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A cognomen is a family name which would be shared by a group of blood relatives within the same gens. Cognomina often, but not always, referred to a person's appearance or other characteristics. It was also common to have a cognomen referring to a place of birth, a job, or some other thing which distinguished the person (usually an ancestor) who first bore that cognomen. It is the third part of the tria nomina, the three part Roman name.
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Characteristics of cognomina
Ancient republican cognomina had certain general characteristics. A person was not given his cognomen by his parents and did not choose it for himself: he either inherited it from his parents or was given it by general consensus within the community. In this sense a cognomen was like a nickname. For this reason, they were usually objective rather than subjective, concrete rather than abstract, and neutral or insulting rather than complimentary. Cognomina were usually adjectives describing physical or personality traits, occupation, place or ethnic of origin. Sometimes nouns could became cognomen by metonymy, for example, instead of calling a small man Paullus ("Little"), he could be given the cognomen Mus ("Mouse"), because a mouse is little. Among nouns, names of animals and plants (Lupus - wolf, Corvus - crow, Cicero - chick pea), objects, especially tools (Scipio - rod, Dolabella - hatchet, Malleolus - hammer) and parts of the body (Ahala - armpit, Barba - beard, Costa - rib) can be found.
A Roman almost always took his father's cognomen, especially if his father himself inherited the name from his father. Cases in which a cognomen may not be passed down from father to son are those where the cognomen is particularly closely associated with the father and would not be relevant to the son.
Agnomina are not usually inherited. Adoptive cognomina and matronymic cognomina are never inherited.
Types of cognomina
Occupational cognomina
One type of cognomen referred to the person's job or occupation (e.g. Pictor, "painter"; Caprarius, "goat-herd").
Geographical cognomina
Some people had cognomina which referred to the place where they came from, whether a city (e.g. Collatinus, "man from Collatia"), a region (e.g. Campanus, "man from Campania"), or a tribe (e.g. Sabinus, "man of the Sabines").
These geographical cognomina should be distinguished from honorific cognomina like Germanicus or Britannicus.
Adoptive cognomina
When a Roman citizen is adopted by another, he takes the name of his adoptive father, but adds a special cognomen to indicate his former identity. This cognomen is formed from his old nomen, with the -ius ending replaced with an -ianus ending. For example, when L. Aemilius Paullus was adopted by P. Cornelius Scipio he became P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus.
Matronymic cognomina
In very rare cases a Roman might use an extra cognomen formed from his mother's nomen. The -ia ending was replaced with an -ianus ending or an -inus ending. For example, M. Porcius Cato had one son by his first wife Licinia, and another son by his second wife Salonia. Each son was called "M. Porcius Cato". To tell them apart, people called them "M. Porcius Cato Licinianus" and "M. Porcius Cato Salonianus".
Honrific cognomina
Sometimes very eminent Romans were given honorific cognomina in recognition of their great achievements. These were the exception to the general rule that cognomina were not complimentary. Such honorific cognomina are called agnomina. A person did not give himself an agnomen: it was always given by others. An agnomen may refer to a victory over a particular enemy people (e.g. Britannicus, "victor over the Britons") or in a particular place (e.g. Africanus, "victor in Africa"), a particular virtue (e.g. Pius, "dutiful"; Sapiens, "prudent"), or general preeminence (e.g. Magnus, "great"; Maximus, "very great").
Ancient republican cognomina
This is a list of some ancient republican cognomina with their meanings. Some cognomina were used especially by certain gentes: these are noted in the list, but they may also be used by members of other gentes.
