Aedilitas curulis MMDCCLXI - Edict n°61-06

EDICT n°61-06
AEDILES CURULES SEX. LUCILIUS TUTOR'S and P. MEMMIUS ALBUCIUS' EDICT (n° 61-06) concerning the modification of the organization of the aedilician team for 2761 a.u.c. (Edictum de mutatione ordinis Cohortis Aediliciae anno MMDCCLXI AUC)
We, Sextus Lucilius Tutor and Publius Memmius Albucius, aediles curules, by the authority vested by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the existing rules ;
In order to fulfill our duties as elected aediles curules and give during this year 2761 auc the best service to the res publica and to Nova Roma citizens,
Both edict :
Article 1
In the article 5 of our previous edict 61-05, is added alphabetically, before "assigned to the following tasks", the new paragraph below:
"Oppius Fabius Montanus: coordination, in due relation with governor Iulius and his team, of Dacian (European) conventus 2761 auc., and ludi to be organized there by the aedilitas curulis." The other provisions of the edict 61-05 are not modified.
Article 2
Every novaroman public officer and her/his departement must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in the Tabularium Novae Romae at, and in Nova Roma Yahoo! relevant lists.
Issued simultaneously in Brno, Pannonia czeca et Cadomagus, Gallia,
a.d. XII pridie Kal. Feb. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (21st January 2008 c.c.)
during the consulate of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius
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