Album militum forensium rei publicae (Nova Roma)

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The Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae of Nova Roma has been established under the joint authority of the consuls and the praefectus rei publicae administrandae of Nova Roma, through edictum consulare de cohortibus praetoriis et de cohortibus rei publicae.

Field units of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae reenacting ancient Roman cohortens urbanae may use label Cohortes Urbanae of Nova Roma. The Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae are the tools of the 'praefectus rei publicae administrandae to coordinate the harmonized and synchronized operation of the entire Nova Roman government and law enforcement, and to fulfill his duties as chief executive officer and powerhouse of the consular government. Members of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae are termed milites forenses rei publicae (or milites urbani when reenactors), and their primary function shall be to serve the praefectus rei publicae administrandae in any tasks, but especially in coordinating the various forums and online venues of Nova Roma, or within the spheres of interest of Nova Roma, for example as delegated to participate among the vigiles, or as representatives sent to other organizations and communities. Like the vigiles, the milites forenses rei publicae shall also be divided into milites forenses rei publicae officiales (administrative, office-work milites forenses) who do only online administrative work, milites forenses armati (also called milites urbani) who do only physical reenactment armed service as a ceremonial guard of our events, and to a category of milites forenses officiales armati (also called milites urbani officiales) who work in both aspects of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae.

Types of Officers

Miles forensis rei publicae officialis

The milites forenses rei publicae officiales shall be service persons assisting the praefectus rei publicae in implementing his duties. Since their field service units go by a completely different placeholder name (milites urbani), the milites forenses rei publicae officiales can be identified even with a shorter title, omitting a couple of words: their usual shorthand name shall be milites forenses. They represent the praefectus rei publicae and through him the consuls of Nova Roma. They have the duty to implement the directives of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae and to ensure a unified and harmonized government in the various subsections, departments and offices of Nova Roma. In case of need, they shall assist the vigiles and complement their numbers.

The milites forenses rei publicae can be sent to any provinces or entities of Nova Roma, or even to entities that are not part of Nova Roma, in order to observe, supervise or exert governmental influence, control and united action in the interests of Nova Roma.

Miles forensis rei publicae armatus

The milites forenses rei publicae armati, or with their short name, milites urbani, are either members of an officially recognized reenactment unit of Nova Roma which represent Roman cohortes urbanae, or individual miles urbanus reenactors administratively distributed into formal cohortes created by the praefectus rei publicae administrandae or the consuls. They serve Nova Roma at events and do not have any duty in the online work of the milites forenses rei publicae.

Miles forensis rei publicae officialis armatus

The milites forenses rei publicae officiales armati, or with their short name, milites urbani officiales, are milites forenses rei publicae who are both field serving milites forenses rei publicae and office workers in policy enforcement in serve of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae.

Ranks & Functions

The ranks of the miles forensis rei publicae, both armati and officiales, follows the Roman military hierarchy as applied in Nova Roma, but with simplification. The functions of each rank among the milites forenses rei publicae armati shall be determined by the immediate commanders.

In order to assert the consular government policies, the praefectus rei publicae administrandae may delegate milites forenses rei publicae to be present in the cohortes vigilum and either observe, supervise or participate in their work. This may happen only for the duration of a nundinum at maximum, and after a nundinum passed, milites forenses may remain, or may be re-sent, only through an issuing of an edict by the praefectus rei publicae administrandae, or the consuls, describing the rationale and specifying the tasks of the delegated milites forenses. The milites forenses shall be the regular reinforcement forces in any forums and community assets in case of a problem, turmoil or crisis, supplementing the vigiles, or taking over the problem if the vigiles failed.

