Ludi Megalenses MMDCCLXVII (2767) AUC (Nova Roma)/Opening Ceremonies
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Opening Remarks from the Aedilis curulis, L. Vitellius Triarius
pr. Non. Apr. ‡ St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXVII a.u.c.
Salvete omnes!
On this morning, we remember the strife of the Roman People during the 2nd Punic War with Carthage, the stories of the arrival on this day of the Magna Mater in ancient Rome.
At the altar of Victoria in my home this morning, I offered incense and prayers to the goddess Cybele, the Magna Mater, on behalf of the Senate and Peoples of Nova Roma. As well, offerings and prayers were given to Father Iuppiter, Father Apollo, Mother Minerva, Mother Fortuna, and Mother Bellona, also honored during these games.
With this, as Aedilis curulis, I officially open these games and present to you the Editor of the Games for this year’s Megalesia, Tib. Cassius Atellus, and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for the Opening Rites.
Let us honor the Magna Mater and let the games begin!
Optime valete,
Aedilis curulis
Opening Remarks from the Editor of the Games, Ti. Cassius Atellus
Ti. Cassius Atellus omnibus in foro S.P.D.
Today, as the Ludi Megalenses commence, I will be offering some opening remarks and outlining the schedule for the coming week over a live Youtube broadcast, which will start today, April 4th, at 11:00 PM Rome time, or 3:00 PM Mountain Daylight time. I would like to apologize for the very short notice, but I've been behind in setting things up. Fortunately, those who aren't able to view it live will be able to see it later on. After the opening remarks and such have concluded, there will be a question & answer / social session. Unfortunately, only those with a Youtube account will be able to participate in the Q&A, but everyone can watch.
Once the broadcast has ended, it will spend some time uploading, and will be available to watch in full within an hour or two. I will post a link to the broadcast as soon as it's up and running, and I hope to see many of you there!
Valete optime!
Ti. Cassius Atellus Chronicler of Nova Roma
Opening Consular Remarks from the Consul maior, Sta. Cornelia Aeternia
Sacra publica by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Cn. Lentulus pontifex Quiritibus s. p. d.
The Ludi Megalenses, the Megalesia, have started today. I have offered the solemn Megalesia sacrifice to Magna Mater, a Goddess with whom Nova Roma has a special connection.
Quirites, join with your prayers and pray for Nova Roma that it may become truly Roman more and more, day by day.
As a Megalesia Gift for all of you, citizens of Nova Roma, I offer that I perform a private sacrifice in your behalf for ANY objective or wish you have. Please contact me privately during the days of Megalesia.
Happy Megalesia!
The sacrifice has been this:
Favete linguis!
Magna Mater Deum Idaea,
te hoc thure obmovendo bonas preces precor,
uti sies volens propitia Novae Romae,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[Great Idaean Mother of the Gods,
by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so
that you may be benevolent and propitious to Nova Roma
to me, to my household and to my family.]
Magna Mater Deum Idaea,
uti te thure dato bonas preces precatus sum,
eiudem rei ergo macte hoc lacte libando
esto fito volens propitia Novae Romae,
mihi domo familiae!
[Great Idaean Mother of the Gods,
as by offering you the incense I have well prayed good prayers,
for the very same reason be thou, blessed by this sacrificial milk,
benevolent and propitious to Nova Roma
to me, to my household and to my family.]
Magna Mater Deum Idaea,
te quaesumus veneramur precamur
uti hisce ludis Megalensibus tuis sactissimis,
Novam Romam augeas, adiuves, confirmes,
utique negligentiam erga te nostram ignoscas,
atque uti nobis ignoscas propter vitia nostra
facta de Proiecto Magnae Matris!
[Great Idaean Mother of the Gods,
we ask, pray and beseech you so
that, upon these Megalesian Games consecrated to you,
you may confirm, strengthen and help Nova Roma,
so that forgive us our negligence towards you,
and forgive us for our mistakes
committed regarding the Magna Mater Project!]
Harum rerum ergo macte
hoc lacte melle mixto
et hoc thure dato
esto fito volens propitia Novae Romae,
Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
collegio pontificum,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[For all these reasons, thou blessed
by offering these 3 liba,
by offering this milk with honey,
by offering this incense
be benevolent and propitious to Nova Roma,
to the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the College of Pontiffs,
to me, to my household and to my family.]
Magna Mater Deum Idaea,
si quid vitii in hac caerimonia infuit,
ex te veniam peto,
et vitium meum hoc lacte dato expio.
[Great Idaean Mother of the Gods,
if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you,
I ask forgiveness from you,
and I expiate my fault with this sacrificial milk]
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