Session April 2762

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Conv. mag. Call date Call msg Session beg. Session end Contio beg. Contio end Vote beg. Vote end Rep. tb Rep. nb msg
Cos MIS April 23, 2762 SL 14974 May 23, 08:30 May 30, 16:00 May 23, 08:30 May 26, 16:00 May 28, 07:30 May 30, 16:00 GVA SL 15257


Item nb. Item title Mand. SC Appr. of a pres. mag. prop. Nb of sen. Voters Non voters Quorum obt. 2/3 qual. maj. UR ABS ANT APPR
1 Creation of a Emergency Disaster Fund (for catastrophes) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 14 3 9 YES
2 Authorization to the consuls instructing one cos. quaestor to report on the state of affairs of the MMP no yes 32 26 6 yes no 21 0 4 NO
3 The oversight of the MMP is removed from the curule aediles and assigned to the CIO no yes 32 26 6 yes no 11 1 13 NO
4 Senate seal: every member must not discuss outside the senate of the debates hold inside the Curia, apart the exceptions provided by the Senate Handbook no yes 32 26 6 yes no 11 1 13 NO
5 Approval of the principle and design of the "Official seal of Nova Roma" (medal) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 23 3 0 YES
6 Dissolution of inactive provinces (the two Asiae, Venedia and Hibernia) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 11 2 13 YES
7 The C.I.O. created in Dec. 2761 is called in Latin "Curator Rei Informaticae" no yes 32 26 6 yes no 19 5 2 YES
8 Appointment of a Magister aranearius, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, to work under the authority of the CIO no yes 32 26 6 yes no 20 1 5 YES
9 Creation of a Senate committee on the incorporation status of Nova Roma no yes 32 26 6 yes no 18 1 6 YES
10 The arbitration will be used to set legal disputes initiated by or against the corporation no yes 32 26 6 yes no 10 2 14 NO
11 A "Risk management task force", which will report the Senate, is created to identify and classify the risks areas inside NR no yes 32 26 6 yes no 15 1 9 YES
12 Creation of a citizen certificate no yes 32 26 6 yes no 22 1 2 YES
13 Grant for the annual conventus in Europe: 3.692 USD (50 % of the provisional bud.), to be paid before June 30, 2762 + reinboursement of the difference if the global budget is lower. no yes 32 26 6 yes no 5 3 17 NO
14a Appointment as provincial governor of M. Cornelius Felix (Am. Boreoccidentalis) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 15 1 10 YES
14b Appointment as provincial governor of M. Valerius Potitus (Am. Austroccidentalis) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 16 1 8 YES
14c Appointment as provincial governor of C. Pompeius Marcellus (Am. Medioccidentalis) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 16 1 8 YES
14d Appointment as provincial governor of Q. Fabius Maximus (California) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 17 0 2 YES
14e Appointment as provincial governor of Q. Valerius Poplicola (California) no yes 32 26 6 yes no 2 0 17 NO

Note 1 : Sen. FGA having cast his vote after the closing of the vote, he is considered as "did not vote". Five other senators did not take part to the vote: KFBQ, GMM, MAM, AMM, ATMC.


α rank Name Mag. Abbr. Vote order Did not vote Item I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIVa XIVb XIVc XIVd XIVe
1 Apulus Caesar Fr. - FAC 13 - ur ur ur ur ur abs ur abs ant ur ur ur ur ur ur ur abs abs
2 Arminius Maior M. - MAM - 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Cornelius Sulla Felix L. - LCSF 22 - ur ur ant ant ur ur ur ant ant ant ur ant ant ur ur ur ur ant
4 Curia Finnica Em. - ECF 24 - ant ant ur ant ur ur abs ur ur ant ant ant ant ant ant ur ant ant
5 Curiatius Complutensis M. Cos MCC 1 - ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ur - - - -
6 Curius Saturninus C. - CCS 14 - ant ant ur ant ur ur abs ur ur ant ant ant ant ant ant ur ant ant
7 Equitius Cato C. - GEC 7 - ant ur ant ant ur ant ur ur ur ant ur ur ant ur ur ur abs abs
8 Equitius Marinus Cn. Pr GEM 4 - ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ant ant ur ant ur
9 Fabius Buteo Quintilianus K. PrSen CFBQ - 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 Fabius Buteo Modianus K. - KFBM 26 - ur ur ant abs abs ur ur ur abs abs abs ur ant ant ant ur ant ant
11 Fabius Maximus Q. - QFM 19 - ant ur ant ant ur ant ant ant ur ant ur ant ant ur ur abs abs abs
12 Flavius Diocletianus C. - CFD 23 - ant ur ur ant ur ant ur ur ant ant ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant
13 Galerius Aurelianus Fl. TP FGA - 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14 Galerius Paulinus Ti. Cs. TGP 6 - ur ur ant ur ur ant ur ur ur ant ur ant ant abs ur ur ur ur
15 Hortensia Maior M. - MHM 18 - ant ant ur ant ur ur ur ur ur ant ur ur ur ant ant ur ant ant
16 Iulius Caesar Cn. AC GIC 21 - ant ur ant ant ur ant ur ant ant ant ur ant ant ur - - - -
17 Iulius Perusianus M. - MIP 3 - ur ur abs ur ur abs ur ur ur abs ur abs abs ur ur ur ur ant
18 Iulius Sabinus T. - TIS 5 - ur ur ant ur ur ant ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ur ur ur ur ant
19 Iulius Severus I. Cos MIS 17 - ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ant ant ur ur ant
20 Iunia Laeca Eq. - EIL 12 - ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ant ant ur ur ant
21 Iunius Palladius Invictus D. - DIPI 16 - abs ur ant ant ur ant abs ur ant ant ur ant ant ur ur ur ur ant
22 Lucretius Agricola M. - MLA 25 - ant ant ur ant abs ur abs ur ur ur ur ant ant ant ant ur ur ant
23 Marius Merullus C. TP GMM - 29 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
24 Memmius Albucius P. Pr PMA 11 - abs ant ant ant abs ur ant ant ant ant ur abs abs ur ur ur ur ant
25 Minucius Audens M. - MMA 15 - ur ur ant ur ur ant ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ur abs ur ur ant
26 Moravia Aurelia Arn. - AMA - 31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
27 Moravius Piscinus Horatian. M. PM MMPH 2 - ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant ant ant ant ur ant ant
28 Suetonius Paulinus Q. - QSP 10 - ant ur ant ant ur ant ur ur ur ant ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ant
29 Tullia Scholastica A. - ATS 20 - abs ur ur ur ur ant abs ur ur ur abs abs abs ant ant ur ant ant
30 Tullius Marcellus Cato Ap. - ATMC - 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31 Ullerius Venator St. - SUV 8 - ur ur ant ant ur ant ur ur ur ant ur ant ant ur ur ur ur ant
32 Vipsanius Agrippa G. TP GVA 9 - ur ur ant ant ur ant ur ur ur ant ur ant ant ur ur ur ur ant

Consult the vote explanations and/or commentaries issued by every senator directly in the Tribune report of the session April 2762 auc

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