User talk:Gaius Equitius Cato

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Revision as of 11:24, 26 August 2009 by Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Talk | contribs)
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Salve, C. Equiti Cato!

And welcome to the editorial staff of our website. Please remember always to observe our category system, adding each new article you create to the relevant category. Please also observe to add a languagebar to each new page and to keep the orthographic design in line with the accepted practices (no full capitalization for emphasis, but bold letters e.g.). When adding new pictures, we use thumnails. See an example to this in the article of Iuno.

If you have any kind of question, don't hesitate to ask help from me, I'm the content manager as Magister Aranearius. For technical management we have no officer currently, but Agricola is an unofficial adviser for that matter. Saturninus is the ultimate boss, as Curator Rei Informaticae.

Vale! --Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus 13:22, 26 August 2009 (CEST)

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