Aedilitas curulis MMDCCLXI - Edict n°61-09

- PMA 61-09 on the creation of an Internet Videogames Team
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EDICT n°61-09
Aed. Cur. Memmius EDICT (n° 61-09) concerning the creation of an internet videogames team (de creatione gregis de interretialibus videoludis)
In view of the Constitution of Nova Roma and its paragraph IV.a.4.b stating the competencies of the curule aediles, specially « to see to the conduct of public games and other festivals and gatherings »;
In view of the aedilician edict 61-05 concerning the organization of the aedilician team for 2761 a.u.c. ;
Considering that these games include not only the ones displayed by the Republic in ancient times, and all the kind of contests that ancient Rome would know, but also every kind of modern games which may be focused on the ancient Rome, and, among them, videogaming ;
Considering the profit for Nova Roma to enter internet videogames venues and networks, specially the ones relative to the ancient Rome, and to organize if necessary such kind of venues ;
Considering that this way, Nova Roma will enter in contact with a specific public whose knowledge of ancient Rome may be improved, and which may be interested in a second time by Nova Roma itself, its life and its general activities ;
Edicts :
Article 1 : Videogames team
A videogames team is created inside the curule aedilitas, and placed under the responsibility of the aediles.
In view of its further development, a team leader may be appointed by the aediles.
For 2761 a.u.c. (2008 c.c.), Aedile P. Memmius Albucius takes the direct responsibility of this team.
The aedilician edict 61-05 must thus be read from now on in order to include the present creation and responsibility.
Article 2 : Composition of the videogames team
The composition of the team will be specified by a further aedilician edict or decision. Apart members of the aedilitas, may be member of this team any Nova Roma citizen interested in videogames relative to ancient Rome. Exceptionally, foreigners may be invited to bring their knowledges and skills into this team.
Article 3 : Missions of the videogames team
In the wish to bring into Nova Roma new socii or citizens, the videogames team aims to :
- create pages in Nova Roma web site devoted to the videogames relative to ancient Rome, and specially to the most famous currently, 'Rome Total War'. These pages will host either creation texts or contents, or will propose links to specialized sites outside Nova Roma.
- create an online gaming team, called « clan » in the online gaming vocabulary, which may represent Nova Roma in internet online gaming, and make our republic better known.
- create for this Nova Roma « clan », whose administration is managed by the videogames team and under the control of the curule aediles, dedicated web pages, with all the features generally offered by such online gaming teams.
- organize online videogames gaming, and specially 'Rome Total War' game tournaments.
The measures evoked in the present article may be specified by further aedilician edicts or decisions.
Article 4 : Enforcement of the present edict
Every novaroman public officer and her/his departement must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in the Tabularium Novae Romae at the following address:
and in Nova Roma Yahoo! relevant lists.
Issued in Cadomagus, Gallia, a.d. VIII Idus Apr. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (6 April 2008 c.c.) during the consulate of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus.
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