Quintus Iulius Probus (Election MMDCCLX)

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Tribunus Plebis
CIV-Quintus Iulius Probus.jpg

Quintus Iulius Probus

Album Civium

Election MMDCCLX

Salvete cives novi romani!

I, Quintus Iulius Probus, officially present my candidacy for Tribunus Plebis.

I'm an assidui citizen of Nova Roma since February 2005, and one of the active members of my province. In these years I've tried to fulfill honorably all the duties that I was assigned for. I've participated two years consecutively to the ludi activities organisation, being a member of aedilis Iulius Sulla's Cohors, scribe in aedilis Equitus Cato's Cohors, and right now I'm quaestor of aedilis Curius Saturninus.

In Provincia Dacia I have the honor to be legatus militum. In this position, my first concern was to know as much as possible of the military history. My articles about this domain of interest are presented in the provincial webzine "Dacia Felix". I've been present at all activities organized in province, visiting and analyzing the roman objectives in my area of interests. Also in my province I work as a translator too, being a good English and French speaker, and a beginner in Bulgarian.

I can say that the members meetings in Nova Roma provinces are very important because this way we can develop friendship and they also represent the starting point of any mutual project. I also represent one of the young families in Nova Roma, and in many of my activities I was helped by my wife L. Iulia Severa, the Provincia Dacia procurator.

My candidacy for tribunus plebis is my second step in cursus honorum. I think that this will be the next step in my activity as time as I'm interested in Nova Roma laws and to defend the Nova Roma citizens rights. As tribunus plebis I will do all the best to serve the Republic and Nova Roma plebeian order.

So, honorable citizens, please allow me to put my skills and my knowledge in our community purpose, by giving me your trust vote.

Thank you.

Q. Iulius Probus


Provincia Dacia Legatus Militum.