In memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
(Sándor Gonda),
has passed away while holding the office of CENSOR and PROCONSUL.
He lived 93 years.
He will live in our hearts forever!
The most respected Cn. Lentulus Alexander will be missed not only as a leader of Nova Roma, "Lentulus the Elder was like a new Romulus, in unison with our founders Cassius and Vedius" as consul Q. Arrius praised him, but also as a role model to many, and a father and most reliable support to one of the most productive citizens, a chief theoretician of Nova Roma, Cn. Lentulus the Younger.
Nova Roma and the Nova Romans extend their condolence to the family and friends of Cn. Lentulus Alexander. Nova Roma will pray for Cn. Lentulus and his family in this difficult time, and ceremonies in his memory will be performed. The senate has also awarded a funus censorium, a censorial state funeral and fifteen days of official state mourning, a memorial games called the Ludi Cornelii, and a new series of coins minted, all these to be done in his memory. The Nova Roman censorial funeral takes place as a separate ceremony after the actual funeral, but the senate and people of Nova Roma have donated 500 USD towards the costs of his actual funeral, making Ti. Paulinus' actual funeral an official Nova Roman event and a real Roman funus censorium. You can help and support his family and his funeral by donations as announced in our forum.
THANK YOU for your contribution and dedication to Nova Roma, dear Lentulus Alexander! Thank you for being our fellow citizen for more than a decade!
Farewell our censor and proconsul CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS ALEXANDER, consular senator!
* * *
This poem, loosely following the form of versus Saturnius, the poetical format of Roman epitaph inscriptions, was written in memory and honor of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. The epitaph of Ti. Paulinus imitates the texts of the most famous versus Saturnius funerary inscription poems of Scipio Barbatus and that of Scipio Africanus Minor. The English translation of the epitaph is below:
To the Divine Dead Spirits
of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander,
tribune of the plebs and proconsul,
who lived 57 years.
* * *
Galerius, the One, good Tiberius of ours,
Famous Paulinus, the solid and wise man,
Whose heart only compares to his virtues;
Who was censor twice, once consul and praetor,
Tribune of the plebs a third time when he died,
Quaestor twice to serve your republic he rose,
Excelled as proconsul for over eight years,
Loved by everyone, whom nobody refused.
Fortuna, however, stole this man from us,
Envious of all the honor and the fame he had,
The virtue, the glory and his great character
Which if allowed to grow, once you would have
The glory of Roman ancestors surpassed;
Therefore with great pleasure you will be embraced
Now in the council of the Dead Spirits of ours.
May the earth rest lightly upon you.
Cn. Lentulus
wrote it.
Censorial State Funeral of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
a.d. III Id. Nov. ‡, our Ti. Paulinus was buried in the Roman way, the funeral was officiated by pontifex Cn. Lentulus. Since the actual burial of the body happened earlier, pontifex Lentulus had to rely on symbolism when conducting the funeral of Ti. Paulinus. A printed image of Paulinus substituted his body during the ceremony. Before the beginning of the rites, the pontifex requested the gods to accept him as a substitution and as a representative of the consules C. Aemilius and Sta. Cornelia. The consules are the ones who actually offer this funerary ceremony, and what the pontifex does they are doing through his person.
A mourner choir was symbolically represented by the pontifex and his popa, they were calling on Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander by his Roman name, once or twice using his native USA name, Timothy Paul Gallagher, too, applying ritual cry, as it is required at this part of the ceremony, lamenting and wailing in a ceremonial, formular way.
Then the image placed on the ground, it was symbolically washed (the pontifex poured some drops of water on it) and anointed with oils and perfumes.
Censorial funeral procession
The prayer of purification was followed by a symbolic funeral procession: the pontifex elevated the image of Paulinus from the ground, and, covered by a Nova Roma flag, he went around in three circles, while crying the following words: "Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, vir censorius, ad funus censorium fertur.", mentioning the offices, including the double censorship, and all the greatest deeds of Paulinus during his time in Nova Roma, and also reciting the Latin epitaph poem of Paulinus three times. Then the image of Paulinus was placed on Lentulus' home altar.
