Senatus consultum on Tax Proposal

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Tier 1 - Citizens holding NO office (but can be members of Sodalitas) - 1/3000

per capita income (PCI) of the macronational country represented by the province

or group of provinciae, but not less than the equivalent of US$5.00.

Tier 2 - Citizens who are apparitores, members of the 26, Priests (not including

members of the 4 colleges), and Quaestors - 1/2500 PCI, but not less than the

equivalent of US$7.00

Tier 3 - Citizens All other office holders, all other magistrates, governors,

members of the 4 colleges except senators - 1/2000 PCI, but not less than the

equivalent of US$10.00

Senators shall pay the equivalent of US$25.00 regardless of any other offices or

magistracies they may hold.

The PCI shall be calculated by the consular quaestors by the Kalends of Aprilis

and the consuls shall announce the tax rates to the Senate by the Nones of

Aprilis; the tribunes shall then announce the tax rates to the citizens no later

than the Ides of Aprilis.

Taxes for Tiers 1 and 2 must be paid in full by Ides of Iunius.

For Tier 3 - the stated due date is by the Ides of June. But a payment plan

maybe set up by the Consular Quaestors to divide the payment into 2 parts (ONLY)

- at 50% each part. Payment plan and the first payment must be received AND

APPROVED by the consuls on or before the Ides of Iunius; the consuls shall

notify the CFO immediately upon approval of any such payment plan(s). Payment

in full must be made Ides of Septembris.

Senators must pay in full no later than the Ides of Iunius.

The Senate of Nova Roma reserves the right to alter taxes if the situation

warrants after a review by the Senate.

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