Election MMDCCLXII (Nova Roma)/Aula Arria Carina

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CIV-Aula Arria Carina.jpg

Aula Arria Carina

Album Civium


A. Arria Carina omnibus civibus Novae Romae S.P.D:

I present my candidacy for quaestura. I'm 40 years old, Nova Roma citizen since 2005 and assidui all this time.

My activities were directed most to the provincial level development, serving as scriba in the Dacia Praetorium for many years. I was elected as Oppidum Bucurestium aedilis for two times. In that position I contributed organizing many local events. In the same time, near my co-fellows, I participated to international events as Nova Roma Conventus and Roman festivals.

Quaestura is the first step in Cursus Honorum. I run for this position with the hope that I can add my contribution to the future Nova Roma development. With respect I ask for your vote.

A. Arria Carina

Quaestrix candidata.

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