Laudatio funebris
This was followed by the laudatio funebris, the most famous element of Roman funerals, the eulogy: funeral oration or funerary praises. Lentulus first read his own speech aloud, then the speeches of the consuls, then, the speeches of the praetors and censors, and then all farewell messages or speeches that were sent to the pontifex or to the Main List during September. You can read here on this page, under the section "Tributes by Nova Roman citizens" all the texts that were read aloud as laudatio funebris for Ti. Paulinus.
Funerary sacrifices
After having finished reading aloud the speeches and messages, Cn. Lentulus started the funerary sacrifice and the symbolic cremation-burial. He recited various required prayers in front of the image of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, covered by Nova Roman flag. The prayers and sacrifices were offered to Ianus, Dis Pater and the Di Manes, to the Genius of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, to the shades of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander himself, and to Ceres.
Symbolic cremation
After the Underworld Gods, Paulinus' ancestors and Ceres and Vesta had been invoked, pontifex Lentulus burned the ritual image of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander with a coin to Charon, and with a piece of the same sacrificial libum cake, as sacred tradition requires, which was offered to Ceres previously. After the ceremony, the pontifex placed the ashes into a beautiful little box, which Lentulus will preserve until there will be an opportunity to bury it together or next to the real remains of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
Official Statements on the death of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
Decree of the collegium pontificum on Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
Visum pontificum de funere censorio Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri
I. The collegium pontificum was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the death of our fellow citizen, censorial and consular senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, tribunus plebis and proconsul Columbiae. The collegium pontificum is mourning the loss of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander who was one of the greatest Nova Romans in our res publica, a true Roman and a wonderful man we all loved. All members of the collegium pontificum extend their sincere and deeply felt condolences to the family and friends of senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and to the entire citizenry of Nova Roma, for the loss of our excellent fellow citizen.
II. In order to honor the memory of the late illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, to express gratitude for his great many contributions, for his never ceasing dedication to our commonwealth, and to pay homage to the greatness of his character and importance for Nova Roman history, the collegium pontificum is hereby proposing a funus censorium for vir censorius Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, suggesting the following decree to the senate of Nova Roma for enactment, either in its unaltered form or with any modifications, as the consuls and the conscripts fathers deem appropropriate:
(Suggested senatus consultum begins:)
- II.A. Senatus consultum de funere censorio Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri
- II.A.1. It was with great sadness that the senate of Nova Roma learned of the death of censorial and consular senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, tribunus plebis and proconsul Columbiae. The Republic is in grief, and the senate is mourning the loss of their fellow senator, a friend to many, the illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. Our Paulinus was one of the greatest Nova Romans in our res publica, a true Roman and a wonderful man beloved by the citizenry. All members of the senate extend their sincere and deeply felt condolences to the family and friends of senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and to the entire citizenry of Nova Roma, for the loss of our excellent fellow citizen.
- II.A.2. In order to honor the memory of the late illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, to express gratitude for his great many contributions to Nova Roma, for his never ceasing dedication to our commonwealth, and to pay homage to the greatness of his character and importance for Nova Roman history, the senate is hereby awarding and declaring a funus censorium state funeral for vir censorius Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, tribunus plebis and proconsul of Columbia, with a donation of ______ dollars to the family of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander toward the costs of the funeral in the name of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. Recognizing that the actual funeral arranged by the family has been already held pr. Non. Sep. (on 4th September), this funus censorium serves as our separate funerary tribute but also supports the actual funeral financially.
- II.A.2.a. The funus censorium of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander shall take place in a form of a funerary ritual and sacrifice conducted by one or both of the consuls, based on their agreement. The volunteering consul has the usual authorization to request one of the pontifices to perform the ritual in his or her place.
- II.A.2.b. The funus censorium ritual shall take place on the date appointed by the volunteering consul, and published in a consular edict on the funus censorium of Ti. Paulinus. Before issuing the edict, the consul shall obtain an approval for the chosen day from at least three pontifices because of the calendrical complications of Roman religion. If the consul chooses to perform the ritual through the person of a pontifex, he or she has to arrange the date with the officiating pontifex before publishing the edict.
- II.A.3. The senate, to further honor the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, hereby officially declares a state mourning for the funeral of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, which shall take place beginning from the day which precedes the funus censorium ritual, and shall last three days.