A. If needed, the miles forensis rei publicae armati and the miles forensis rei publicae officiales armati can be promoted to other ranks of the more elaborate system used in the Nova Roman legions, but this simplified scale is the recommended range of ranks for them, too. The miles forensis rei publicae officiales may not be promoted to any other ranks than the ones listed below.
B. The rank grades of miles forensis rei publicae (with modern approximations), and the functions and requirements of each rank shall be the following. Their title may be miles forensis rei publicae officialis (online service), miles forensis rei publicae armatus (field service in reenactment), or mixed: miles forensis rei publicae officialis armatus.
B.1. Miles forensis rei publicae gregalis (OR-1)
The milites forenses rei publicae officiales gregalis shall not have any moderator privileges: their job is to monitor the content of a forum, remind forum users if they are violating, or close to a violation of posting rules and code of conduct, answer questions by users, or to connect inquirers with the officers who can answer and help, and in general provide guidance to forum users if they need assistance. The miles forensis rei publicae gregales, and all ranks of miles forensis rei publicae, are generally entrusted to discover irregularities, incorrect behavior or violations of Nova Roman law and to report them to the tresviri capitales.
B.2. Miles forensis rei publicae tesserarius (OR-3)
The tesserarii shall be the lowest grade of moderators of public forums and other online infrastructures, or milites forenses rei publicae officiales with any decision making right. A miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 3 months service as gregalis, but most moderators should be kept in this rank. The tesserarius shall be considered the default rank for moderators.
B.3. Miles forensis rei publicae vexillarius (OR-4)
The vexillarii shall be an intermediate grade of moderators and minor decision makers. This grade in the rank system shall be granted to those who are selected to be promoted to optio later, and generally should be considered a temporary position. Very long serving tessararii may be promoted to this rank as a recognition for their long and excellent service. This rank shall be filled only if by making this promotion there remain at least two tesserarii in the cohors. A Miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as tesserarius.
B.4. Miles forensis rei publicae optio (OR-5)
The optiones shall be the fullest and highest grade of moderators but not administrators: they still shall not possess all the tools and rights in the technical administration of the forum or a specific online asset. A Miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 2 year service as tesserarius, or a 18 month service as tesserarius and vexillarius combined. This rank should be considered the default rank for leading and experienced moderators.
B.5. Miles forensis rei publicae centurio posterior (OF-1) (W-1/O-1)
The centuriones posteriores shall be the first grade of administrators in forums or other websites: they shall possess tools with which they can manage not only forum members but the moderators, as well. In other areas of service, they shall be also responsible decision makers in their relevant office. They shall have the right for substantial decisions and changes in the system and editing the archives where it's possible. They have the right to promote or demote milites forenses rei publicae up to the rank of optio. Only they (and higher ranks) may have the right to remove forum members. A miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as optio. This rank should be considered the default rank for admins.
B.6. Miles forensis rei publicae centurio prior (OF-2) (W-3/O-3)
Centuriones priores shall be more experienced chief administrators and decision makers. If the technical system of the forum or other venue makes it possible, they should be given more admin rights than the centuriones posteriores, or even the entirety of admin rights (depending on the asset owner's decision). Very long serving centuriones posteriores may be promoted to this rank as a recognition for their long and excellent service. This rank shall be filled only if by making this promotion there remains at least one centurio posterior in the cohors. A miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as centurio posterior.
B.7. Miles forensis rei publicae tribunus (OF-5)
The tribunus shall be the highest ranking chief administrator and decision maker among the service personnel, but their access and rights to technical administration tools is not higher than that of the centuriones priores who have the highest rights and complete technical control already (depending on the asset owner's decision). They have the right to promote or demote miles forensis up to the rank of centurio prior. This rank shall be considered the top of a miles forensis career and to fill it shall be seen as an award to the best serving miles forensis rei publicae centurions. A miles forensis rei publicae may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as centurio prior.
C. Demotion to a lower rank shall be a possible process as a reprimand for poor service, mismanagement, abuse of power, dereliction of duty or other types of errors in service.
D. Milites forenses rei publicae removed from active duty keep their ranks as retired Milites forenses rei publicae ("Milites forenses rei publicae veterani"), and if they are appointed to duty again, they shall be in the same rank that they bore. Milites forenses rei publicae can be retired by an official decision of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae. Milites forenses rei publicae veterani do not possess any rights or duties as miles forensis rei publicae, but they remain members of the cohors where they belonged and they are entitled to their insignia and to participate in the parades or ceremonial field service of their cohors (if it has any). Remaining member in the cohors does not imply that they have to be privy to the cohors's office work and its discussion group. Milites forenses rei publicae who wish to quit completely and irreversibly from the corps, or Milites forenses rei publicae who brought disrepute to corps and the commanders wish to cancel their title as Milites forenses rei publicae, can be permanently excluded from the corps of the milites forenses rei publicae by an official decision of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae.
E. The functions attributed to each rank may be changed, but only on an individual, case-by-case basis, and only in the form of a decrease of rights and authority, never as an increase. For example, a centurio (who would normally be an admin) may be given the rights of just a moderator, or may be even deprived of all moderation rights and used for other types of work (such as greeting newcomers e.g.) if the work organization within the cohors requires this.
F. Miles forensis rei publicae officers serving in multiple cohortes of the milites forenses rei publicae shall hold the same rank in all cohortes, but active moderation or admin rights shall be given to them only if the cohors commanders think so.

