Aulus Vitellius Celsus (Nova Roma)

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 Wiki: User: Talk - Contributions to this site   The only official record is in the Album Civium 
Aulus Vitellius Celsus
Album Civium

A. Vitellius Celsus is a senator of Nova Roma, and he is the legatus pro praetore of the Nova Roman province of Thracia. He served for many years as praefectus, appointed by consul K. Buteo Quintilianus (confirmed later by consul M. Curiatius, too) into Bulgaria, to represent Nova Roma and to lead the project of creating a new province in this area. A. Vitellius held the aedileship twice and the quaestorship. He served as the duumvir of the Nova Roman municipium of Serdica.


In september 2009 he participated in the Svishtov Roman Festival in which he led the group of Bulgarian Nova Romans ( M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c.). The Roman ritual which Vitellius's group represented to the public was a Roman wedding ritual from the end of the Republic, called confarreatio: Video: The Confarreatio

Between 5 and 7 of June 2010, he organized the first Roman festival in Kyustendil - 'Ulpia Pautalia 2010', which aim was the recreation of the Roman civilian life and rituals: Ulpia Pautalia 2010

In may 2011 as Aedilis Curulis, he organized the Third Festival of Antiquity in Plovdiv - 'Philippopolis 2011', where he, and his friend - augur Tiberius Germanicus (Nova Roma member from Estonia) represented auspicia for the first time in reenactment history: Video: The Auspicia ( auspicium )

He also takes part as a roman legionary in the events, organized by first bulgarian reenactor club 'Legio IIII Scythica' /led by other bulgarian active member of Nova Roma Tiberius Cassius Geminus/: 'Enemy at the gate', dedicated to battle of Abrittus, when the romans were defeated by goths Video: [1]; and 'Meeting the Emperor Septimius Severus in Augusta Traiana'. Video [2]

In April 2012 he and Legio IIII Scythica, were invited to participation on Parade march around historical center of Rome. The celebration Natale Di Roma - Birthday of Rome was organized by italian reenactment group - Gruppo Storico Romano: Video [3]

In May 2012 he invited Nova Roma citizens from Hungary, Czech Republic and Estonia, to participate in an International Nova Roman Convention during the Festival of Antiquity in Plovdiv, a festival of which he was the organizer for the 4th time:ON THE NOVA ROMA WEBSITE

In August 2012 he participated in Romania as a legionary with Legio IIII Scythica on the first historical event in the Constanta - “Festivalul Antic Tomis”:

In September, he and his colleagues held Roman Games /Ludi Romani/ in Plovdiv:

Participation in Kabyle in May 2013:

In November 2013 he organized a small event in Nicopolis ad Nestum /village Garmen/ to celebrate opening of renovated archaeological park.

He also participated on annual selebration of Birthday of Rome /Natale di Roma/ for three years /2012, 2013, 2014/, and festival in Constanta /2012, 2012, 2014/: Video 1 and Video 2

In May 2015 г. he organized first festival of Antiquity in Diocletianopolis /modern Hissarya/, where he invited a Romanian reenactment group Legio XIII Gemina from Alba Iulia.

On festival in Abritus /modern Razgrad/, in June 2015 he demonstrated Roman medicine and pharmacy for a first time in Bulgaria. He develops this hobby for a three years and has full set of surgical instruments, also he recreates making of ointments according antique medicinal sources /mainly Pliny and Celsus/.

On 08.06.2016 he and his friends founded Association for Antique reconstructions "Mos Maiorum Ulpiae Serdicae" in Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria, dedicated to the representation and promotion of the ancient history. The group combines historical interests of our members and implementation of accurate reconstructions of Roman rituals, clothing, and weaponry. They are making their research, including exploration, study and analysis of Roman sources and gathering the information about life in the Antiquity. They create reconstructions of clothing items and weapons with authentic materials and perform their use as it was during the era.

On 13 August 2016 in the archaeological festival Nicopolis ad Istum modern village Nikyup/ he organized first festival of Antiquity : ‘’Nike the Game and the Victory’’ with over than 70 reenactors from Bulgaria and Romania.

On 31 March 2017 he became a member of the EXARC community . With members in over 40 countries this organization offers a strong supportive network through which experimental archaeologists and staff at archaeological open-air museums exchange knowledge, experience and best practice.

On 21 of April 2017 he also had been promoted to Eques Equo Publico by Nova Roma Senate for long time exemplary service to Nova Roma with loyalty and dedication as a leader of a reenactment group affiliated to Nova Roma.

On 3 June 2017 he organized first festival in Marcianopolis archaeological site /modern Devnya/, where he was represented many scenes from ancient live with his friend from Romania – Asociatia Culturala Tomis.

On 10 June 2017 in Archaeological park Kabyle, he and his friend C. Ulpius Iustinianus from Faculty of Law, recreated a Roman civil process – for a first time in Bulgaria.

On 12 August 2017 in Nicopolis ad Istrum During the ritual proclaiming the province of Thracia by the international organization Nova Roma, he had been elected as governor for his nearly 10-year contribution to the promotion of antique reenactment in Bulgaria.

On 21 April 2018 he and his family took part with the international Nova Roma delegation in annual parade "Natale di Roma" celebrating the foundation of the Eternal city and 20th Anniversary of Nova Roma.

On 12-15 August 2018 he with his group participated in "Carnuntum 333" - The prestige international Late Antiquity festival, located in the Archaeological park near Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria.

On 1st of June 2019 he and his group participated in the opening of the Education center for children, located in Serdica Ancient Cultural and Communicative Complex. They had also designed the interior of this center and provided the replicas of equipment and tools for promotion of "Living history" activities:откриване-на-нов-образователен-център-в-музея

On September 21-22nd 2019 he organized the first festival of Antiquity in Sofia - "Serdica is My Rome". During the establishing of the municipium Ulpia Serdica in Thracia province he and Gaius Ulpius Justinianus had been inaugurated as duumviri. The ritual had been performed by Nova Roma consul Quintus Arrius Nauta and Gneus Cornelius Lentulus. Also gladiatorial games, civil Law processes, battles historical characters and events of the 4th c. AD were represented, including a partial reenactment of the ecclesiastical Council of Serdica held in 341. The public was introduced in Roman and Gothic customs, war and politics of a period when classical Pagan culture was changed by a Christianity. This festival had been visited by over than 3000 citizens and guests of our capital and had a very positive feedback by the authorities, museum workers and common people:

Cursus honorum

Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.
P. Ullerio C. Equitio cos. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c.
P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c.

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Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. MMDCCLXX a.u.c.
P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c.
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