- II.A.3.a. These three days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP), and, according to the Decretum Pontificum de Diebus III.A., no official state business, no judicial procedure, no comitia shall be held, no edicts shall be issued on these days.
- II.A.3.b. During this state mourning period, the main page of the Nova Roma website shall show nothing else but a tribute to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, his mourning portrait, black flags and similar symbols of grief, and other main portal pages of the website shall contain a black flag and reference to the mouring of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
- II.A.3.c. On each single day of the state mourning period, the consuls shall take care that there be a daily public message on the official fora of Nova Roma calling the citizens' attention to the mourning and asking for prayers for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
- II.A.4. The senate also instructs all aediles (curule and plebeian) collegially as a body to hold public funerary games in honor and in memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander no later than within one month after the funus censorium. The memorial funerary games shall be called Ludi Galerii (Galerian Games) and shall include virtual munera gladiatoria and a biography contest about the life and Roman activities of Ti. Paulinus. The rest of the programs, including the length of the games, is at the discretion of the curule and plebeian aediles, but they shall not exceed 5 days.
- II.A.5. The senate determines that the next coin officially issued by Nova Roma shall remember Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
(End of suggested senatus consultum)
III. The collegium pontificum recommends that the senate select *some* or *all* out of these above suggested honors to the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and the sacred college also encourages the senate *to add others* to the list if any additional honors are deemed necessary.
Senatus consultum on Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
Senatus Consultum de funere censorio Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri
I. It was with great sadness that the senate of Nova Roma learned of the death of censorial and consular senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, tribunus plebis and proconsul Columbiae. The Republic is in grief, and the senate is mourning the loss of their fellow senator, a friend to many, the illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. Our Paulinus was one of the greatest Nova Romans in our res publica, a true Roman and a wonderful man beloved by the citizenry. All members of the senate extend their sincere and deeply felt condolences to the family and friends of senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and to the entire citizenry of Nova Roma, for the loss of our excellent fellow citizen.
II. In order to honor the memory of the late illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, to express gratitude for his many great contributions to Nova Roma, for his never ceasing dedication to our commonwealth, and to pay homage to the greatness of his character and importance for Nova Roman history, the senate is hereby awarding and declaring a funus censorium state funeral for vir censorius Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, tribunus plebis and proconsul of Columbia, [and] the Senate has authorized a donation of 500 dollars to the family of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander toward the costs of the funeral in the name of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. Recognizing that the actual funeral arranged by the family has been already held pr. Non. Sep. (on 4th September), this funus censorium serves as our separate funerary tribute but also supports the actual funeral financially.
III. The funus censorium of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander shall take place in a form of a funerary ritual and sacrifice conducted by one or both of the consuls, based on their agreement. The volunteering consul has the usual authorization to request one of the pontifices to perform the ritual in his or her place.
IV. The funus censorium ritual shall take place on the date appointed by the volunteering consul, and published in a consular edict on the funus censorium of Ti. Paulinus. Before issuing the edict, the consul shall obtain an approval for the chosen day from at least three pontifices because of the calendrical complications of Roman religion. If the consul chooses to perform the ritual through the person of a pontifex, he or she has to arrange the date with the officiating pontifex before publishing the edict.
V. The senate, to further honor the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, hereby officially declares a state mourning for the funeral of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, which shall take place beginning from the day which precedes the funus censorium ritual, and shall last three days.
VI. These three days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP), and, according to the Decretum Pontificum de Diebus III.A., no official state business, no judicial procedure, no comitia shall be held, no edicts shall be issued on these days.
VII. During this state mourning period, the main page of the Nova Roma website shall show nothing else but a tribute to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, his mourning portrait, black flags and similar symbols of grief, and other main portal pages of the website shall contain a black flag and reference to the mourning of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
VIII. On each day of the state mourning period, the consuls shall take care that there be a daily public message on the official fora of Nova Roma calling the citizens' attention to the mourning and asking for prayers for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
IX. The senate also instructs all aediles (curule and plebeian) collegially as a body to hold public funerary games in honor and in memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander no later than within one month after the funus censorium. The memorial funerary games shall be called Ludi Galerii (Galerian Games) and shall include virtual munera gladiatoria and a biography contest about the life and Roman activities of Ti. Paulinus. The rest of the programs, including the length of the games, is at the discretion of the curule and plebeian aediles, but they shall not exceed 5 days.
