Provincia Gallia - Events (Nova Roma)
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The European conventus
Here you will find the pictures taken by P. Memmius Albucius, governor Galliae, during the conventus in Italia 2758, Britannia 2759 and Dacia 2761 :
- Italia 2758
- Britannia 2759
- Dacia 2761
Events of a year
Nova Roma Gallia has participated, in this summer 2007, to four major reenactment events in France :
Between she-owl and she-wolf, 12 hours to celebrate Greeks and Latins
Sat. 23th June
Abbey of Ardenne, near Caen (Normandy)
During this 12 hours event workshops, shows, debates, conferences and screenings were available around the general thema of how the Greek-Latin culture stays (or not) firm in modern occidental education. A children space allowed the youngest, from 2 to 7 pm, to make small statues, fibulae or ancient coins, to taste Apicius’s cooking, play ancient games, read 'ancient' comics, or attend a gladiators show. An ancient Roman dinner will end the day in the fresh air, by torchlight.
See the pictures -
Andesina's ancient festival
Su. 24th June
Grand (Vosges)
In the ancient gallo-roman site of Andesina, where remains a splendid Roman amhitheatre, this festival has been organized in 2007 under the auspices of Andesina association. It has gathered the most important active reenactment French groups: Legio VIII Augusta, Pax Augusta, Via Romana, Legion XXII Primigenia (Nasium), the Ambiani, the Leuki, Limitis, Taranis and Epona.
See the pictures -
Boulogne historical camp
Sa 21st and Su. 22th July
Boulogne-sur-mer is the ancient Gesoriacum, then Bononia. It was Caesar's Portus Itius and Classis Britannica's operational base.
As Boulogne is also a key Napoleonian spot (scheduled invasion of England), a multi-period event has been organized, for the first time, this year. Romans have had a real success, specially Legio VIII Augusta which was reinforced by the other Legio XXII group, this time based in Bavay (ancient Bagacium - Nord).
See the pictures -
Autun gallo-roman week-end
Fr. 10 to Su. 12 August
Autun (Saône-et-Loire)
For the first time, the ancient famous Augustodunum has organized a gallo-roman week-end, with a movie session, a roman dinner, a 'gallo-roman street' with exhibitions by Gallic and gladiators troops. The evenings have proposed 'Augustodunum, Murcia's travel' a night sound-and-light show. Despite the weather (clouds and rain every day !), people appreciated the event.
See the pictures
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Provinciae (Nova Roma)