Male Form | Female Form | Status | Meaning | Used especially by |
Aculeo | Aculeo | Prickly, unfriendly | ||
Agricola | Agricola | OVERUSED | Farmer | |
Agrippa | Agrippa | OVERUSED | Born feet first | Gens Menenia |
Ahala | Ahala | Armpit | Gens Servilia | |
Ahenobarbus | Ahenobarba | With a red beard | Gens Domitia | |
Albinus | Albina | Pale, white | Gens Postumia | |
Albus | Alba | White or fair-skinned | Gens Postumia | |
Ambustus | Ambusta | SUGGESTED | Burnt, scalded | Gens Fabia |
Annalis | Annalis | Relating to years | Gens Villia | |
Aquila | Aquila | OVERUSED | Eagle | |
Aquilinus | Aquilina | OVERUSED | Eagle-like | |
Arvina | Arvina | Fat, lard | Gens Cornelia | |
Asellio | Asellio | Keeper of donkeys | Gens Sempronia | |
Asina | Asina | Female donkey | Gens Cornelia | |
Atellus | Atella | Dark-haired or dark skinned | ||
Avitus | Avita | Grandfatherly | ||
Balbus | Balba | SUGGESTED | Stutterer | Gentes Acilia, Cornelia, Lucilia, Naevia, Octavia |
Barba | Barba | A beard | ||
Barbatus | Barbata | OVERUSED | Bearded | Gentes Cornelia, Horatia, Quinctia |
Bassus | Bassa | Plump | ||
Bestia | Bestia | Like an animal | Gens Calpurnia | |
Bibaculus | Bibacula | SUGGESTED | Drunkard | Gentes Furia, Sextia |
Bibulus | Bibula | SUGGESTED | Drunkard | Gentes Calpurnia, Publicia |
Blaesus | Blaesa | SUGGESTED | Someone who mispronounces words, slurs his speech, stammers, or lisps | Gens Sempronia |
Brocchus | Broccha | SUGGESTED | Toothy | |
Brutus | Bruta | Stupid, dull-witted | Gens Iunia | |
Bubulcus | Bubulca | SUGGESTED | Cattle-driver | Gens Iunia |
Bucco | Bucco | SUGGESTED | Fool, dolt | |
Bulbus | Bulba | SUGGESTED | Bulb, onion | Gens Atilia |
Buteo | Buteo | Buzzard | Gens Fabia | |
Caecus | Caeca | Blind | Gens Claudia | |
Caepio | Caepio | Onion-seller | Gens Servilia | |
Caesar | Caesar | DISCOURAGED | From archaic praenomen Caesar, perhaps meaning "hairy" | Gens Iulia |
Calidus | Calida | Hot-headed, rash | Gens Coelia | |
Calvinus | Calvina | From cognomen Calvus | Gentes Domitia, Veturia | |
Calvus | Calva | SUGGESTED | Bald | |
Camillus | Camilla | A child who helps during sacrifices | Gens Furia | |
Caninus | Canina | OVERUSED | Dog-like | Gens Acilia |
Canus | Cana | Golden-haired or grey-haired | ||
Capito | Capito | SUGGESTED | Big-headed | Gens Ateia |
Carbo | Carbo | Charcoal | Gens Papirii | |
Catilina | Catilina | Gens Sergia | ||
Cato | Cato | DISCOURAGED | Shrewd, prudent | Gentes Hostilia, Porcia |
Catulus | Catula | Puppy, whelp | Gens Lutatia | |
Celer | Celeris | Quick | ||
Celsus | Celsa | Tall | Gens Papia | |
Cethegus | Cethega | Gens Cornelia | ||
Cicero | Cicero | DISCOURAGED | Chick pea | Gens Tullia |
Cicurinus | Cicurina | Mild, gentle | Gens Veturia | |
Cilo | Cilo | SUGGESTED | Large forehead or large lips | Gens Flaminia |
Cincinnatus | Cincinnata | Curly-haired | Gens Quinctia | |
Cinna | Cinna | Gens Cornelia | ||
Cordus | Corda | Born late | ||
Cornicen | Cornicen | Military bugler | ||
Cornutus | Cornuta | Horned | Gens Caecilia, Sulpicia | |
Corvinus | Corvina | Crow-like | Gens Valeria | |
Corvus | Corva | OVERUSED | Crow | Gens Valeria |
Cossus | Cossa | From archaic praenomen Cossus | Gens Cornelia | |
Costa | Costa | A rib | Gens Pedania | |
Cotta | Cotta | Gens Aurelia | ||
Crassipes | Crassipes | SUGGESTED | Club-footed | Gens Furia |
Crassus | Crassa | OVERUSED | Fat | Gentes Claudia, Licinia, Otacilia, Veturia |
Crispinus | Crispina | Curly-haired | ||
Crispus | Crispa | Curly-haired | Gentes Sallustia, Vibia | |
Culleo | Culleo | SUGGESTED | Leather sack for carrying liquid | Gens Terentia |
Curio | Curio | SUGGESTED | Priest of a Curia | Gens Scribonia |
Cursor | Cursor | Runner, courier | Gens Papiria | |
Curvus | Curva | Stooping, bent | Gens Fulvia | |
