Ludi Plebeii 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

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Ludi Circenses

This year's Chariot Race was won by VOLCANUS, owned by Q. SERVILIUS PRISCUS and driven by MERDDYN for FACTIO VENETA. Congratulations to him and the whole Blue Team - another trophy to be added to their already full collection!

Q. Servilius Priscus shall be awarded a new Nova Roman coin in due course.

The full accounts of the Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Final races may be found on their own pages, linked below.

Historical Quiz: Ipse Dixit, Part II

During the Ludi Plebeii week, I will be posting on the Nova Roma main list 12 questions (in two batches of six questions each) relating to famous sentences in Latin. All citizens are hereby invited to send me their answers according to the instructions which will be posted in due time on the main NR list.

The winner of the Historical Quiz will be awarded a Nova Roman Sestertius and a place of honor here on this page.

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