Senatus consultum regarding provincia Sarmatia

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1. The governor and citizens of the Nova Roman province of Sarmatia is

instructed to forthwith terminate all fund raising activity, all

disbursement of money or any other financial activity conducted in the

name of the province of Sarmatia or in the name of Nova Roma, or on

behalf of Sodalitas proDIIS or any other activity, project, entity or


2. The governor of the Nova Roman province of Sarmatia or his

successor(s) or designates is/are instructed to prepare a full

accounting of all assets, donations or payments of monies received

together any other income and all expenditures from the date of the

formation of the province onwards, together with a full list of any

and all bank accounts, PayPal accounts, or any other account used for


collection, storage or distribution of money that it has raised or

otherwise acquired.

3. The governor of the Nova Roman province of Sarmatia or his

successor(s) or designates will remit the full accounting required at

(2) above to the Consuls of Nova Roma within 30 (thirty) days of the

passing of this Senatus Consultum.

4. The Consuls shall by consular edictum specify the form that

accounting and provision of information as required at (2) shall take

and may amend that form by subsequent edicta, as well as further

define by consular edictum details of any other items, information or

action required that they deem necessary to provide full and

comprehensive disclosure by the Nova Roman province of Sarmatia of its


5. The Consuls are empowered to determine whether, based on the

information received, or as a result of the failure to provide any or

all of the information required by this Senatus Consultum or under

Consular edictum, the Nova Roman province of Sarmatia should be placed

under direct control and administration of the Consuls, which if they

so determine shall be made effective by the issuance of a Consular

edict to that effect.

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