Session XL 31 January 2756

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This is a report of a session of the Nova Roma Senate of prid. Kal. Feb. , K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. MMDCCLVI a.u.c..

Senate action for 30 January 2753 as posted in the “old Tabularium” Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, Censor 9 August 2761 A.V.C.

Senate Voting Results Tribunus Plebis Marcus Marcius Rex Quiritibus SPD Senate Voting Results published on 7 February.

The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been tallied as below.

Formal debate began at 23.59 Roman time Saturday 25 January Voting began at 23.59 Roman time Wednesday 29 January. Voting ended at 23.59 Roman time Friday 31 January Results were officially published by the presiding magistrate on the Senate list today.

Senator and fellow Tribune Lucius Pompeius Octavianus (LPO) was excused due to officially announced vacations.

The following 11 Senators cast votes in time [voting time having been stated in the official Nova Roman time: +1 GMT]. They are referred to below by their initials, and are listed in alphabetical order by nomen:

Marcus Arminius Maior (MAM) Marcus Cassius Julianus (MCJ) Patricia Cassia (PC) Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus (LEC) Caeso Fabius Quintilianus (CFQ) Quintus Fabius Maximus (QFM) Antonius Gryllus Graecus (AGG) Titus Labienus Fortunatus (TLF) Gaius Marius Merullus (CMM) Marcus Octavius Germanicus (MOG) Gnaeus Salix Astur (GSA)

For the better information of cives I may offer some comments here: With only Senator Lucius Octavius Pompeianus officially excused 19 Senators had to be counted as present at the meeting according to the Senatus Consultum defining a quorum. Hence a majority of 10 votes in favour was necessary for any motion to be passed.

This is the reason why some motions that appear to have a clear majority of those voting did not carry. The Tribunes considered this question and find the handling of the matter by the presiding magistrate to be in full accordance with the letter and spirit of the rules and regulations of the Senate which try to encourage timely participation of Senators in votes. This is also the reason why the reporting of the Senate vote took longer than usual as the validity of the vote tallying had to be above reproach.

There is currently a debate about when the next Senate session can take place as the calendar for February is littered with dies nefasti on which no public business may take place. The pontiffs may have to offer their help on this issue.

Some items of this session will surely reappear in one of the next Senate sessions as an answer to the Public Benefit Item is - according to Senatrix Patricia Cassia - mandated by Maine Law and as others would have found a clear majority if some Senators had not voted too late.

The following Senators voted after the closing of the session. Their non counting votes and comments are displayed after the official tally: Lucius Sergius Australicus Obstinatus (LSAO) Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus (DIPI) cited confusion over time Lucius Sicinius Drusus (LSD) Appius Tullius Marcellus Cato (ATMC) – cited macroworld needs and duties Lucius Cornelius Sulla (LCS)

The following Senators did not cast a vote: Caius Flavius Diocletianus (CFD) – cited macronational duties Marcus Minucius Audens (MMA) - cited macroworld needs Alexander Iulius Caesar Probus Macedonicus (AICPM) – cited macronational duties

"UTI ROGAS" indicates a vote in favour of an item, "ANTIQUO" or "NEGAT" is a vote against, and "ABSTINEO" is an abstention. Square Brackets [ ] indicate explanations by the reporting Tribune.

The items for consideration were as follows


Item I: [passed 11 in favour – 0 opposing].

Following the tradition started last year and in agreement with the Pontifices, I propose that the date of the Feriae Latinae for this year is set as April 28th. April 29th and 30th shall be dies religiosi.

LEC: Vti Rogas MAM: Uti Rogas TLF: UTI ROGAS CMM: Vti rogas PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: VTI ROGAS The College of Pontiffs agree that it is fitting that the Senate does this. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes) GSA: VTI ROGAS.

