Ludi Romani Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) consulibus

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Ludi Romani S. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. - Main Sacrifice (small).jpg

Festivities are in full flight and open to all Nova Roma citizens and guests.
To see the live posts and see how to enter, read the posts and announcements in our Mailing Forum or see them in our Facebook Group.

Ludi Romani S. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. - Opening.jpg
Ludi Romani S. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. - Auspices.jpg
Ludi Romani S. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. - Gladiatorial Games.jpg
Ludi Romani Religio Workshop.jpg

The current Ludi Romani of the year of Sex. Lucilius's and A. Tullia's joint second consulship, in the 25th year of Nova Roma, are being held with a larger than usual pomp. Celebrations are being held in Aquincum (Budapest), Pannonia, in Tibur (Tivoli), Italia, in Carnuntum (Petronell), Germania, and in Elfia (Utrecht), Gallia provinces of Nova Roma. Live gladiatorial games, reenactment battles, cultural activities and festive ceremonies and sacrifices are being held at these events by praetor C. Barosus, aediles curules M. Cotta and A. Vitellius, tribuni plebis C. Petronius and Caecilia Sabina, and quaestor Cn. Lentulus pontifex, dux, legatus pro praetore and praefectus governor of these areas.

This is a basic page to report on the current Ludi Romani activities and celebrations of Nova Roma, under the authority of the aediles curules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and A. Vitellius Celsus. You can find the exhaustive list of announcements about the current celebrations on Facebook here:



Hosted by aedilis plebis M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis

Aedilis M. Metellus is inviting you to honor Iuppiter Optimus Maximus and Nova Roma by participating in a festive contest on the history of the ancient Roman Ludi Romani. Read the announcements on the official internal mailing Forum of Nova Roma:

LUDI CIRCENSES: Virtual Chariot Race

Hosted by scriba aedilicius A. Iulius Paterculus

Scriba of the aediles A. Iulius Paterculus is organizing the virtual chariot race game in honor of Iuppiter and to the glory of our Nova Roman worldwide community. Read the announcements on the official internal mailing Forum of Nova Roma:

RELIGIO WORKSHOP: Religio Romana And Cultus Deorum Romanorum Workshop

Hosted by quaestor and camillus P. Aurelius Barbatus

As a part of the annual Regional Forum for Provencia Australia and in conjunction with the Ludi Romani in honor of Iupiter Optimus Maximus, Nova Roman quaestor and camillus P. Aurelius Barbatus will be leading an online workshop on the fundamental concepts of Religio Romana & Cultus Deorum Romanorum on Saturday 17 September. This is but one of many activities, public and private, currently taking place as a part of the Ludi Romani.



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