The Cohortes Praetoriae of Nova Roma

Praefectus rei publicae administrandae

The praefectus rei publicae administrandae, or the praefectus rei publicae, for its short and ceremonial version, originally two very similar but separate positions currently merged, represents the consuls. If future consuls can decide to appoint separate individuals to each position, both remain the co-commanders of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae is the direct commander of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae. Like the praefectus praetorio, the praefectus rei publicae also does not act on his own initiative and ideas: as chief executive officer of Nova Roma, he ensures the execution and implementation of government decisions and policies of the consuls. The consuls may not appoint any current consuls or praetors to this office, because that person would be subordinate and could not be a proper presidential magistrate and would lose the right to act on his own.

A. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall be the responsible to command the milites forenses rei publicae to ensure that consular policies and directives are observed and enforced equally and in a harmonized, concerted manner between the various offices, magistracies, community platforms and assets of Nova Roma, so that the entire management of Nova Roma may work as one body, toward the same purposes, in a coordinated way. The praefectus rei publicae is in complete control of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae, but he is subordinate to the consuls who shall retain the right to direct the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae personally on occasion.
B. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae can be granted tasks, projects and missions by the consuls that he has to carry out, and partial or complete consular powers regarding law policy and enforcement can be delegated to him. The praefectus rei publicae shall obey any order of the consuls.
C. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right to commission new milites forenses rei publicae into any of the cohortes, to decommission (exclude or retire) existing ones, and to make promotions and demotions up to the rank of tribunus. Each miles forensis rei publicae officialis shall be registered and enrolled by the praefectus rei publicae who shall be responsible for the maintenance of the album militum forensium rei publicae. In case of milites forenses officiales, the praefectus rei publicae has the right to refuse enrollment to individuals he does not deem fit for service; in case of milites forenses armati, the praefectus must enroll any member without the right of refusal.
F. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall strictly and actively oversee and guard the work of the milites forenses in the cohortes forenses rei publicae officiales, and shall intervene to their work any time he thinks intervention is necessary.
R. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae is primarily responsible for recruitment of new milites forenses and for the maintenance of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae and for the satisfactory number and training of the milites forenses officiales.
F. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right to give commands to, and override or overturn the actions and decisions of, the milites forenses rei publicae officiales.
G. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right directly to appoint (i.e. promote), and remove (i.e. demote) officers of the milites forenses to any of the ranks, but the consuls reserve the right to intervene and make their own promotions or demotions.
H. If there is no praefectus rei publicae administrandae in office, the consuls shall order one of the praetors or quaestors to be temporarily in change of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae (without the appointing them as praefectus). In this case all consitutional duties of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall be temporarily carried out by that praetor or quaestor as acting chief executive officer of Nova Roma.

Citizen Name Citizenship ID & Date Citizen Image Appointment Title Service Period Promotion History
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus #7694
a.d. IX Kal. Sext. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.
CIV-Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus.jpg Praefectus rei publicae administrandae
(Chief of Staff)

(Merged with: Praefectus consulari officio itemque praetorio)
Edictum consulare de cohortibus praetoriis et de cohortibus rei publicae

a.d. III Kal. Ian. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. - CURRENT -

Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis I

The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis I shall consist of the milites forenses rei publicae serving with the vigiles, aiding one of their cohors.

Citizen Name Citizenship ID & Date Citizen Image Appointment Title Service Period Promotion History
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus #7694
a.d. IX Kal. Sext. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.
CIV-Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus.jpg Miles Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis, Gregalis, Praepositus Cohortis
(Monitor, Cohort Commander)

Edictum consulare de cohortibus praetoriis et de cohortibus rei publicae

a.d. III Kal. Ian. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. - CURRENT -

Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis II

The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis II shall consist of the milites forenses rei publicae serving in other functions.

Citizen Name Citizenship ID & Date Citizen Image Appointment Title Service Period Promotion History
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius #15353
a.d. III Non. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
CIV-Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius.jpg Miles Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis, Gregalis, Praepositus Cohortis
(Cohort Commander)

Edictum consulare de cohortibus praetoriis et de cohortibus rei publicae

a.d. III Kal. Ian. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. - CURRENT -

Cohortes forenses rei publicae armatae reconstructivae (Cohortes Urbanae)

Other cohortes shall be created if a sufficient number of miles urbanus reenactors are recruited for the purpose of forming reenactment units of the ancient Roman Cohortes Urbanae, and their name in reenactment shall be cohortes urbanae. The number of necessary individuals to establish a new cohors shall be at the discretion of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae or the consuls. The cohortes urbanae shall be composed only of field service milites forenses rei publicae armati who wear the historical equipment of ancient Roman milites urbani.

If a miles forensis rei publicae officialis is also a miles forensis rei publicae armatus (miles urbanus), their cohors allocation shall follow the solution applied for praetorians in similar situation.

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