Session XXXI 05 January 2755

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Senate session report for 5 January 2755, as posted in the “old Tabularium”.

Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, Censor, 9 August 2761 auc

Tribunus Plebis Marcus Arminius Maior Senatoribus SPD

The Senate has finished its latest session, and the votes have been tallied. I ask each Senator who voted to make sure that I have correctly reported his vote and any comments he may have made; and i ask Tribunus Astur to confirm this report.

The following 16 Senatores cast votes. They are referred to below by their initials, and are listed in alphabetical order by nomen: Patricia Cassia (PC) Marcus Cassius Julianus (MCJ) Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (LCSF) Pompeia Cornelia Strabo (PCS) Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus (LEC) Quintus Fabius Maximus (QFM) Caius Flavius Diocletianus (CFD) Antonius Gryllus Graecus (AGG) Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus (DIPI) Marcus Iunius Iulianus (MII) Titus Labienus Fortunatus (TLF) Gaius Marius Merullus (CMM) Marcus Minucius Audens (MMA) Marcus Octavius Germanicus (MOG) Lucius Sergius Australicus Obstinatus (LSAO) Flavius Vedius Germanicus (FVG)

The following Senatores did not vote: Alexander Iulius Caesar Probus Macedonius Minervina Iucundia Flavia Gaius Tullius Triumphius Cicero

Some items needs 2/3 majority vote to be approved. With 16 Senatores voting, this 2/3 majority will be reached with at least 11 senatores voting UTI ROGAS (yes).

"UTI ROGAS" indicates a vote in favor of an item, "ANTIQUO" is a vote against, and "ABSTINEO" is an abstention.

The items for consideration are as follows:


ITEM I. Ratification of Lex Vedia de correctione incorporatonis


The changes to the Constitution of Nova Roma described by the Lex Vedia de Correctione Incorporatonis, which was passed by the Comitia Centuriata in October 2001, are hereby ratified. The copy of the Constitution as maintained in the Tabularium section of the website shall be updated accordingly. The Lex Vedia de Correctione Incorporatione will be added to the Tabularium.

[A 2/3 supermajority is required to pass this measure]


UR: 16 , ABS: 0 , ANT: 0 : this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

No special commentary.

Item II. Ratification of Lex Vedia de provinciis


The changes to the Constitution of Nova Roma described by the Lex Vedia de Provinciis, which was passed by the Comitia Centuriata in October 2001, are hereby ratified. The copy of the Constitution as maintained in the Tabularium section of the website shall be updated accordingly. Lex Vedia de Provinciis will be added to the Tabularium.

[A 2/3 supermajority is required to pass this measure]


UR: 15 , ABS: 0 , ANT: 1 (GMM): this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

Senator GMM has explained his vote as follows: CMM ANTIQUO. I vote against ratification of this lex. I believe that it alters the constitution to the detriment of the provinces, and removes useful standardized titles for provincial governors, without providing any substantial benefit. It is a definite step backward as far as I can tell.

Item III. Ratification of the Lex Vedia de tribunis


The changes to the Constitution of Nova Roma described by Lex Vedia de tribunis, which was passed by the Comitia Centuriata in December 2001, are hereby ratified. The copy of the Constitution as maintained in the Tabularium section of the website shall be updated accordingly. Lex Vedia de tribunis will be added to the Tabularium.

[A 2/3 supermajority is required to pass this measure]


UR: 12 , ABS: 3 (LEC, CFD, DIPI), ANT: 1 (QFM): this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

The following senators have issued the following commentaries:

  • QFM: ANTIQUO. I'm still not certain enough safeguards are in place, to avoid the mad tribunes scenario that has been discussed.
  • GMM: UTI ROGAS. I vote to ratify the lex, and also move that its title be corrected to Lex Vedia de tribunis.

Item IV. Ratification of Lex Vedia de liberis civium


The changes to the Constitution of Nova Roma described by the Lex Vedia de liberis civium, which was passed by the Comitia Centuriata in December 2001, are hereby ratified. The copy of the Constitution as maintained in the Tabularium of website shall be updated accordingly. Lex Vedia de liberis civium will be added to the Tabularium.

[A 2/3 supermajority is required to pass this measure]


UR: 16 , ABS: 0, ANT: 0 : this item has passed.