X. The senate determines that the next coin officially issued by Nova Roma shall remember Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
Tributes by Nova Roman citizens
Farewell by L. Cornelius Sulla Felix censor
Avete omnes,
I just received a phone from Stephen, brother of Tiberius Galerius Paulinus. He informed me that Paulinus passed away from a possible blood clot. I am shocked and very saddened over the loss of my friend and very important members of our community. He was a consular and very successful censor who always worked for the success of Nova Roma. I will greatly miss his calming words and insight... As much as I will miss his discussions such as on topic of the red wedding on game of thrones.
I was planning on visiting him once I've fully recovered and now I won't have the pleasure and privilege of meeting him and I'm so disappointed with that I've missed my chance.
May g-d grant him and his family peace and I hope his passing was painless.
Most respectfully,
Farewell by Dec. Iunius Palladius Invictus
- Salvete cives,
This is horrible news. Ever since I heard this yesterday I have been saddened, able to think of little else but our friendship and all he did for Nova Roma (and for me) over the years. I will miss him. Nova Roma will miss him.
- Palladius
Farewell by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus pontifex
- Cn. Lentulus pont. omnibus Quiritibus praesertim amicis et familiae Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri SPD
This is devastating, terrible, terrible news...!
I am deeply sad because of the loss of a man of really good heart, loved by so many of us here! He was also a friend of mine, and he was always nice and kind to me, and I always valued his opinion and often relied on his advice and authority. Despite the great geographical distance between us, and that we have never personally met, I truly felt him a Roman brother, sort of distant family member, uncle Paulinus... I can't believe he has gone...
I don't know what could I say, I'm socked... but I want so very much to express my respect to him, to commemorate about him, I can't stand here without saying some words of love...
He will not only be missed desperately as a friend and dear uncle to me, and to some of us youngers, but as a leading citizen of Nova Roma.
TIBERIUS GALERIUS PAULINUS, as a Nova Roman leader, was a man full of responsibility, caring; kind, considerate and always attentive to others' opinions and feelings. I dare to say: he had no enemies and nobody hated him, which is an incredible thing in Nova Roma, given our turbulent history. Even his opponents will struggle with tears, I'm sure, if they hear about the sad news. I had, at a couple of times, different views and opinions in NR politics when I debated with him, and at a couple of times, we were opponents. NEVER, ever happened to us that we would have lost any bit of friendship between us, we always debated as two good friends, who respect each other, but disagree about something. It was an honor to be overcome by him in a debate, and I could never be happy if I was proven right over him in politics. He was a true Roman senator, nothing less, and a role model.
I will be forever grateful for the honor that he called me a friend, and that he helped and supported me many times, and I will feel always honored that I could help him and support him in his activities in Nova Roma many times as his assistant and scriba, as a colleague, and in private issues, too, from time to time, as a friend. I feel together with his family... I am thinking of his family: how hard a time this one will be to them, how they will miss him! I will pray for Ti. Paulinus and his family in this difficult time.
Dear, dear Paulinus! We will miss you! I will miss you as a Nova Roman, as a leader, as a friend, as a Roman uncle!
THANK YOU for everything, dear Paulinus!
Farewell beloved and kind man, my friend!
'[To this letter, the Latin and English text of the Roman style versus Saturnius epitaph poem was attached (now placed at the header of this web page).]
Farewell by C. Maria Caeca virgo Vestalis
To name Paulinus a friend would be presumptuous, because we had very little personal contact. However, his impact on me and on Nova Roma was, and will remain significant.
From the very beginning of my probationary period, Paulinus represented, for me, a center of stability and equilibrium. He was always even handed, scrupulously fair, even when he disagreed with a specific viewpoint, always quietly displayed very good sense, and was a steadfast Roman Republican. Like the North star, I often looked to his stance on an issue to orient myself, so that I could find balance during some of our most turbulent times, and at some points, it was necessary to reorient myself on almost a daily basis. By reading what Paulinus had to say, I could find an objective, neutral center point, from where I could consider the issues involved and come to my own conclusions, without being overly influenced by partisan rhetoric from any faction or individual. As with so much of value, I didn't consciously recognize the great gift he had given to me until he was taken from our Republic.
