Novae - 2008 European Roman Festival

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The European Roman Festival is organized in Novae - Moesia between 26th of June and 29th of June MMDCCLXI a.U.c.



Three centuries of legionaires, more than 250 miles defend the Empire from 300 barbarians!


Thursday, June 26

-3 pm: Munnicipality Svishtov - pening of the International Archaeological Conference dedicated to the Roman town Novae.
-7 pm: Closing of the Conference.
-8:30 pm: Arrival of the Fire of Vesta at Novae in a Roman boat. Reception of the Fire at Pametnitsite Park. Ignition of the Fire.
-8:35 pm: Pyrotechnical opening show.

Friday, June 27

-10 am: Legions participation in the commemoration of Svishtov's Liberation Day activities at Pametnitsite Park.
-11:30 am: Lustratio Exercito (purification ritual) at the Legionary Camp (city stadium).
-1 pm: Opening of the Market, Castra Legionari and the Barbarian encampments (at Svoboda city square and city stadium).
-1:30 pm: Opening of the Slave market (at city center).
-3 pm: Opening of the reconstructed Villa Extra Murros (Archaeological site Novae).
-4 pm: First combat between legionnaires and barbarians for the liberation of slaves.
-5 pm: Gladiator fights (Amphitheater Kaleto).
-7 pm: Legions and barbarians parade (from the city stadium to the city center).
-8 pm: Roman dance show (Amphitheater Kaleto).
-9 pm: Coena Libera Gladiatoria.

Saturday, June 28

-10 am: Opening of the Antique market (city center).
-10 am: Opening at Villa Extra Murros of a buffet with Roman pastry and meals (Archaeological site Novae).
-11 am: Opening of the barbarian camps - exercises, demonstrations (city stadium).
-12:30 am: The Dance of Salis ritual (city center).
-2 pm: Roman dances show (city center).
-4 pm: Gladiator fights (city center).
-6 pm: Fight between legionnaries and barbarians (city stadium).
-6:45 pm: Legionary funeral ritual (city stadium).
-7 pm: Parade of the fancy dress participants (from the city stadium to the city center).
-10 pm: Ritual to Mithra, by night (city center).
-10:20 pm: Music concert (city center).

Sunday, June 29

-10 am: Opening at the Villa Extra Murros of a stand with Roman make-up and hair-styles, buffet with Roman pastry and meals.
-11 am: Opening of the military camp - exercises and demonstrations.
-11 am: Opening of the Antique market.
-11:30 am: Stela Votiva ceremony (at Archaeological site Novae).
-1 pm: Roman dance show (city center).
-2:30 pm: Legionary wedding ritual (city center).
-4 pm: Gladiator fights (city center).
-5:30 pm: Ludi Moesici - four groups or town districts, wearing four different colors, will compete in contest (chariots racing or gladiatorial fights).
-6 pm: The Great Battle at the Military camp.
-9 pm: The Great Parade of Triumph under torch lights.
-10 pm: Extinguishing the Fire of Vesta and final closing fireworks show.


  • Italy:
- Legio I Italica - The Legio I Italica is a cultural association that deals of the reconstruction of the Roman Empire, not only in its military aspects, but also in common life.
- Gruppo di danze antiche di Villadose - This group is part of the Archaeological Group of Villadose. From many years studying, it proposed ballets experiments in Italy and in Europe dances that probably could be admired. During the festival days, the group of with their dances and banquets, will host the civilians rites.
- Gruppo storico la commenda - The Group Commenda The Town was born in Calerno (Reggio Emilia) in 2000, taking it name from the structure calernese dell'Hospitale Sancti Laurentij, then Jerusalem Commenda of Saints John and Lorenzo (1107 - 1798). The group split again living medieval and Renaissance: appreciated and needed by prestigious historical, lupanare (for secc. XIV and XVI) and leprosarium are reproduced through clothes, accessories and furnishings. At Novae this group becomes a lupanare of the first century after Christ.
- Terra Taurina - Terra Taurina is an association, but also a group of friends, which works through publications, meetings, conferences and events to safeguard and divulge the historical, linguistic, traditional and artistic patrimony of Piemontese and Aosta Valley’s territory, seeking those bonds with more ancient roots and our more deep values.
- Compagnia del Cardo e del Brugo - The cultural association of Company of Cardo and Brugo dorn in winter of 1999, from passion for culture celto-Norwegian Highland of a group of friends and evolves, in the Group of Historical Recalling that chooses his date of birth the feast of Imbolc 2002 (02/02/02). The Group of Historical Recalling reconstructs two distinct periods and populations: celtoliguri Iriates, who in the third century BC populated ligure Appennino's and celtic-norvegias from the Highlands of X century AD
- Confederatione teuta lingones - The confederation teuta lingones, was born in September 2006 and brings together the three teuta lingones in our beautiful land Po valley : teuta lingones boar white teuta lingones ravens, teuta boico lingones of archers yr. By a strong these here reunited by friendship and a common purpose, commit forces, passions and resources to put the maximum effort in which they love: recalling the historic Celtics.

