Provincia Canada Ulterior - Praetorium (Nova Roma)

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The Praetorium is the government of Provincia Canada Ulterior. It consists of the governor (the title of the governor will vary depending on other offices he/she holds or has held) and his or her appointed assistant and advisors. The governor is responsible to the Senate - the Senate appoints the governor of every province and can remove any governor before their term has expired. The procurator is usually the government's financial officer, similar to a quaestor. A Legatus (in most instances in Nova Roma) is the governor's representative in a sub-territory or regio. The governor also issues edicta on various matters concerning his or her province.


Gnaeus Iulius Caesar


Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa


Quintus Suetonius Paulinus (Regio Athabasca)

The vexillium of the proconsul
The provincial flag
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