Item V. Modification of Senatus consultum on taxation


Whereas it has been determined that requiring bonding for those individuals entrusted to handle official funds is too expensive to undertake under our current circumstances, paragraph IV.B. of the Senatus consultum on taxation (passed in July 2001), which requires all appointed publicanii to be so bonded, is hereby eliminated from that Senatus consultum.


UR: 14 , ABS: 2 (LCSF, PCS), ANT: 0 : this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

The following senators have issued the following commentaries:

  • LCSF: The reason I am abstaining for this is due to the fact that eventually our Publicani, when we have them, will need to be bonded.
  • PCS: ABSTINEO. I am not against taxation, but I think a couple of items need to be clarified before I am fully comfortable with the verbage of this consultum, as modified.

Item VI. Appointment of Priscilla Vedia Serena as Curatrix Sermonis


The Censores are hereby notified that, in accordance with the Lex Vedia Senatoria, Priscilla Vedia Serena, in recognition of her service to the Republic as Curatrix Sermo and her long-standing dedication and involvement in Nova Roman affairs since its inception, is hereby nominated for inclusion in the Senate. The name of Priscilla Vedia Serena is added to the senatorial roll of approved names, suggested to the Censores to be added to the Album Senatorium, at their discretion.


UR: 11, ABS: 2 (LCSF, GMM), ANT: 3 (LEC, CFD, AGG) : this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

The following senators have issued the following commentaries:

  • PC: UR to all seven items, with a special commendation to Priscilla Vedia, whose service and dedication will be welcome in this body.
  • LCSF: ABSTINEO. I believe (despite the current laws) that all nominations that are made should consult the Censors BEFORE placing them before the Senate.
  • PCS: UR. Although I am not fully comfortable for the timing of these nominations, for reasons on which I will elaborate more fully in a separate correspondence, I shall abide by the law as it reads and judge Priscilla Vedia Serena on her merits, and not on any personal trepidation regarding the timing. Priscilla, on the basis of your service to the respublica, and your wisdom and virtue, I say UTI ROGAS.
  • LEC: ANTIQUO. As stated earlier, "I would have

preferred to have been consulted, along with my colleague and future colleague, before a list of candidates was proposed. As I had posted (even) earlier on this subject, I will consider additional Senatores only after the completion of the elections, when it will be known who must be added by law before the addition of Senator is contemplated."

  • QFM: UR. Priscilla Vedia Serena has surprised

me with her zeal and diligence, despite having a child this year. Nova Roma needs devoted people like her, and hopefully she will set an example for our other non senatorial female magistrates.

  • CFD: ANTIQUO. I´m ambivalent. Serena and I were

opposing candidates and during the election campaign we clashed few times. But this is not a reason for me to vote against. I appreciate her dedication to the res publica and her past and current work as Curatrix Sermonis. But, as Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus and Lucius Cornelius Sulla stated correctly in my eyes, the Censores should be consulted before candidates for the Senate are nominated. This is not a vote against the person Serena, my decision is based on procedural considerations.

  • AGG: ANTIQUO. Latin should be the official language

of Nova Roma and thus excempt from Censorial restrictions on language. Those who betray Latinitas betray Romanitas. DIPI: UR. Both Flavius Vedius and Lucius Equitius are right in this matter. Flavius Vedius was strictly within his legal rights as consul to nominate whomever he pleased to the list of senatorial candidates for the senate to vote upon. It would have been good form, however, to have the nomination of his wife put forward by his consular colleague and to have personally abstained on the item. Lucius Equitius is right when he says it would have been common courtesy for Flavius Vedius to have consulted or at least informed the censors ahead of time of the people he intended to nominate. In the end the censors make the decision as to who will join the senate so it would be ethically right though not legally required that they be consulted ahead of time. I am a little surprised at Flavius Vedius' reaction to Lucius Equitius and I ask that he see things through his eyes. 2 years ago, in the closing days of my consulship I nominated 3 people to be voted upon by the senate. I was also censor and took it for granted that my colleague, Flavius Vedius, would have no objections to my nominations. While he had no objections to my candidates he did object to me that I had not consulted or informed him ahead of time of what I intended to do, saying it would have been common courtesy. Flavius Vedius was right then and Lucius Equitius is right now. Obviously by what I have said I was initally inclined to abstain on these items but will not since what I have talked of is not in the letter of the law but rather its spirit. Priscilla Vedia Serena has served Nova Roma well over the last year and has been with us since the beginnning. She is obviously dedicated to our nation and capable. I vote that she be added to the list of potential senate candidates for the censors to consult as they may wish, at their discretion.

