Aedilitas curulis MMDCCLXI - Edict n°61-05

- SLT-PMA 61-05 concerning the organization of the aedilician team for 2761 a.u.c.
EDICT n°61-05
AEDILES CURULES Sex. Lucilius Tutor's and P. Memmius Albucius' edict (n° 61-05) concerning the organization of the aedilician team for 2761 a.u.c. (Edictum de ordine Cohortis Aediliciae anno MMDCCLXI AUC)
We, Sextus Lucilius Tutor and Publius Memmius Albucius, aediles curules, by the authority vested by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the existing rules;
In order to fulfill our duties as elected aediles curules and give during this year 2761 auc the best service to the Res Publica and to Nova Roma citizens,
Both edict:
Article 1
Aediles Sex. Lucilius and P. Memmius pay homage to all the previous aediles curules who have all carried high Nova Roma's aedilitas flame, and to the Factiones and their leaders who have, since several years, allowed our Ludi circenses to meet the best success.
Article 2
Aediles Sex. Lucilius and P. Memmius create a joined team, called "Cohors Aedilicia", with no personal name, so that the continuity with the previous aedilitates be underlined.
Each of both aediles keep naturally free, as the constitution of Nova Roma allows them, leaving this joined cohors and form his own aedilician team.
Article 3
Aediles Sex. Lucilius and P. Memmius remain responsible, towards the People, the Senate and the consuls, praetors and relevant powers, of their duties, whatever they are performed directly by them or by one of their assistants.
Article 4
A joined Cohors Aedilicia is formed to assist the aediles curules, with no distinction of particular relation. Thus, aedilis Lucilius accepts that Quaestor Hortensia help the whole aedilitas, as well aedilis Memmius for Quaestor Vitellius's intervention.
Article 5
The Cohors Aedilicia is composed by the following citizens, listed alphabetically by cognomen, who have accepted to assist the aediles in a general advising task and in a preparation mission for the organization of the Ludi curules. In addition, these citizens are also assigned to the following tasks :
- C. Marcius Crispus: secretary of the Cohors; maintenance of the macellum and ordo equester regulations in collaboration with the censorate scribes.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus: translations in Latin of the aediles' edicta and of other documents needed by the aediles's missions; maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site; European conventus.
- M. Hortensia Maior quaestor: maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site; public events; religio romana and relations with the religious institutions and with the censorate; coordination of Ludi Megalenses.
- Q. Valerius Poplicola: other conventus than European one; aedilician fund, specially Magna Mater Project.
- A. Tullia Scholastica: translations in Latin of the aediles' edicta and of other documents needed by the aediles' missions; coordination of Ludi Romani.
- T. Iulius Sabinus, cos.: maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site; Dacian (European) conventus, Summer 2761 auc., specially the coordination in Dacia of the relevant Ludi.
- L. Vitellius Triarius quaestor: maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site; State real properties; aedilician fund, specially Magna Mater Project; coordination of other 2761 auc curule Ludi (than Megalenses and Romani).
Article 6
In accordance with Nova Roman laws, the abovementioned citizens are, apart from quaestors, appointed as scribes (scriba aedilicius/-a) for 2761 auc. As such, they are not asked to pronounce any oath of office.
From the publication of the present edict, every member of the team may prefer leaving the Cohors just because the changing of its organization, of its working lines or methods, which would not fit anymore enough the conditions of this member's individual entry. She/he is naturally free to such a resigning at any time, after a short information of the aediles the day before.
Article 7
Aediles Sex. Lucilius and P. Memmius provide a joined coordination of the Cohors and keep a direct relation with the other powers of Nova Roma. The instructions given in the frame of the Cohors' list will be reputed be given under both authority. In addition, the aediles support more specifically the above quaestores and scribae in the following fields:
- Aed. Sex. Lucilius: European conventus, including conventus Daciae 2761 auc;
- Aed. P. Memmius: Macellum, including ordo equester regulations in relation with the censors.
Article 8
A further edict may precise the intervention of every assistant in the specific field of the Ludi curules.
A further edict will precise the organization of the aedilician fund, and specially of the Magna Mater Project.
A further edict may complete the Cohors, specially through the appointment of a scribe who would help T. Iulius Sabinus in his coordination of the Ludi which are to be organized next summer 2761.
Article 9
The present edict is notified to every concerned citizen.
Article 10
Every Nova Roman public officer and her/his departement must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in the Tabularium Novae Romae at, and in Nova Roma Yahoo! relevant lists.
Issued simultaneously in Brno, Pannonia czeca et Cadomagus, Gallia, Idus Ian. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (13th January 2008 c.c.) during the consulate of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus
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