Ludi Romani (Nova Roma)/Certamen Historicum de Constitutione Antoniniana

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Emperor Antoninus Caracalla, author of the Constitutio Antoniniana


Certamen Historicum de Constitutione Antoniniana


Welcome to the Ludi Romani, and to our quiz!

This year is the 1800th anniversary of the Constitutio Antoniniana, a law which was of fundamental importance in the history of Western civilization. The Constitutio Antoniniana (Latin: "Constitution [edict] of Antoninus") was an edict issued in 212 AD (a widely acceptad but debated dating), by the Roman emperor Caracalla. The law declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in Empire were given the same rights as Roman women were. For us, Nova Romans, it is an incredibly important historical event. As we all know, Romans were different from many nations in history: instead of ethical identity, the basis of Roman identity was Roman citizenship. Citizenship was the most valued asset in the lives of millions of Romans, and if somone would have asked an ancient Roman what made him Roman or what to be Roman meant, he certainly had answered: Roman citizenship. In Nova Roma, too, Nova Roman citizenship is what makes us all real Romans. Our Nova Roman citizenship is - or must be - the most important constituent of our Roman identity, because without that we can not be truly Romans. In fact, distributing and maintaining Roman citizenship is the most significant service that Nova Roma gives to the world - and we must be proud of that. This mission of Roman revival, started with the founding of Nova Roma in 1998, now must be kept alive by you, and by participating in this historical contest, you have the opportunity to give a sign to our community how important your citizenship is for you.

Participate in the Certamen Historicum de Constitutione Antoniniana, let the world know you are proud of your Roman citizenship!


1. Questions are posted daily, one question per one day. There will be 7 questions in total.

2. There are points for correctness and points for quickness of answers.

3. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. An extra point may be awarded for an especially detailed and excellent answer. Half point may be given for an incomplete but otherwise correct answer.

4. For each question, the contestant who is first to answer that question, regardless to its correctness, gets 3 points for quickness. The second prerson to answer the question gets 2 points, the third person gets 1 point.

5. In case of a tie between the contestants, the winner is whose points of correctness are the higher. If these are tie, too, points for quickness must be compared. If it's a tie again, the jury will decide upon examination and comparison of the quality of their answers.

6. Answers are to be sent to this e-mail address before the posting of next day's question (approximately within 24 hours).

Questions and Answers

Day 1 (September 9th)

Question #1. Before the Constitutio Antoniniana was put forth, which province did most Roman citizens reside?

  • Answer #1.

Day 2 (September 10th)

Question #2.

  • Answer #2.

Day 3 (September 11th)

Question #3.

  • Answer #3.

Day 4 (September 12th)

Question #4.

  • Answer #4.

Day 5 (September 13th)

Question #5.

  • Answer #5.

Day 6 (September 14th)

Question #6.

  • Answer #6. .

Day 7 (September 15th)

Question #7.

  • Answer #7.

Final Results

The scores and final positions are:

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:
  • 4th Place:
  • 5th Place:
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