Nova Romanitas
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The Roman Way is the study and practical application of "Romanitas" and the "mos maiorum", the revival of all aspects of Roman life, culture, virtues, ethics and philosophies in our everyday lives. One of the cornerstones of Romanitas are the Roman virtues; those qualities which define the ideal state of being and behavior of the Roman citizen. It is as part of the mos maiorum that citizens are expected to take up Roman names for use within our society. Learning Latin, the language of Roman culture, is an equally important step towards becoming a modern Roman.
Mos maiorum, literally translated as the “custom of the ancestors,” is the core concept of Roman traditionalism. As Ennius wrote:
"Moribus antiquis res stat Romana virisque." (The Roman state stands on ancient customs and heroes.)The mos maiorum was an unwritten code from which the Romans derived their societal norms. Because positive law regulated few aspects of Roman daily life, traditional customs, by virtue of the auctoritas maiorum (“prestige or respect of the ancestors”), shaped most of Roman behavior. In Nova Roma, we endeavor to revive the Roman way of thinking, the specific mindset that made Rome so great.
Romanitas, in Nova Roma, refers to the general study and practice of Roman culture. It is the direct application of Roman ethics, virtues, and philosophies in our everyday life, and it is one of the main goals of Nova Roma to promote the Romanitas and the mos maiorum among its citizens.
As with all aspects of Nova Roma, the extent to which any given citizen indulges in this area is up to his or her own inclination; but it is certainly encouraged. This includes the learning and use of the Latin language, the study and reenactment of Roman arts (including historical civil or military reenactments), the production of Roman drama, the study of Roman history, and a wide variety of other pursuits. It is as part of the mos maiorum that citizens are expected to take up Roman names for use within our society.
As with all things that make up the Roman culture, the emphasis is on the practical application of these arts and this knowledge in our everyday lives. We study Rome because we seek to emulate Rome; we emulate Rome because we admire Rome. By promoting Roman culture, we are in effect promoting nothing less than the revitalization of Western society. By practicing Roman crafts and arts, we more fully understand our own Western roots.
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