Session February 2768

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Senate Summons Information

Conv. mag. Call date Call msg Session beg. Session end Contio beg. Contio end Vote beg. Vote end Rep. tb Rep. nb msg
Cos MPC 06-Mar-2768 ML 94868 18-Feb-2768
7:00 AM CET
6:05 PM CET
7:00 AM CET
5:50 PM CET
7:00 AM CET
6:00 PM CET
MML ML 94878

Session Voting Summary Results

Item nb. Item title Mand. SC Appr. of a pres. mag. prop. Nb of sen. Voters Non voters Quorum obt. 2/3 qual. maj. UR ANT ABS APPR
I The Senate grants Gaius Claudius Quadratus access to the Censorial database of Nova Roma - - 22 16 6 Yes - 16 0 0 Passed
II Prior service exemption for Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus and governorship of America Gallica - - 22 16 6 Yes - 15 1 0 Passed
VI Prorogation of current governors and appointment of new governors - - 22 16 6 Yes - 16 0 0 Passed

Session Voting Summary Results by Senator

Initials I II VI

Tribune Report

Ex Officio Marci Martianii Lupi, Tribunus Plebis

Salvete omnibus in foro!

Following is a report relating to the recently concluded Senate session.

Senate Voting Results published on 10 March 2015 -- a.d. VI Id. Martias MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Presiding Magistrate:

Marcus Pompeius Caninus, Consul


Decius Iunius Palladius is on Leave - his Proxy is assigned to Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix.
A Quorum was achieved.


07:00 AM ROME TIME 18-Feb-2015 : Call to order. Debate period commences.
05:50 PM ROME TIME 22-Feb-2015 : Debate period ends.
07:00 AM ROME TIME 25-Feb-2015 : Call to vote. Voting period commences.
06:00 PM ROME TIME 06-Mar-2015 : Voting period ends.
06:05 PM ROME TIME 09-Mar-2015 : Call to close issued before this time.

Voting Agenda:

Item I - Gaius Claudius Quadratus access to the Censorial database of Nova Roma
Item II - Prior service exemption for Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus and governorship of America Gallica
Item VI - Prorogation of current governors and appointment of new governors:

1. Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia
2. Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus as governor of America Deserta
3. Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus as governor of America Texia
4. Gaius Marcius Crispus as governor of Britannia
5. Quintus Fabius Maximus as governor of California Angelensis
6. Quintus Fabius Maximus as governor of California Franciscensis
7. Gnaeus Iulius Caesar as governor of Canada Ulterior
8. Titus Iulius Sabinus as governor of Dacia
9. Gaius Aemilius Crassus as governor of Hispania
10. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus as governor of Italia
11. Gaius Decius Laterensis as governor of Lacus Magni
12. Aulus Iulius Paterculus as governor of Nova Britannia Ulterior
13. Gaius Decius Laterensis as governor of Ohio
14. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus as governor of Pannonia
15. Sextus Lucilius Tutor as governor of Venedia
16. Gaius Claudius Quadratus as governor of Canada Citerior

The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been tallied as shown below.

Senatores and voting members

The following 16 senators or voting members of the Senate cast votes in time. They are referred to below by their initials and are listed in alphabetical order by nomen:

Initials Name
CAC C. Aemilius Crassus, Praetor
PACP P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus
LCSF L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, Acting Princeps Sen.
SCVIA Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia
QFM Q. Fabius Maximus
CnIC Cn. Iulius Caesar
DIPI D. Iunius Palladius Invictus, Princeps Sen.(on leave)
TIS T. Iulius Sabinus
SLT Sex. Lucilius Tutor
CMC C. Marcius Crispus
CMCV C. Maria Caeca
MMA M. Minucius Audens
PoMS Po. Minucia Strabo
MPC M. Pompeius Caninus
QSP Q. Suetonius Paulinus
CTVG C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus

The following 6 senators or voting members of the Senate did not cast a vote or did not cast a vote on time:

  • M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus
  • L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur
  • A. Liburnius Hadrianus
  • C. Petronius Dexter
  • P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator
  • C. Vipsanius Agrippa

In the voting results shown below "Uti Rogas" indicates a vote in favor of an item, "Antiquo" is a vote against, and "Abstineo" is an open abstention.

