Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici (Nova Roma)

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Enacted on: a.d. XII Kal. Quint. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia, 20th June, 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD)

I. The Official Forum of Nova Roma

I.A. The only official state forum of Nova Roma, the functional equivalent of the ancient Roman Forum Romanum is the Forum Novum Romanum. The Forum Novum Romanum is also called the Main Mailing List of Nova Roma, shortly, the Main List. Whenever there is an obligation for official public communication to be directed to the people, this requirement shall refer to the Forum Novum Romanum. No other forum or discussion platform of Nova Roma is permitted to be called Forum Novum Romanum, or Forum Romanum, or Main Forum, Main List, Main Discussion Group etc.

I.B. The Forum Novum Romanum is the mailing list located at

I.C. The senate mandates the consuls to negotiate with the owner of our Main List, M. Cassius Iulianus, an agreement about the moderation practices of the Main List with the result that only officers appointed or elected by official Nova Roman institutions can participate in all moderation activities of the Main List, while M. Cassius Iulianus would retain ownership and the right to intervene if his good name or his rights were violated. In honor of M. Cassius Iulianus, the founder of our main forum, the Forum Novum Romanum shall be officially named as Forum Cassium, or more fully Forum Novum Romanum Cassii. The simpler name, reflecting its official main forum status, Forum Novum Romanum shall be legally valid, too. The address or the title of the mailing list page doesn't have to be changed, but the official legal name will be this.

II. Other Public Forums Officially Part of Nova Roma

Nova Roma has some other official discussion forums, but none of them are "the official forum" of Nova Roma. The other groups are recognized as official parts of Nova Roma, but not as official forums. There is only one official forum, the Forum Novum Romanum. The other forums can be called "a public forum of Nova Roma", "a forum belonging to Nova Roma", "a forum that is officially part of Nova Roma" etc. The phrase and status, "official forum of Nova Roma", is reserved for the Forum Novum Romanum.

II.A. The senate hereby recognizes the Facebook Group of Nova Roma, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, as one of the discussion forums of Nova Roma, and the Facebook Page, as well, and mandates the consuls to negotiate an agreement with Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about the involvement of the officers of Nova Roma in the administration of the Facebook Group and Facebook Page of Nova Roma. At the same time, the senate officially expresses the gratitude of the state to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for having maintained these Facebook platforms dutifully and in excellent quality for more than a decade, without any help and support from the administration. The Facebook platforms of Nova Roma served as the best functioning elements of the Nova Roma media tools for many years thanks to the selfless works and efforts of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, and the senate wants to rely on his expertise and work on Facebook in the future, too. In honor of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the founder of our Facebook forum, the Facebook Group shall be officially named as Forum Cornelium or Forum Lentuli (or in one phrase Forum Cornelium Lentuli). The address or the title of the mailing list page doesn't have to be changed, but the official legal reference will have to be any of the three variants given above.

II.B.1. The senate hereby recognizes the Discord Server Chat Group of Nova Roma, first established and owned by T. Domitius Draco, subsequently extended by C. Artorius Praeconinus, as one of the discussion forums of Nova Roma, and mandates the consuls to negotiate an agreement with T. Domitius Draco and C. Artorius Praeconinus about the involvement of the officers of Nova Roma in the administration of the Discord Server Chat Group of Nova Roma. At the same time, the senate officially expresses the gratitude of the state to T. Domitius Draco for having maintained the Discord Server Chat Group for Nova Roma in these two years, on his private effort.The senate wants to rely on his expertise and work on the Discord Server Chat Group in the future, too, and in his honor as the founder of the Discord Server Chat Group, it shall be officially named as Forum Domitium. The address or the title of the Discord Server Chat Group page doesn't have to be changed, but the official legal reference will have to include the honorific name, too. In addition, the senate wants to recognize and thank the work of C. Artorius Praeconinus and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius which was essential to the complex development of the Nova Roman Discord chat forum.

II.B.2. Further, the senate instructs the owner and the administrators of the Discord forum not to use the term "forum" to name the different channels of the chat forum, but to use the word channel or other solutions or their Latin translations, with the exception of the channel called Forum Artorium et Domitium. This shall have the right to keep its name in honor of the contributions of C. Artorius Praeconinus, who extended the size of our Discord server. The owner and the moderators are free to change its name if they wish, for example to "Canalis Artorius Domitius", or to whatever they wish.

III. Application of Nova Roman Law on Public Speech and Behavior

III.A. The legal code of Nova Roma regarding public speech and behavior, whether defined by edict, senatus consultum, lex or any legal document, shall be in force in all public forums of Nova Roma. Public order, legality and law enforcement and policing in forums shall be the collective responsibility of the four aediles, supervision, conflict resolution and administration of justice shall be the responsibility of the praetors. The owners of any public forum, depending on their wish, shall have the right to retain their management rights but they must always comply with the decision of the state authorities except if the decision would violate their property rights. Complaints and controversies shall be judged by the legal procedures described by Nova Roman law, under the authority of the praetors as supervisor of public justice.

III.B. Nova Roma doesn't have an official territory, but Nova Roma exists in the persons of its citizens as its constituents. Therefore Nova Roman law doesn't have a territorial limitation or online/internet area limitation. Nova Roman law on public speech and behavior regarding our citizens shall be in force even in those places or electronic forums which are not part of Nova Roma. The enforcement of Nova Roman law in those places is not possible, but complaints and controversies shall be able to be heard out and brought before the justice system of Nova Roma, and cases shall be judged according to Nova Roman law.

III.C. All other public forums of Nova Roma shall follow the code of conduct, the public speech and behavior rules of the Forum Novum Romanum as their minimum standard. The other forums can have their own code of conduct rules which can be more restrictive and rigorous than the rules of the Forum Novum Romanum, but the rules of the other forums cannot go under the standards of the Forum Novum Romanum. Outside the forums and events of Nova Roma, in places (real or electronic), forums and events where Nova Roman law is not enforceable (shortly: "outside Nova Roma"), the rules which specifically refer to the code of conduct in the forums of Nova Roma are not applicable in Nova Roman justice system, but only the general rules of citizens' code of conduct are applicable. (Case study of an example: If NR law forbids racism, then complaints about a citizen's racist speech outside Nova Roma shall be heard by NR authorities regardless of the place where the incident happened. If NR law doesn't forbid racism in general, just racist speech on the Main List, then complaints about a citizen's racist speech outside Nova Roma shall not be handled by NR authorities, but if the incident happened in another forum of Nova Roma, it shall be addressed by the NR authorities because the code of conduct of the Main List shall be the minimum standard of the code of conduct of all NR forums).

VIII. Closing instructions

VIII.A. The consuls are mandated to come to an agreement with the owners of all forums of Nova Roma about the mechanism of law enforcement before the end of July this year. In the case of the Main List, the Forum Novum Romanum Cassii, the requirement that moderation shall be under full control of state authorities shall be non-negotiable, and if the consuls cannot come to an agreement about this, a new Main List will have to be created. The curator rei informaticae shall be involved in the negotiations.

VIII.B. The consuls are ordered to issue an edict to allow the aediles to modify the consular edict on the rules of the Forum Novum Romanum.

VIII.C. The curator rei informaticae shall be responsible for the information technology aspects of the maintenance of the online public forums of Nova Roma, and the curator is ordered to create a department in the Officium Rei Informaticae for the IT maintenance and coordination of the public forums of Nova Roma.

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