Dentatus | Dentata | SUGGESTED | Toothy | |
Denter | Dentra | SUGGESTED | Toothy | Gens Caecilia |
Dento | Dento | SUGGESTED | Toothy | |
Dives | Dives | Rich, wealthy | Gens Licinia | |
Dolabella | Dolabella | Hatchet | Gens Cornelia | |
Dorsuo | Dorsuo | SUGGESTED | Large back | Gens Fabia |
Drusus | Drusa | Gens Livia | ||
Figulus | Figula | SUGGESTED | Potter | |
Fimbria | Fimbria | Edge of clothing, fringes | Gens Flavia | |
Flaccus | Flacca | SUGGESTED | Floppy ears | Gentes Aviania, Fulvia, Valeria |
Flavus | Flava | Blonde-haired | Gens Decimia | |
Florus | Flora | Light-coloured or blooming | Gens Aquilia | |
Fronto | Fronto | SUGGESTED | Prominent forehead | |
Fullo | Fullo | SUGGESTED | A fuller or launderer | Gens Apustia |
Fusus | Fusa | From archaic praenomen Fusus | Gens Furia | |
Galeo | Galeo | Helmet | ||
Gemellus | Gemella | A twin | Gentes Servilia, Veturia | |
Glabrio | Glabrio | A relative of Glaber | Gens Acilia | |
Gracchus | Graccha | Gens Sempronia | ||
Gurges | Gurges | Greedy, prodigal | Gens Fabia | |
Habitus | Habita | In good physical condition | Gens Cluentia | |
Helva | Helva | SUGGESTED | Dun-colored hair | Gens Aebutia |
Imperiosus | Imperiosa | DISCOURAGED | Domineering, dictatorial | Gens Manlia |
Iullus | Iulla | From archaic praenomen Iullus | Gens Iulia | |
Labeo | Labeo | Prominent lips | Gentes Antistia, Atinia, Fabia | |
Lactuca | Lactuca | Lettuce | Gens Valeria | |
Laenas | Laenas | A woolly cloak | Gens Popillia | |
Lanatus | Lanata | Wearing wool | Gens Menenia | |
Laevinus | Laevina | |||
Laterensis | Laterensis | Person from the hill-side | Gens Iuventia | |
Lentulus | Lentula | A bit slow | Gens Cornelia | |
Lepidus | Lepida | OVERUSED | Charming, amusing | Gens Aemilia |
Libo | Libo | SUGGESTED | Gens Marcia, Scribonia | |
Licinus | Licina | SUGGESTED | Spiky- or bristly-haired | Gens Mamilia |
Longus | Longa | SUGGESTED | Tall | Gentes Sempronia, Sulpicia |
Lucullus | Luculla | From lucus (grove) or Lucius (praenomen) | Gens Licinia | |
Lupus | Lupa | OVERUSED | Wolf | Gens Rutilia |
Lurco | Lurco | SUGGESTED | Gluttonous, greedy | |
Macer | Macra | SUGGESTED | Thin | Gens Licinia |
Macula | Macula | SUGGESTED | A spot or blemish | |
Malleolus | Malleola | Hammer | Gens Publicia | |
Mamercus | Mamerca | From rare praenomen Mamercus | Gens Aemilia | |
Marcellus | Marcella | OVERUSED | From praenomen Marcus | Gens Claudia |
Maro | Maro | SUGGESTED | Gens Vergilia | |
Merenda | Merenda | SUGGESTED | Light afternoon meal | Gentes Antonia, Cornelia |
Mergus | Merga | SUGGESTED | Sea-gull | |
Merula | Merula | Blackbird | Gens Cornelia | |
Messalla | Messalla | Gens Valeria | ||
Metellus | Metella | OVERUSED | Army follower | Gens Caecilia |
Murena | Murena | Eel | Gens Licinia | |
Mus | Mus | SUGGESTED | Mouse or rat | Gens Decia |
Musca | Musca | SUGGESTED | Fly | Gens Sempronia |
Nasica | Nasica | Big-nosed | Gens Sempronia | |
Naso | Naso | SUGGESTED | Big-nosed | Gens Ovidia |
Natta | Natta | SUGGESTED | An artisan | Gens Pinaria |
Nepos | Nepos | Grandchild | Gens Caecilia | |
Nero | Nero | From rare praenomen Nero ("strong") | Gens Claudia | |
Nerva | Nerva | Vigorous | Gens Cocceia, Licinia | |
Niger | Nigra | SUGGESTED | Black-skinned or black-haired | |
Novellus | Novella | New, new-fangled | Gens Gavilia | |
Ocella | Ocella | SUGGESTED | Small-eyed | Gens Livia |
Pacilus | Pacila | SUGGESTED | From archaic praenomen Pacilus | Gens Furia |
Paetus | Paeta | SUGGESTED | Squinty or blinking | Gens Aelia |
Pansa | Pansa | SUGGESTED | Splay-footed | Gens Vibia |
Papus | Papa | SUGGESTED | From rare praenomen Papus | Gens Aemilia |
Paterculus | Patercula | SUGGESTED | Little father | Gens Sulpicia |