Item I - Gaius Claudius Quadratus access to the Censorial database of Nova Roma


The Senate of Nova Roma grants Gaius Claudius Quadratus, the duly appointed scribe of Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, access to the Censorial database of Nova Roma for the remainder of 2768 AUC or until such time as his service under Censor Placidus is terminated, which ever occurs first.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item II - Prior service exemption for Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus and governorship of America Gallica


The Senate of Nova Roma grants a prior service exemption for Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus and appoints Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus as governor of America Gallica.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 15
Antiquo 1
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.02 - Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus as governor of America Deserta


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus as governor of America Deserta.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.03 - Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus as governor of America Texia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus as governor of America Texia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.04 - Gaius Marcius Crispus as governor of Britannia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Gaius Marcius Crispus as governor of Britannia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item VI.01 - Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia


The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Pompeius Caninus as governor of Alasca et Havaia.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item V.B.


Does the Senate direct L. Vitellius Triarius make a good faith effort to contact all of the contributors of the book to see their approval before republishing? And that he notify the Senate of his results prior to republishing the book?


Vote Result
Uti rogas 16
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item V.C.


Does the Senate direct next year's consuls to draft procedures and all necessary agreements to met and protect the Organization?


Vote Result
Uti rogas 14
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 1

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas
PACP Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
CMCV Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas

Item V.D.


Does Nova Roma retain the ownership of the content in all official public fora or Sodalitas?


Vote Result
Uti rogas 12
Antiquo 3
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Antiquo "No, one thing is the wiki where the authors should know their work can be edit and in my mind no implicit copyright can be claimed from them. The public fora and or Sodalitas don't have in my opinion such forfeit of ownership of material."
PACP Uti rogas
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Antiquo "As a writer myself I hold the stance that if I write the work then it is ultimately my work. That is non-negotiable."
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Antiquo "I share the concerns of G. Amelius Crassus and Statia Cornelia"
MPC Uti rogas "Nova Roma should retain as much control and ownership of the archives as it can within any limits imposed by service agreements and applicable law. However, Nova Roma should not attempt to claim copyright for the content of email lists. Nova Roma should have a disclaimer associated with each of the fora, possibly as part of the group description, stating in part that the opinions expressed in the fora do not necessarily reflect the official views of Nova Roma etc."
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Uti rogas

Item V.E.


Does Nova Roma adopt the following (This Notice was prepared and posted by M. Pompeius Caninus)?

"I, NAME HERE, am a volunteer with Nova Roma, Inc. For consideration which I acknowledge, I agree to assign to Nova Roma, Inc., the copyright in any materials I create (the Works) within the course of my volunteer work. By assigning all right, title, and interest in the Works, Nova Roma, Inc. agrees to:

1. allow me to include the Works or a reproduction of the Works in my portfolio or other such compilation, to be shown to my prospective employers or clients. All such portfolio uses must include a notice of Nova Roma, Inc.' copyright ownership;
2. acknowledge my transfer of the Works to Nova Roma, Inc. as a charitable contribution;
3. make a good faith effort to provide me with attribution in all versions of the Works.

I warrant that any works I create pursuant to this agreement are original and do not infringe any intellectual property rights or violate any laws related to libel, privacy, or otherwise. I agree to indemnify Nova Roma, Inc. in any action arising out of, or relating to, these representations and warranties.
Volunteer Signature:
Volunteer Name:
Volunteer Address:


Vote Result
Uti rogas 13
Antiquo 2
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Antiquo "First it is not clear to me that this notice means only the wiki material. Secondly I considered it to be too much given to NR. What I think it should say, and only for wiki material, is the author authorizes NR to use as it seems fit, including to sell, but the author has also the right to use the same material without considering NR the solely owner."
PACP Uti rogas "Perfect."
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Antiquo
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Uti rogas "I believe this should be reviewed by the NR Attorneys before any public release."

Item V.F.


Does Nova Roma adopt the following disclaimer (This notice I received from Q. Fabius Maximus)?

"************CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE************
Information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for its recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this message and you have had access to such information by means of this e-mail, you are not authorized to copy this e-mail or forward it to any person other than the intended recipient. Please delete and destroy the original message.
Sending emails does not ensure that transmission is safe or error free. Any information is subject to alteration with no prior notice, and this will be sufficient grounds to release this company upon the occurrence of any potential damages caused by the undue and incorrect use of the information. This communication is for the sole purpose of informing and it shall not be deemed as a proposal, acceptance or official declaration by NOVA ROMA INC in MAINE, USA, UNLESS otherwise stated."


Vote Result
Uti rogas 13
Antiquo 2
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Antiquo "I fail to see the necessity of considering any official NR matters confidential."
PACP Uti rogas "Ditto as above."
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas "What the notice simply says is that if you have no business with Nova Roma you shouldn't be reading their mail. You cannot forward the contents of said mail to anyone else. And unless the information contained refers to you or with something that you are involved with in Nova Roma, you cannot retain the mail for use at a later date."
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Antiquo "This item does not define what types of email this disclaimer should be applied to. If it applies to all emails within Nova Roma, I would expect we will all certainly be in violation at some time within the next year. This item should be discussed further."

