Talk:VI Conventus Novae Romae

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Useful information about:




  • Provincia Dacia Nova Roma comprises the modern teritory of Romania.
  • Among other important international organizations Romania is member of Latin Union.

Exchange rates

  • currency: RON.
  • rates: Exchange rates - Financial info section.
  • there are many banks with good exchanges services.

Additional expenses

  • depend on the participants’ number we will rent a micro bus.
  • fares for museums are between 3 - 5 euro (4.5 - 7.5 USD) - free entrance for children.
  • fare for the roman bath is 15 euro (22.5 USD) / person. Time: 90 minutes. Services: massage, thermo saline / thermo sulfuric bath, a drink with sweating effect and sauna, all in ancient roman tradition.
  • lunch or dinner cost between 8 - 12 euro (12 - 18 USD) and consists of minimum two types of food, drinks and coffee (there are also many markets, restaurants and fast-foods with non-stop program and good prices).


  • in Romania in August the temperature can easily go over 35 degrees Celsius. It is strongly recommended to always have with you: hat, sunglasses, water or any mineral (non-alcoholic) drink.
  • wearing your roman toga, during the event, is wonderful occasion to honor our roman ancestors.
  • the swimming suite is indispensable at the roman baths.
  • for any problem or question, during the Conventus, contact one of responsible for:
-financial:A. Arria Carina.
-technical:Op. Fabius Montanus.
-medical:F.Maria Bellatrix.
-logisitcs:T. Iulius Sabinus


  • Georgio Trans SRL - transportation.
  • Orhideea*** - accomodation.
  • Hercules SA & Roman Hotel - Roman baths.


  • Could the date be posted as soon as possible? Advance tickets must be bought by some. Agricola 10:47, 5 January 2007 (CET)
Done.Titus Iulius Sabinus 05:06, 28 January 2008 (CET)

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