Paullus | Paulla | Small | Gens Aemilia | |
Pavo | Pavo | Peacock | ||
Pera | Pera | SUGGESTED | Shoulder-bag | Gens Iunia |
Pictor | Pictrix | Painter | Gens Fabia | |
Piso | Piso | Mortar | Gens Calpurnia | |
Plancus | Planca | Flat-footed | Gens Munatia | |
Plautus | Plauta | SUGGESTED | Flat-footed | |
Poplicola | Poplicola | Friend of the people | Gens Valeria | |
Postumus | Postuma | Born after the father's death | Gens Curtia | |
Potitus | Potita | Probably derived from an archaic praenomen | Gens Valeria | |
Praeconinus | Praeconina | SUGGESTED | A relative of a herald | |
Praetextatus | Praetextata | Young (wearing the toga praetexta) | Gens Sulpicia | |
Priscus | Prisca | Very ancient | ||
Proculus | Procula | From rare praenomen Proculus, perhaps meaning "born during father's absence" | Gens Plautia | |
Publicola | Publicola | Variant of Poplicola | Gens Valeria | |
Pulcher | Pulchra | Attractive | Gens Claudia | |
Pullus | Pulla | SUGGESTED | Child | |
Pulvillus | Pulvilla | SUGGESTED | Small cushion | Gens Horatia |
Purpureo | Purpureo | SUGGESTED | Wearing purple or with a purplish complexion | |
Quadratus | Quadrata | Stocky, squarely built | ||
Ralla | Ralla | SUGGESTED | A tunic of fine fabric | Gens Marcia |
Regillus | Regilla | Prince | Gens Aemilia | |
Regulus | Regula | OVERUSED | Prince | Gens Atilia |
Rufus | Rufa | Reddish, Ginger-haired | ||
Ruga | Ruga | SUGGESTED | Wrinkly | |
Rullus | Rulla | SUGGESTED | Uncultivated, boorish | Gens Servilia |
Rutilus | Rutila | Reddish-gold hair | ||
Salinator | Salinatrix | Salt-harvester | Gens Livia | |
Saturninus | Saturnina | Dedicated to Saturnus | ||
Scaeva | Scaeva | Left-handed | Gens Iunia, Marcia | |
Scaevola | Scaevola | Left-handed | Gens Mucia | |
Scapula | Scapula | SUGGESTED | Shoulder-blade | Gens Quinctia |
Scaurus | Scaura | Lame, swollen-ankled | Gentes Aemilia, Aurelia | |
Scipio | Scipio | DISCOURAGED | Rod, staff | Gens Cornelii |
Scrofa | Scrofa | SUGGESTED | Sow | Gens Tremelia |
Seneca | Seneca | Elderly | Gens Annaea | |
Severus | Severa | OVERUSED | Strict, severe | |
Silanus | Silana | Nose, water-spout | Gens Iunia | |
Silo | Silo | SUGGESTED | Snub-nosed | Gens Sergia |
Silus | Sila | SUGGESTED | Snub-nosed | Gens Sergia |
Stolo | Stolo | SUGGESTED | Shoot of a plant | Gens Licinia |
Strabo | Strabo | Squinty | Gens Titia | |
Structus | Structa | Possibly derived from an archaic praenomen | Gens Servilia | |
Sulla | Sulla | DISCOURAGED | Gens Cornelia | |
Sura | Sura | SUGGESTED | Calf of the leg | |
Taurus | Taura | Bull | ||
Triarius | Triaria | OVERUSED | A type of soldier | Gens Valeria |
Trigeminus | Trigemina | A triplet | Gens Curiatia | |
Trio | Trio | SUGGESTED | One of the seven stars of the Plough / Big Dipper | Gens Lucretia |
Tubero | Tubero | SUGGESTED | Having a tumour or swelling | Gens Aelia, Iulia |
Tubertus | Tuberta | SUGGESTED | Having a tumour or swelling | Gens Postumia |
Tubulus | Tubula | SUGGESTED | Little tube | Gens Hostilia |
Tuditanus | Tuditana | SUGGESTED | Mallet | Gens Sempronia |
Tullus | Tulla | From rare praenomen Tullus | Gens Volcatia | |
Turdus | Turda | SUGGESTED | Thrush | Gens Papiria |
Varro | Varro | Block-head | Gens Terentia | |
Varus | Vara | Bow-legged | Gentes Atilia, Licinia, Quinctilia | |
Vatia | Vatia | Knock-kneed | Gens Servilia | |
Verres | Verres | Pig | Gens Cornelia | |
Vespillo | Vespillo | Person employed to bury people too poor for a funeral | Gens Lucretia | |
Vetus | Vetus | Old | Gens Antistia | |
Vitulus | Vitula | Calf or young cow | Gentes Mamilia, Pomponia | |
Volusus | Volusa | From rare praenomen Volusus | Gens Valeria |
Personal Names in the Roman World

Paperback, 160 pages Contributed by Agricola
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