Paulinus was the kind of Nova Roman who was universally respected among his fellow citizens, and would have been equally respected had he lived in ancient Rome. He was never pretentious, or petty. He spoke simply and directly, never needing nor wanting the embellishments of rhetoric, but we listened to what he said, very carefully, because what he said was always very much worth our consideration.
It is only now, today, that I feel, acutely, that a small part of Nova Roma has been taken away from me, and I know that our Republic is the poorer for the lack of his active presence. I also know, and take comfort from knowing, that his memory will always shine brightly in the hearts and minds of all who knew him, even slightly, and that his contributions to our organization have been so significant that he has help to make us, and will help to keep us. What we are.
- Vesta Magna, Vesta Mater, you who keep, protect and bless the hearth of the Republic that is Nova Roma, you whose light gives warmth, safety and light to the Quirites, the Novi Romani, You, Vesta Mater, I, who have been profoundly honored by being dedicated and given to you as your priest and servant, call upon you, and offer you this incense that you might hear my good prayers.
- Beloved Vesta, I entreat you to extend the light and warmth of your protection to this honorable and honored citizen, T. Galerius Paulinus, that he may journey easily and quickly to take his place among his ancestors. Accept this incense, which I now offer you, as a token of my gratitude and that of all Novi Romani for your continued kindness.
- With the gift of these flowers, I ask that you give comfort to the family of T. Galerius Paulinus, and that you continue to safeguard your Novi Romani, them, their families, their households and their homes, and that you protect me, my family, my household and my home. I offer this incense in token of my gratitude, and to honor you.
- If anything that I have done, or failed to do, is displeasing to you, I beseech your forbearance, and offer you this incense that it may please you.
Farewell by Cn. Iulius Caesar censor
Caesar sal.
This is awful and shocking news. I have lost a good friend, as did we all those of us who knew him. Nova Roma has lost a true stalwart. Paulinus was a tower of enthusiasm and moderate policy making, intelligent, witty and strong-minded.He and I shared a number of conversations on the phone where we were both always laughing and his advice was always sound. My condolences to his family.
Optime valete
Farewell by C. Claudius Quadratus tribunus plebis collega
- Salvete!
While I did not know Paulinus personally, he was my tribunal colleague and I have great respect for his accomplishments and career in Nova Roma. On this day, the Kalends of September, I performed the ritual with special prayers and dedication to him. My condolences to his family.
- Valete!
- C Claudius Quadratus
- Augur
Farewell by C. Popillius Laenas, formerly censorial colleague
We worked together as Censor and spoke several times on the phone. He was a great contributor to Nova Roma and will be very much missed.
C. Popillius Laenas
Farewell by A. Tullia Scholastica, formerly censorial colleague
I am equally shocked and saddened by the sudden and premature passing of Paulinus. I had met him several times at the Roman Days reenactment (which will not be held this year due to site acquisition issues), and will miss him. On one such occasion, a group of us (including Vedius, the one from NR, not classical antiquity) dined together at some steak house or other, and Paulinus enjoyed one of his favorite meals there. He was a teddy bear of a man, very nice, a gentleman and an example of Romanitas (looked good in his tunic and toga, too), and proof that conservative principles do not always have to be accompanied by a hefty dose of acid.
Requiescas in pace, Pauline.
Farewell by C. Aemilius Crassus consul
C. Aemilius Crassus omnibus SPD,
There are many in Nova Roma who knew Paulinus better and closer but even if I didn't knew him personally or could call him a close friend he was and is a reference of service to Nova Roma and a continuous presence and contributor to Nova Roma even before I have joined as citizen.
I do recall well his year as Consul, a year which he was almost the only Consul for greater part of the year, his courageous defense of Cincinnatus on the so called trials and finally the year I had the honor to serve as a fellow Tribunus Plebis with him.
