Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Alexander (Nova Roma)

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Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
Album Civium

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, imperator, pater patriae was a consular senator and an eques equo publico of Nova Roma, and he served as censor and proconsul when he passed away on a.d. XVI Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c., at 93 years of age. He was respected and praised by his fellow citizens as one of the saviors of Nova Roma and as a new founder opening a new era in Roman revivalism.

Cn. Lentulus Alexander came from a family that cultivated land as a profession for many generations. He pursued a military career and he became lieutenant colonel of the Hungarian Armed Forced and received many decoration medals for outstanding service. His greatest merit was when served as one of the commanding officers of the rescue operations in saving the Hungarian Great Plains from the greatest flood ever in 1970. After retirement, Lentulus went back to till the land according to the traditions of his ancestors and dedicated himself to agriculture in peaceful old age.

When he joined Nova Roma in Fr. Apulo C. Laenate cos. MMDCCLVIII a.u.c., Cn. Lentulus Alexander was already in advanced age, so he didn't intended to pursue a political career, but he supported the local provincial community of Pannonia, paid his taxes to Nova Roma and attended events that were held by Nova Roma and its legio XXI Rapax in his home town Szolnok. His plans of quiet participation, however, were subverted by the coup d'état of Cn. Caesar and L. Sulla in M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.. The perpetrators of the coup took over all power, holding the corporation of Nova Roma hostage, removed the legally elected magistrates, shut down the government and prevented the holding of elections. The leading citizens of Nova Roma formed a grass roots type "mass movement" of the most committed citizens, and the senate and the people, now "in exile" (functioning outside the corporate framework), demanded that Cn. Lentulus the Younger, the son of Cn. Lentulus Alexander the Elder, accept the position of interrex to conduct the elections. Lentulus the Younger refused the position but gave his word to help as chief of staff in every detail of the process if a suitable patrician candidate is found. On demand, as one of the very few available patricians, Cn. Lentulus Alexander accepted the invitation of the senate, became the first interrex of Nova Roma for four consecutive terms, and held the first lawful elections after the coup d'état, in which the people elected him as consul with T. Domitius.

As consul, Cn. Lentulus the Elder enacted the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda to serve as our temporary constitution which enabled Nova Roma to survive the crisis and to function without its corporation (which was held hostage by the coup faction), which saved Nova Roma from total collapse. By his lex Cornelia Domitia, the senate and the people also mandated Cn. Lentulus Alexander to perform the Completion of the Founding of Nova Roma as interrex for two days and rex sacrorum in the following year, in the 20th year of Nova Roma, on the day of the October Horse, Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c., concluding the "founding years" of the New Roman nation. According to Roman tradition, the Roman nation could be founded only under royal auspices in a kingly name. As a steadfast republic, the senate and the people overcame this obstacle by electing Lentulus Alexander as interrex and rex sacrorum at the same time, while he was holding full consular imperium in his capacity as proconsul, ensuring he had all the fullest and highest degree of royal imperium and auspices. This groundbreaking event took place on Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c., and it opened a new era in Roman revival, as the worldwide renascent Roman people was invited to take possession of Nova Roma, and Nova Roma was united with all people of Roman identity over the world. The re-established Palladium and the Pignora Imperii were donated and consecrated to Nova Roma by Cn. Lentulus Alexander in the name of the renascent Roman people of the world, and a Confirmation of the Declaration of Nova Roma was proclaimed that day. Lentulus held the office of interrex three times in October to preside over the Completion of the Founding, and four times in the end of the year to hold the elections.