  • CMM: ABSTINEO. With no disrespect meant to the

Consules or the candidate, I believe that the process of accession to the Senate needs clarification.

  • MMA: UTI ROGAS. Both Serena and Quintillianus haved

worked hard for Nova Roma, and have labored in her cause unceaseingly.

  • LSAO: UTI ROGAS. Some may expect that I would be cool

to this nomination because P. Vedia and I have clashed in the past over her conduct of her duties as list moderator. I reject that as a valid reason to oppose her nomination to the Senate. Good and reasonable people may disagree, sometimes sharply. I am inclined to abstain because I agree with others that this method is somewhat ahistorical. The Censores still have the sole authority to determine whether those nominated join the Senate, but for us to nominate someone puts the Censores "on the spot" to reject them. I am also a little uncomfortable that P. Vedia's name is put forward by her husband. Without prejudice as to her qualifications, that seems vaguely improper. Perhaps it is not, but it "feels" that way to me. It might have been better if someone else had put her name forward. All of that being said, I must agree with F. Vedius that the law that we have put on the books is the law we must follow unless and until it is changed. The desireability of the process itself is not what is before us right now, nor the propriety of nomination by one's spouse. P. Vedia has been a fighter for Nova Roma and deserves to be considered by the Censores for inclusion in the Senate. Therefore L. Sergius Australicus votes UR.

Item VII. Appointment of Caeso Fabius Quintilianus in the Senate


The Censores are hereby notified that, in accordance with the Lex Vedia Senatoria, Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, in recognition of his service to the Republic as an outstanding and extraordinarily active Governor of Provincia Thule, is hereby nominated for inclusion in the Senate. The name of Caeso Fabius Quintilianus is added to the senatorial roll of approved names, suggested to the Censores to be added to the Album Senatorium, at their discretion.


UR: 11, ABS: 2 (LCSF, GMM), ANT: 2 (LEC, CFD) : this item has passed.

Votes and opinions

The following senators have issued the following commentaries:

  • LCSF: ABSTINEO. I believe (despite the current laws)

that all nominations that are made should consult the Censors BEFORE placing them before the Senate.

  • PCS: UR. Again, objectively judging the

candidate for his contributions to the respublica and his personal merits, I believe he will be a contributory Senator for Nova Roma.

As stated earlier,"I would have preferred to have

been consulted, along with my colleague and future colleague, before a list of candidates was proposed. As I had posted (even) earlier on this subject, I will consider additional Senatores only after the completion of the elections, when it will be known who must be added by law before the addition of Senator is contemplated." When my new colleague and I have had time to discuss the matter of whether or not to add any additional Senator(es) and who they might be, we will then contact the Consules with a list of candidates and how many from the list will be considered. I hope the next time this subject is brought before the Senate the actual keepers of the 'Album Senatorium' are consulted.

  • QFM: UR. No I won't abstain. This August body

needs dedicated Provincial Praetors such as Fabius. Especially in Europe. What better way to reward hard work and deligence then the marble bench? Nova Roma needs this, gentlemen. I'm sorry some of you don't see that. If the Censors wish, we should review this lex. After all I will be Censor someday, and I would hope my interpretation of the lex is correct. If it is not, then it should be corrected with clearer language.

  • CFD: ANTIQUO. ...due to the same reasons I wrote


  • DIPI: UR. Another excellent candidate to be

added to the list of potential senate candidates for the censors to consult as they may wish, at their discretion.

  • TLF: UR, with pleasure.
  • CMM: ABSTINEO. With no disrespect meant to the

Consules or the candidate, I believe that the process of accession to the Senate needs clarification.

  • MMA: UR. Both Serena and Quintillianus haved

worked hard for Nova Roma, and have labored in her cause unceaseingly.

  • MOG: UR

The Censores do not intend to create any new Senators immediately, and it is unknown when they will. That decision is solely theirs. We, the Senate, are empowered to add names to the pool of candidates who might eventually be considered for admission to this August body. Priscilla Vedia Serena and Caeso Fabius Quintillianus are both worthy of such.

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