Item V.G.


Should the arrangement for compensation for the sale of the book(s) compiled by L. Vitellus Triarius be based on the following percentage?

1. 80% Nova Roma vs 20% to Triarius
2. 50% Nova Roma vs 50% to Triarius
3. 20% Nova Roma vs 80% to Triarius


Vote Result
Option 1 4
Option 2 6
Option 3 3
Option 2 is Passed

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Abstineo "First of all I want to stress that Triarius initiative is excellent and it shouldn't be any doubt on it. The fact that one contributor to the wiki have raised copyrights issues is the only point I would like to see completely solved and safeguarded before going ahead with the project. I don't know exactly what even thEn would be the fair amount for each part so I will also abstain."
PACP Option 2
MCGG Option 3
LCSF Option 2
SCVIA Option 1
QFM Option 1
CnIC Option 3 "He had the gumption to make use of this, so why should he not reap the majority of the rewards?"
DeIPI Option 2
TIS Option 1
CMC Option 2
PoMS Option 2
MPC Option 3 "After some additional reflection, I believe Triarius should be rewarded for taking steps to provide knowledge to Nova Roma's citizens. There has been much debate this year about whether or not the Collegium Pontificum has any duties or responsibilities related to instructing the citizens in, or promoting practice of, the cultus deorum romanorum. Triarius attempted to fill a void left by those who could not understand or would not acknowledge a need for the Collegium Pontificum of Nova Roma to nurture and guide citizens interested in the cultus deorum romanorum in a way that was not required of the Collegium Pontificum or the sacerdotes of ancient Rome. So, in this particular case, I feel Triarius should be generously rewarded for taking steps that support Nova Roma's goals in a critical area where more experienced leaders have taken no initiative."
QSP Option 1
CTVG Option 2
LVT Abstineo

Item VI - Appointment of Governor - Lucius Ulpius Atellus


It is my pleasure to recommend the appointment of a new Governor:

Lucius Ulpius Atellus as Governor of the Provincia of Florida and Georgia (name change pending).
Here is a copy of his request that he sent:


I'm very interested in the governorship of Austrorientalis Stagnum. I know the time requirements maybe an issue but I am an active citizen, my taxes are current and have access to a wealth of potential new citizens ( work on military base and FL state college across the street from me). Unless a more senior civi presents him/herself I would like the chance to lead.

Lucius Ulpius Atellus


Vote Result
Uti rogas 14
Antiquo 0
Abstineo 1

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas "With my best wishes for great success as governor."
PACP Uti rogas
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas "Congrats to L. Ulpus Atellus in his new position and his efforts to have an active Provincia."
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Abstineo "I will leave this to Senators who know the candidate and can therefore make a more valid vote. I am just getting back and I don't know this citizen."
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Uti rogas

Item VII - Future Fund Raising Authorization Senatus Consulta


Beginning Next year, The CFO plans to focus time and resources of Nova Roma for the effort of Fund raising.

What the CFO seeks is consent from the Board of Directors of Nova Roma to use Funds from the Nova Roman Treasury up to the amount of $1000. For the purposes of purchasing product, selling the product and mailing the product directly to those individuals who will purchase the items.

The products that the CFO intends to purchase are:

Nova Roman Flags/banners Bookmarks Propriety products like Nova Roman Wine, foods etc Address labels and other products Nova Roman Coins for each of the years of NR's existence

Any product purchased, the CFO will strive to have the merchandise drop shipped. However, if there is any inventory that is maintained the CFO will track the inventory, post regular updates on quantities, sales reports and all necessary oversight will be reported to the Senate Finance Committee.

If purchased product is stored and the CFO is responsible for shipping all product in a timely manner. The CFO would be allowed to assess a handing fee no greater than 2.5% in addition to the shipping charges as compensation for physically handling and maintaining the merchandise for NR.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 14
Antiquo 1
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Antiquo "Considering the effort in keeping the budget sound I think the amount to be excessively high at the moment. I would prefer a more focused and lower budget plan at the start."
PACP Uti rogas
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas
QFM Uti rogas
CnIC Uti rogas
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Uti rogas
MPC Uti rogas
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Uti rogas

Item VIII - Elevation to Patrician Status Recommendation to C. Decius Laterensis


At the request of Pontiff/Senator Sabinus the Senate hereby grants approval to elevate, with the approval of the Comitia Curiata the promtion of C. Decius Laterensis: to Patrician Rank and classification - with all rights, privileges and limitations that being a Patrician entails.