After his consulship, in January Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c., Cn. Lentulus Alexander received a special temporary grant of full consular imperium to watch over the res publica in the turmoil. He was appointed proconsul entrusted with the command of all legions of Nova Roma and with the supervision of all provinces, with imperium maius, except the provinces of T. Domitius where he exercised proconsular command with imperium maius, in order to control and resolve the chaotic circumstances of the "civil war", that is, the situation caused by the coup d'état of Cn. Caesar and L. Sulla. Besides general command over all provinces, proconsul Cn. Lentulus received those provinces as governor which lacked leadership and were especially endangered. These appointments were done in the understanding that Lentulus the Younger would continue to act as his right hand in all these matters. This was a very important command as the legions of Nova Roma, from a.d. XIV Kal. Ian. Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c., included the liberatores (the activists of the Saving Nova Roma movement and plaintiffs of the macronational legal action against the perpetrators of the corporate coup) who were enlisted as reservist members of the reenactment legions of Nova Roma, mostly in the legio XXI Rapax, on non-field duty. The senate mandated, by senatus consultum ultimum, these non-field soldiers of the legions to "participate in the intellectual and legal fight for defending and restoring Nova Roma", under the command of proconsul Cn. Lentulus Alexander.

For his virtuous actions, on the 20th Birthday of Nova Roma, on Kal. Mar. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. MMDCCLXXI a.u.c., he was made a public knight of the equestrian order of Nova Roma, as eques equo publico.

When the senate wanted to award the title pater patriae ("father of the nation") to his son, Cn. Lentulus the Younger in C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. MMDCCLXXI a.u.c., the Sacred Year of Concordia, 20th Anniversary of Nova Roma, Lentulus the Younger deferred this honor to his pater familias for the completion of the founding of Nova Roma and the Roman revival movement, because all these actions were conducted under the auspices and imperium of Lentulus Alexander, and according to Roman logic, the merit belongs to the holder of the auspices. When refusing the title, Lentulus the Younger also argued that the pious duty of Roman sons was to increase the glory of their fathers, not to outshine them. Lentulus the Elder was proclaimed pater patriae and the senate confirmed this transfer of the honorific title subsequently by senatus consultum with unanimous vote.

After the victory over the coup faction, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander was saluted as imperator, in keeping with Roman tradition, and he probably would have been the first person in New Roman history to be awarded a triumph if he had more time to live. He couldn't see the complete conclusion of the civil war the aftermath of which is still affecting Nova Roma to this day, and the corporation hasn't yet been re-united with the res publica. As a recognition of his victorious leadership, Cn. Alexander was promoted to the rank of tribunus in the legio XXI Rapax, his local unit.

Proconsul Cn. Lentulus intended agreed to undertake one last duty to complete his work of restoring and rebuilding Nova Roma, the census and lustrum, to open a new, fresh start for the republic. He was elected censor for Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c., however, after four months in the year he was unexpectedly hospitalized April. After a longer stay in the hospital, censor Lentulus Alexander was recovering quickly at home, which was very promising, but in June his health suddenly deteriorated. Censor and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander passed away on a.d. XVI Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c. in his home, surrounded by his entire family. After his death, the senate voted him the tributes of a Censorial State Funeral, sponsored by Nova Roma, fifteen days of State Mourning, a new series of Nova Roman coins in his honor, and an edition of funerary games, ludi funebres, the ludi Cornelii, to be held in his memory.

His Roman funus censorium, the Censorial State Funeral was held on a.d. VI Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c., and it was presided by Q. Arrius consul, C. Artorius and C. Cornelius praetors, and officiated by his filius and his quaestor, Cn. Lentulus pontifex. The funeral was attended by two pontifices, a flamen, an aedilis, three quaestors, two tribunes of the plebs, three senators, four legionary units, the legio XXI Rapax, the cohors VI Carpathica, the cohors I Atilia, and the non-Nova Roman legio X Gemina, two gladiatorial groups, the Familia Gladiatoria and the Ludus Gladiatorum "Aquincum', in total about 40 Nova Roman citizens, even from abroad.

Cursus honorum

Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c.
Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c.
Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c. four times
Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c. seven times
Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c.
from Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c.
  • Proconsul of America Hispanica, America Mississippiensis, America Missuriensis, America Montana, America Nebrascensis, America Noveboracensis, America Oregonensis, America Transappalachiana, Argentina, Brasilia, Carolina, Dacota, Gallia, Georgia Florida, Germania, Guria, Minnesota, Nipponia, Nova Britannia Citerior, Nova Hispania, Thule; with imperium maius.
from Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c. to Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c.
from Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c. to Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c.

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