Senatus consultum ultimum re: voting/electoral procedures

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1. In accordance with Section V.E of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Senate

enacts this Senatus consultum ultimum.

2. The consuls are authorized to override, by consular edicta, those sections of

the Constitution and leges of Nova Roma that deal directly or indirectly with

the calling of any comitia to vote upon legislative proposals or to conduct

elections, in order that such comitia calls may proceed without recourse to the

cista software tools.

3. The scope of the authority at (2) above shall be limited only to overriding

those sections of the Constitution and leges which would otherwise make the

conduct of comitia business impossible or in the opinion of the consuls

unnecessarily complicated and time consuming without recourse to the cista

software tools.

4. This Senatus consultum ultimum shall expire no later than pridie Kalendas

Ianuarius 2765 AUC (December 31st 2011) or upon the recovery of the cista

software tools in full working order and fully operable by the magistrates and

their staff normally concerned with the conduct of comitia calls and votes,

whichever event shall occur first.

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