Vote Result
Uti rogas 11
Antiquo 4
Abstineo 0

Individual Votes

Initials Vote Comments
CAC Uti rogas "Considering the objective and the fact there isn't any Patrician candidate for the religious office I will gladly vote in agreement. May we bee able to honor Pater Mars adequately."
PACP Uti rogas
MCGG Uti rogas
LCSF Uti rogas
SCVIA Uti rogas "As I also agree that adoption would have been the preferred method for this elevation of status. I also understand that the Pontifex Maximus who summons the Comitiia Curiata has been absent as of late. With that in mind I understand the need of expediency. Although we the Senate must be careful to not set the expectation of precedent. Laterensis is being elevated to serve as Priest (Flamen?) to Mars, who was a guardian of Rome. We are elevating Laterensis to give proper respect to a revered Deity of Rome. It is not the case of 'silver platter' syndrome. I think this should be made abundantly clear."
QFM Antiquo "Only the Founder can elevate families. He did so with myself and Minucius as a reward for service to the Republic. Have a Patrician adopt Decius. Otherwise I fear you set a dangerous precedent."
CnIC Antiquo "As I have said in session, there exists at law a perfectly adequate method for Laterensis to be elevated to the patrician order. It is called adoption. This part of the constitution is best used where entire large families should be elevated, and where mass adoption is not practical. In this case it is one person, and for the purposes of filling a position. Even if this is passed, to my mind Laterensis should be adopted. All that is needed is a patrician with at least 18 years age difference. Using this provision of the Constitution to elevate one person is overkill and sets a dangerous precedent."
DeIPI Uti rogas
TIS Uti rogas
CMC Uti rogas
PoMS Antiquo "Sure I recommend and hope for the best but I believe the Lex Equitia Familia requires C. Decius 'adopted' by adrogato. Please look about 3/4 way down the text and you'll find the comitia adopted procedure. Could we consider an amendment to this law (through comitia of course) which perhaps states that the CP and the Senate, a simple majority from both of these bodies, is enough to change the order of a citizen if such a change is **solely** for the granting of a religious position? It is a lovely law, full of excellent historical research. But from a Nova Roma perspective, it seems rather counterproductive to legally compel a citizen to pull a 'Publius Clodius' maneuver to fill such an important position in this day and time."
MPC Antiquo "There is no pressing, urgent need to fill this position in the Collegium Pontificum. So, a traditional and conservative solution is probably best. In cases such as this, a citizen should be required to pursue adoption by a patrician family before any other option for elevation to patrician status is approved by this body. There are perhaps forty or so active patrician citizens who are of suitable age who could adopt Laterensis. Adoption would cause a name change but if Laterensis is sincere in his desire to serve as a flamen then a name change should be a minor concern."
QSP Uti rogas
CTVG Uti rogas
LVT Uti rogas

6.17 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Tiberius Iulius Nerva as governor of Thule.

Senate Rule II

Issued and posted by Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix: Items are voided from the Senate vote if they are listed twice in the agenda and are in direct conflict. Specifically item IV and 6.17. 4. Request by Tiberius Iulius Nerva to be appointed as governor of Thule (Debate only) 6.17 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Tiberius Iulius Nerva as governor of Thule.

Any votes cast for Item 6.17 were counted as ANTIQUO.

Voting results for Item 6.17:


Governors who did not respond: 6.18 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Quintus Servilius Priscus as governor of America Nebrascensis. 6.19 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Vibia Aemilia Regilla as governor of Argentina. 6.20 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Vibia Aemilia Regilla as governor of Brasilia. 6.21 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Gaius Petronius Dexter as governor of Gallia. 6.22 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Lucius Ulpius Atellus as governor of Georgia Florida. 6.23 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Gaius Petronius Dexter as governor of Germania. 6.24 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Marcus Cassius Iulianus as governor of Nova Britannia Citerior. 6.25 The Senate of Nova Roma appoints Titus Flavius Severus as governor of Sarmatia.

Senate Rule I

Issued and posted by Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix: I hereby post this Senate Rule for our current session. This current Senate Rule will be effective immediately. All votes cast for current Senate session agenda items 6.18 through 6.25 inclusive will be counted as ANTIQUO, regardless of what they were actually cast as. This is to avoid the appointment of any capite censi to govern a province, as any such appointment by the Senate would violate the lex Apula de assiduis et capite censis.

Votes cast for Items 6.18 through 6.25 were cast as and/or counted as ANTIQUO.

Voting results for Items 6.18 through 6.25:


This report is respectfully submitted by:
Marcus Martianius Lupus
Tribunus Plebis

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