Category:Gentes (Nova Roma)

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Patrician gentes

  1. Aelia
  2. Ambrosia (unhistorical)
  3. Annaea
  4. Annia (from Ullerius)
  5. Antonia
  6. Aurelia (from Ambrosius)
  7. Cassia
  8. Claudia
  9. Cornelia
  10. Decia (elevated from plebeian status for religious objectives in 2013)
  11. Equitia
  12. Fabia
  13. Flavia
  14. Gladia (unhistorical)
  15. Iulia
  16. Iunia
  17. Lucretia (from Gladius)
  18. Minucia
  19. Octavia
  20. Petronia (from Africanus Secundus)
  21. Terentia (from Cornelius)
  22. Tullia
  23. Sergia (from Silvania)
  24. Ulleria (unhistorical)
  25. Vedia
  26. Velia

Patrician gentes around 2004

The comments in parentheses refer to their current status.

  1. Aelia
  2. Africana Secunda (unhistorical) (extinct)
  3. Ambrosia (unhistorical)
  4. Annaea
  5. Antonia
  6. Cassia
  7. Claudia
  8. Cordia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  9. Cornelia
  10. Equitia
  11. Fabia
  12. Flavia
  13. Gladia (unhistorical)
  14. Grylla (unhistorical) (extinct)
  15. Hadriania (unhistorical) (extinct)
  16. Iulia
  17. Iunia
  18. Luciana (unhistorical) (extinct)
  19. Maria (extinct as patrician, continues as plebeian)
  20. Minucia
  21. Octavia
  22. Planincola (unhistorical) (extinct)
  23. Portia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  24. Silvania (unhistorical) (extinct)
  25. Tullia
  26. Ulleria (unhistorical)
  27. Vedia
  28. Velia

Patrician gentes on May 4, 1999

The comments in parentheses refer to their current status.

  1. Gens Aelia
  2. Gens Ambrosia
  3. Gens Antonia
  4. Gens Aurelia
  5. Gens Cassia
  6. Gens Claudia
  7. Gens Cordia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  8. Gens Cornelia
  9. Gens Drusia or Drusa (unhistorical) (extinct)
  10. Gens Equitia
  11. Gens Flavia
  12. Gens Germanica (unhistorical) (extinct)
  13. Gens Gladia (unhistorical)
  14. Gens Hadriania or Hadriana (unhistorical) (extinct)
  15. Gens Iulia
  16. Gens Iunia
  17. Gens Leonina (unhistorical) (extinct)
  18. Gens Luciania or Luciana (unhistorical) (extinct)
  19. Gens Maria (extinct as patrician, continues as plebeian)
  20. Gens Minucia
  21. Gens Nigeria or Nigra (unhistorical) (extinct)
  22. Gens Octavia
  23. Gens Planincolia or Planincola (unhistorical) (extinct)
  24. Gens Poppaea
  25. Gens Portia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  26. Gens Silvania (unhistorical) (extinct)
  27. Gens Terentia
  28. Gens Titia or Tita (extinct)
  29. Gens Vedia
  30. Gens Velia

Gentes on April 21, 1998

On the 21st of April (the birthday of Rome), 1998, at 10:54 AM, these were the gentes of Nova Roma, in order of creation, all patrician, except gens Caecilia.

The comments in parentheses refer to their current status.

  • 1, Gens Vedia
  • 2, Gens Cassia
  • 3, Gens Iunia
  • 4, Gens Maria (extinct as patrician, continues as plebeian)
  • 5, Gens Antonia
  • 6, Gens Octavia
  • 7, Gens Nigeria or Nigra (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 8, Gens Iulia
  • 9, Gens Equitia
  • 10, Gens Aelia
  • 11, Gens Silvania (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 12, Gens Cornelia
  • 13, Gens Velia
  • 14, Gens Hadriania or Hadriana (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 15, Gens Cordia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 16, Gens Planincola (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 17, Gens Drusia or Drusa (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 18, Gens Germanica (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 19, Gens Maternia (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 20, Gens Aurelia
  • 21, Gens Terentia
  • 22, Gens Gladia (unhistorical)
  • 23, Gens Luciania or Luciana (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 24, Gens Titia or Tita (extinct)
  • 25, Gens Poppaea
  • 26, Gens Leonina (unhistorical) (extinct)
  • 27, Gens Ambrosia (unhistorical)
  • 28, Gens Flavia
  • 29, Gens Claudia
  • 30, Gens Caecilia Metella (this was the original plebeian gens)
  • 31, Gens Portia (unhistorical) (extinct)

The first plebeian gens to be elevated to the patrician order was gens Minucia. M. Minucius Audens was raised to Patrician status in December of 1998, while Cincinnatus and Palladius were in the last days of their terms as praetores urbani. Cassius and Palladius as censors nominated Audens, Cassius as consul presented the nomination to the senate. Audens sent a letter to the senate Dec. 24, 1998 thanking us for our "unanimous approval in raising my Gens Minucia to Patrician Level."

Later many of the original patrician gentes became extinct, and the following gentes were elevated to patrician status to replace them:

  • Africana Secunda,
  • Annaea,
  • Antonia,
  • Fabia,
  • Grylla,
  • Minucia,
  • Nigra,
  • Tullia,
  • Ulleria.

After about 13 years without another elevation, C. Decius Laterensis was adlected into the patriciate in order to be eligible for the flamen Martialis priesthood, which was deemed an urgency to be filled. With his adlection to the patriciate, a new patrician gens was created, the gens Decia.

What is a gens?

A gens is a group of families sharing a common nomen: for example, M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, and Ti. Cornelius Scipio are all Cornelii, or members of the gens Cornelia.

Membership of a gens is hereditary: a Roman child is in the gens of his or her father. Some ancient gentes claimed that all their members were descended from a common ancestor, but this was perhaps never true; in any case it was not true by the middle of the ancient republic, and is certainly not true today.

Nonetheless, in ancient times many noble gentes maintained close internal ties of kinship and support, and members of the same gens were often political allies. Many gentes also had shared religious traditions (sacra gentilicia), and it was socially unacceptable for members of the same gens to marry.

  • List of Nova Roman gentes

Branches (domús)

A gens is further divided to branches (stirpes) which are in Nova Roma - mistakenly - called domús. A domus (or more correctly: stirps) includes all members of the gens who share the same nomen-cognomen combination: for example, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Maior, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, and L. Cornelia Lentula are all Cornelii Lentuli, or members of the domus Cornelia Lentula. Members of the same domus are officially considered real blood relatives by Nova Roma, brothers, close or distant paternal cousins. A new citizen who wants to take the nomen-cognomen combination of an already existing domus, can only do so if a majority vote of the members of the domus allows him to take the name of the domus, and acknowledges him as a real relative. Membership of a domus is hereditary: a Roman child is in the domus of his father.


The domús are divided to families, headed by a pater familias (father) or a mater familias (mother) who act as the leaders of the family and speak for it when necessary. The holders of this position must be registered as such with the censors. The pater familias or mater familias may, at his, her, or their discretion, expel members of his, her, or their family, accept new members into it by adoption, or allow members to form new Nova Roman families belonging to the same order (patrician or plebeian)

Families are the basic operating units of Nova Roman society, each family having the sacred and inalienable right to self-government, to their own identity and cultural family traditions, religious or otherwise.

Families being the backbone of Roman society, the prerogatives and responsibilities of the familia are of primary importance to Nova Roma. Each family has the right to determine its own course of action and parents shall have the undisputed right and responsibility to see to the education and raising of their children.


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