Circenses Apollinares quarters carceres (Nova Roma)

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Ludi circenses Apollinares 2763 auc - the ORDER in the CARCERES

Here below the order in the carceres for every four quarter-finals.

The rigs (essediae) have been ordered according the method of the seeded players, which is the one applied, for example, for the tennis ATP or soccer FIFA main competitions.

Each quarter opposing 3 rigs, each one own a seeded essedia. The seeded rig have been picked from the results of last circenses novi romani (March 2763). The method is the same than the ATP or FIFA one: on each extremity of the table, considered horizontally with the 1st quarter at far-left and the 4th quarter at far-right, are thebest ranked rigs, here below, respectively the ranked 2 and 3, as Incitatus, who won in March (so nb 1), did not enter this time. Then as seeded rig of the 2nd quarter comes Drunas (nb 4), on center-left, and Venator ventorum V (Windchaser V), nb 5.

All the other essediae have been organized in the same way. The remaining rigs, which did not enter the March 63 races, but which already run and are thus listed in the Album heroum table, were inserted in a second time, in the immediately available places. The last places on the 12 positions were, last, taken by new entering rigs, that we have the great pleasure welcoming in the family of the Circences.

When there was, in each above phase, a possible choice, we have organized the rigs so that, if possible, not two rigs belonging a same factio be opposed. Just such one case, where two russati oppose, finally takes place.

The rank below is the Novi Romani one, therefore the order of the insertion in the quarter-finals, according the method just described.


Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner
II Albus ventus Hermanus A C. Maria Caeca
IX Amaxa Arctus R L. Livia Plauta
NEW Equa noctis (Night mare) Ambicatos V R. Cornelia Val. Iuliana Aeternia and V. Ritulia Enodiaria


Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner
IV Drunas Nervia A P. Memmius Albucius
V Venator ventorum Emrys Gallus V Max. Valeria Messallina
NEW Equa noctis (Night mare) Ambicatos P R. Cornelia Val. Iuliana Aeternia and V. Ritulia Enodiaria


Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner
VII Volcanus Merddyn celticus P Q. Servilius Priscus
VIII Rubidea Febronius R M. Arminius Maior
IX Amaxa Arctus R L. Livia Plauta


Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner
III Luxogenes Eporicus A P. Memmius Albucius
XI Lusitana Ducaliter R C. Cocceius Spinula
XII Ala rubra Ursus R L. Livia Plauta
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