He was a good man and a true Roman. In Roma Antiqua the family of the departed would remember all the achievements and accomplishments of the one leaving us. Since we are recent community and the family of Paulinus isn't here to do it I would like to remember all the many services made by him to Nova Roma:
- TWICE Quaestor,
- THREE times Tribunus Plebis,
- Praetor,
- Consul,
- TWICE Censor,
- Senator,
- Province governor for many years.
Besides many other activities from participation in sodalitas to the book club and in all this and all offices Paulinus worked hard with complete dedication. Nova Roma owns much to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
May we remember him and honor his memory by our actions and contributions to Nova Roma.
- Valete optime.
Farewell by St. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia consul
- Sta. Cornelia Aeternia Omnibus in foro S.P.D.
A big thank you to all those who have performed rituals and gave wonderful eulogies of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
I've known Paulinus since the age of 20 and although we did not agree on everything. I found him to always practice fairness.
He will be missed..
May the Mother guide him gently through the veil and the stars.
- Valete bene,
- Statia Cornelia Aeternia
Farewell by M. Pompeius Caninus praetor
- Avete.'
Outside of Nova Roma, Paulinus and I shared interests in genealogy and heraldry. And we were both Marylanders. I will miss him.
- Bene valete!
- Marcus Pompeius Caninus
On the Kalends, in addition to my usual ritual, I offered the following simple prayer:
- "Father Janus, in offering this incense, I humbly beg that you will be gracious and merciful to Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, his family and his friends as Tiberius Galerius Paulinus passes and we begin life without his voice among us. Proserpina, in offering this incense, I humbly beg that you will guide and protect Tiberius Galerius Paulinus on his journey. Mother Vesta, with this gift of incense, I humbly beg that you, pleased with this offering, will be gracious and merciful to Nova Roma and to our households."
I am praying for Paulinus each day during these nine days of morning following his untimely passing. I am very grateful that Lentulus is able to offer a fitting and appropriate ritual during this time. Thank you, Lentule, for your service. I hope we all grow closer as we reflect on the life of Paulinus.
- Curate ut valeatis!
- Marcus Pompeius Caninus
Farewell by T. Iulius Sabinus pontifex maximus
Paulinus was a true roman tribune. As tribune he defended the rights of the people. Paulinus was a true roman censor. As censor he protected the people. Paulinus was a true roman. What we the roman people may want more from him? Dis manibus Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri.
Tim extremely loved the books. I wish you my friend as your soul to find his peace in a place where is a great library. Rest in peace Timothy Gallagher.
Farewell by M. Minucius Audens
Conscript Fathers and Friends;
I am truly saddened to hear of the passing of Tiberius Galerius Paulinus. He was a friend and a very good Roman believer. I am sure that he shall be missed in the days and months to come.
Marcus Audens
Farewell by P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator
- Salve et salvete omnes;
I have just had the news of the untimely passing of Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.
He is a long time friend unmet.
Rarely in my life of correspondence with others, who I have never had the chance to meet face to face, has someone been so consistently mannerly, upbeat and informative in a thoughtful way.
In honor of his memory and the gift he gave me of his friendliness and thoughtfulness, I shall return to active participation in Nova Roma by the Ides of September.
My fellow Cives Nova Roma, we will work together to build a place of which Paulinus would be proud.
P.S.: Meeting Paulinus, especially since I now live in Maryland, was on my round to-it list. He was so SANE, the true gentlemanliness of his nature always came through his typed words. May the Holy Power, as he understood it to be, smile on his soul and grant him a warm welcome to Reward.
Farewell by L. Vitellius Triarius aedilis curulis
Paulinus was what we call a man. We worked privately on several matters over the years, and he provided good and sound advice to me as a young Roman citizen. A Brother Boy Scout departs the trail of life for that great campsite beyond the sunset. Go now, my brother, and soar with the eagles. May the stars guide your journey, for as you know the movements of the heavens, your compass you will need no longer.
"Death caused all your virtues, your honour, good report and valiance, your glory and your talents to be short-lived. If you had but been allowed long life in which to enjoy them, an easy thing it would have been for you to surpass by great deeds the glory of your ancestors. Wherefore, O Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, joyfully does Earth take you to her bosom."
Valete, mi amice,