Edict regarding the inclusion of external sites

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Edict regarding the inclusion of external sites

As our website is primarily a documentation of our Nova Roma community and a reference tool for the ancient Roman world, I therefore promulgate this edict to establish the rules for inclusion of material about modern groups outside of Nova Roma.

The notability requirements for inclusion on our website are:

1. The group has a significant relation with Nova Roma because it participated in a notable event in the history of Nova Roma, or it has a substantial common membership with Nova Roma or it has participated in shared activities with Nova Roma.

2. The group is non-commercial and the academic nature of the group is sufficiently consistent with our goals to warrant the academic interest of our community for scholarly purposes.

3. The Senate of Nova Roma has established a relationship of any sort with the group.

If a group meets any one or more of these requirements an article may be created, usually under the name of the group. The reason for notability should be clear from the content of the article. This article would be the only acceptable location to place any external web links to that group. All other references should be internal wikilinks to the article.

by my hand a.d. VIII Kal. Sep. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos.

M. Lucretius Agricola

Magister aranearius Novae Romae

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