Senatus consultum ultimum de transitionis rebus ordinandis (Nova Roma)

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Enacted on: a.d. XII Kal. Quint. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia, 20th June, 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD)

Preamble. As the Senate and People of Nova Roma, fighting against the coup of Cn. Iulius Caesar and L. Cornelius Sulla and its aftermath under the leadership of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and the liberatores, have recovered almost all assets of the republic, the public order has been restored and maintained permanently, and Nova Roma has resumed full control and complete functioning in all aspects of the republic and its macronational corporation, the senate decides to commence the process of ending the emergency period without any further day, and instructs the consuls to take care that the republic suffer no harm by any irregularities or delays, therefore the following decisions are made:

I. The consuls were, and are, empowered to have made the decision not to invest the aediles curules with imperium by the comitia curiata for this year, because it was an incorrect practice in Nova Roma, unhistorical and illogical, as imperium belonged only to magistrates who held military commands, and Nova Roma is turning back to correct ancient Roman republican practice, and by the amendment of the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constintuenda, replacing the lex Equitia de constitutione corrigenda, from this year on, aediles curules will not have imperium. The consules acted correctly by facilitating this process by anticipating the constitutional amendment, and stopping the erroneous practice, and their decision, made under their emergency discretionary powers granted by senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia, of not to have the comitia curiata to confer imperium on the aediles curules, is declared and confirmed to be fully legal, just and valid. By this senatus consultum ultimum, the imperium for the aediles curules is legally suspended in the Constitution until further instruction.

II. The consuls were, and are, empowered to have made the decision not to elect censors for this year, because it was an incorrect and unhistorical practice in Nova Roma to have censors in office permanently and to have them elected in alternate years so as to have a one-year overlap of terms. Nova Roma is turning back to correct ancient Roman republican practice, and by the amendment of the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, replacing the lex Equitia de constitutione corrigenda, from this year on, censors will be elected intermittently at fixed intervals. The consules acted correctly by facilitating this process by anticipating the constitutional amendment, and stopping the erroneous practice, and their decision, made under their emergency discretionary powers granted by senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia, of not to have the comitia centuriata to elect censors for this year, is declared and confirmed to be fully legal, just and valid. By this senatus consultum ultimum, the magistracy of censors is legally suspended in the Constitution until further instruction.

III. Q. Arrius Nauta, consul, A. Tullia Scholastica, consul, and Sex. Lucilius Tutor, special proconsul with full consular power, tribune of plebs, are authorized to make any decisions of any institutions the state, overriding any Nova Roman law, in the name of the Senate and People, to complete the process of transition from emergency-crisis period to the normal democratic republican conditions of the state, and to reunite the republic with the corporation, no later than by August, Q. Arrio et A. Tullia consulibus.

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