account
  • T. Iulius Sabinus, consul, former coordinator, former aedile
  • C. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus, censorius, former aedile and founder of Magna Mater Project
  • Gn. Equitius Marinus, censorius, for his wide knowledge of Nova Roma laws and society, and of the American one
  • C. Curius Saturninus, former pl. Aedile, for his involvement in issuing several promotion products on Magna Mater Project (dvd, business cards, t-shirts..)
  • O. Fabius Montanus, for his technical skills, and who is currently in charge of Magna Mater Project web site.

2. The Magna Mater Collegium meets every two months on Idus (15th) at 22:30 Rome time, except in August 2761 a.u.c.. The meeting may last two days in the frame of a Yahoo! List, or a few hours inside a real time messenger platform. The August meeting will take place during the Conventus Daciae, at a day which will be specified later.

3. The Magna Mater Collegium meets on a agenda proposed by the aedile or his representative and sent to the members at least one week before the meeting. The items discussed are relative to every matter concerning the Project, specially its definition, its main lines, its budget, its global strategy, its development, the actions already undertaken and how they are made, etc..

Article 4 : Enforcement of the Edict

Every Nova Roman public officer and her/his departement must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in the Tabularium Novae Romae at the following address and in Nova Roma Yahoo! relevant lists:

Issued in Cadomagus, Gallia, Kal. Apr. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (1st April 2008 c.c.) during the consulate of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus.

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