Senatus consultum on a conventus accommodation aid fund

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Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)

I. The Non-Corporate Senate of Nova Roma establishes a Conventus Accommodation Aid Fund for helping outstanding important citizens with the costs of accommodation in Rome.

II. The Fund shall be financed by donations, and shall be managed and directed by Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate C. Claudius Quadratus. When his term as Consular Tribune expires, he shall continue this task as Pro Consule in charge of the province of the Conventus Accommodation Aid Fund, which title is hereby automatically bestowed on him after expiration of his consular tribunician office.

III. The decision about the list of Nova Roman citizens whose accommodation costs (potentially including food, according to the decision of the board selecting the aided citizens) will be partially supported from the Fund shall be made unanimously by the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate. When the term of office of the other Consular Tribunes expire, the Pro Consule C. Claudius Quadratus shall make his decisions with the unanimous agreement of the Commissio Conventus Praeparandi (in the same method as with the Consular Tribunes).

IV. The following requirements all shall be met for a citizen to be eligible for the aid:

1) the citizen shall be an individual who wouldn’t come to the Conventus unless he or she is financially aided, 2) the citizen shall have been a magistrate, governor, priest or senator of Nova Roma, and shall be a current assiduus, 3) the citizen shall be judged by the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate as an outstanding important citizen whose presence at the Conventus will improve the Roman immersion and Roman experience of the other participants.

V. No money shall be given personally in the hands of any receiver of the aid: the recipients of this aid will be paying for the accommodation together with the manager of the Fund, Tribunus (or Pro Consule) C. Claudius, in a method decided by C. Claudius.

VI. All the money in the Fund has to be distributed equally among the recipients of the aid, and all the money in the Fund must be spent (and spent exclusively on this purpose). In case the money in the Fund will not have been used for this currently planned Conventus, all the money has to be refunded to the donors.

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