  • United States:
- Legio XX - The Twentieth Legion was founded in 1991 to recreate the soldiers of the Roman Army for public demonstrations and living history displays. Our weapons, armor, and accoutrements are all carefully researched, and reconstructed at our own expense. Our troops demonstrate the tactics of the day, and the use of the legionary's various weapons. We can discuss many aspects of Roman army life, and will sometimes spend a day or weekend living like our ancient counterparts did on campaign. We also have a civilian contingent which displays daily life in the ancient Roman world.
- Legio VI Victrix - Twenty centuries ago, the original Legio VI Victrix distinguished itself as a fighting and civilizing force, bringing the enemies of Rome to heel and teaching them the benefits of civilization. Today's Legio VI Victrix recreates a garrison camp near the Roman city of Eburacum (modern York) in the province of Britannia. Our members portray the foot soldiers and officers of the legion, Imperial officials, and the civilian denizens of a Roman province. Our basic time frame is AD 122-138, during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian, although sub-units portray Legio VI during the Republic and Late Empire as well.
- Nova Roma - Nova Roma is an international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. From its founding to 330 CE, when it ceased to be the center of Imperial authority, Rome laid the foundation for our modern Western civilization. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times, not through the sword and the legions, however, but through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example.

  • Hungary:
- Legio I Adiutrix - The idea of founding a group of Roman reenactment, we first came to mind during a conversation at work in 1993. The original idea was to build a Roman ship that was then transformed into reviving the concept of Roman military life, beginning bloomed in the garrison of Brigetio legionnaire. After some historical research, we chose Legio I Adiutrix forebear, because it has defended this part of limes for a long period of time (from 90 to 440 AD).
- Legio XV Apollinaris - Group of historical reconstruction that brought alive the Legio XV Apollinaris. This group is located in the ancient Roman city of Savaria the current Szombathely in Hungary, where every year there is a wonderful demonstration area of the Roman Empire.
- Collegium Gladiatorium - Our organization, the Collegium Gladiatorium Cultural Society and Traditional Fighting Club has been established to direct attention to the culture and history of the once-prospering ancient Roman Empire by performing gladiatorial fights as spectacular shows. Our ways proved to be highly effective: the number of our members nowadays exceeds 50 as contrasted to the original six.
- Germanica Valgart Group - Group of historical reconstruction.
- Nova Roma Pannonia - Nova Roma Pannonia is part of Nova Roma one of the most important international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture.

  • Spain:
- Vexillatio Legio IV Macedonica - The Legio MACEDONICA IV represent the reconstruction of a Contubernio (group of eight legionaries), created by the Laboratory for the reconstruction of history and archaeology. Its history, puts this unit from Republican until imperial. Its creator is Ricardo Cagigal he has designed a series of clothing and equipment, which divides into three periods: age Republican (first century BC); Cántabras Wars, the first century BC and two legionnaires Flavia's age (second half I Century AC).

  • Bulgaria:
- Cohors I Thracorum Ulpiana Cives Romanorum - This group of auxiliary was created for fighting alongside the various cohorts who will participate in this event, during the battles taking place these days, full but we hope that this new group will become a vexillatio of Legio I Italica in these places of our history.

  • Czech Republic & Slovakia:
- Legio X Gemina Pia Fidelis - This group is made up of legionaires from Czech Republic and Slovakia. They represent a legion of the Imperial era, Legio X Gemina Pia Fidelis.
- Celtica boiove & Fergunna - The growing interest in reenactement leaded in 2004 to creation of the groups Boiové and Fergunna concerning about this matter. Both groups colaborate very closely in reconstruction of celtic life in 2nd and 3th century b.c. in Hercing forest. Objective of groups in colaboration with archaeologists is to reconstruct civil life, handcrafts and military life of our predecesors - the Celts.

  • Russia:
- Legio V Macedonica - The Legio V Macedonica was based in Serdica the current Sofia.
- Cohors II Mattiacorum Equitata - The Cohors II has historically fought in Lower Moesia with Trajan wars against Dacians occasion. This is a group of auxiliary Legio V Macedonica.

  • United Kingdom:
- Legio II Augusta - Since its inception, over 15 years ago, Legio II Augusta's military and civilian section has grown from strength to strength to become one of Europe’s pre-eminent Roman reenactment groups. Today its displays encompass the full range of military and civil life - artillery, engineers, mosaicists, aristocratic ladies, slaves, archers, sculptors, smiths, cavalry, medical staff, painters and an unrivalled collection of full sized buildings, models, and archaeologically accurate military equipment, musical instruments, household artefacts, and much more. All this comes together to create an unforgettable live experience and a single point of contact to supply people and equipment for all manner of film and television work.

  • Romania:
- Nova Roma Dacia - Nova Roma Dacia is part of Nova Roma one of the most important international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture.
  • Germania:
- Ask Alemannen - The cultural Ask alamannische group offers a cultural representation on the basis of archaeological finds and historical research. We develop a tangible image of the Germans - especially the Alemans - that helps, people to undestand political and religions idiologies of that ancient people.

Nova Roman delegation

Nova Roman deputation to Novae Roman Festival is composed of:

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