Ludi Romani Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) consulibus
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The current Ludi Romani of the year of Sex. Lucilius's and A. Tullia's joint second consulship, in the 25th year of Nova Roma, are being held with a larger than usual pomp. Celebrations are being held in Aquincum (Budapest), Pannonia, in Tibur (Tivoli), Italia, in Carnuntum (Petronell), Germania, and in Elfia (Utrecht), Gallia provinces of Nova Roma. Live gladiatorial games, reenactment battles, cultural activities and festive ceremonies and sacrifices are being held at these events by praetor C. Barosus, aediles curules M. Cotta and A. Vitellius, tribuni plebis C. Petronius and Caecilia Sabina, and quaestor Cn. Lentulus pontifex, dux, legatus pro praetore and praefectus governor of these areas.
This is a basic page to report on the current Ludi Romani activities and celebrations of Nova Roma, under the authority of the aediles curules [Aurelius Cotta Iovius] and A. Vitellius Celsus. You can find the exhaustive list of announcements about the current celebrations on Facebook here:
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