Item II. [did not pass 9 in favour - 1 opposed - 1 undisclosed abstention]

Approval of the Revised Budget (called "6 ISSUES PER YEAR") for MMDCCLVI as posted by Caeso Fabius Quintilianus with the following additions:

a/ The Eagle shall be printed in ten issues this year, the first already being printed.

b/ The total sum in the Budget of $877 (printing = 499.00 + mailing = 378.00) for the Eagle should be set as the _maximum_ sum for the 10 issues for this year, the sum also includs the first issue for this year. All money that may be left over from this sum stays in the Tresury. The Curator Differum is free to use the above sum as he finds best and he may move money between the printing and mailing account as needed.

c/ The Curator Differum is free to find other ways to finace the Eagle, among others he has the permission to sell mugs with the Nova Roma Flag on them, with one hundred percent of the funds going to the Eagle. This will have to be done without any start up funds and the Curator will not be free to place any orders for mugs until he has orders for them in hands.

d/ The Curator Differum is allowed to keep sums, given without any binding promises, that are donated directly to the Eagle in a fund only supporting the Eagle and its production. *Any long time projects of any kind over the present year binding Nova Roma for any more years of production of the Eagle as anything else than a web based newsletter must be approved of by the Consuls and ultimately the Senate.*

e/ Within these limits the Curator Differum is free to produce nine more issues of the Eagle in the best way he can do it financially and qualitywise.

f/ Further the Curator Differum is invited to consult those Senators (Illustrus Decius Iunius Palladius, Illustrus Q. Fabius Maximus, Illustrus Minucius Audens, Illustrus Marcus Cassius Julianus and Illustus L. Sicinius Drusus) that may have good advises about different production alternatives for the Eagle.

LEC: [did not cast vote on this item - undisclosed abstention] MAM: Uti Rogas TLF: UTI ROGAS CMM: Vti rogas PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: ANTIQVO. I find this schedule to be unrealistic, and the instructions to the Curator too vague. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes) I believe these changes are necessary at this time, and can be amended later at need once the current paid subscriptions run out. GSA: VTI ROGAS. I think that we must try to mantain our compromise with "The Eagle"'s current subscribers.

Item III.

The appointment of

III.I. [passed 11 in favour – 0 opposed] Julilla Sempronia Magna as Propraetor of America Boreoccidentalis,

LEC: Uti rogas MAM: Uti Rogas TLF: UTI ROGAS CMM: Vti rogas PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: VTI ROGAS. However since she has not been prorogued yet, this being her first time, let us call her a Provincial Praetor for the record. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes). Julilla Semprona Magna will do very well I believe. :) GSA: VTI ROGAS

III.II. [passed 11 in favour – 0 opposed] Gnaeus Equitius Marinus as Propraetor of America Mediatlantica

LEC: Uti Rogas MAM: Uti Rogas , to Gnaeus Equitius Marinus TLF: Cn Equitius Marinus [UTI ROGAS] CMM: Pro Cnaeo Equitio Marino [Vti rogas] PC: Gnaeus Equitius Marinus [UTI ROGAS (yes)] AGG: My vote goes for Cn Equitius Marinus [VTI ROGAS] CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: VTI ROGAS. The same adjure as above. Both are devoted to Rome, and are welcome additions to her service. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes). I believe Gnaeus Equitius Marinus will do an excellent job and am pleased that he has volunteered to this position. GSA: My vote goes to Gnaeus Equitius Marinus [VTI ROGAS]. I would like to congratulate our two future propraetores, and to wish them a fruitful work in their provinces.


Tiberius Galerius Paulinus as Propraetor of America Mediatlantica [did not pass - no votes in favour]

QFM: No slur intended, I do not know this man, nor have I studied his record.

Item IV. [did not pass 8 in favour – 2 opposed – 1 open abstention]

We have to state whether or not Nova Roma is organized for the public benefit.

I propose that we state that we are organized for the public benefit and that the Consuls are asked to see to it that this is registered with the proper authorities.

LEC: Antiquo, there are already statements addressing the goals of Nova Roma, which I support. MAM: Abstineo TLF: UTI ROGAS CMM: Vti rogas, I consider Nova Roma to be for the public benefit PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: ANTIQVO We have already said this very thing in several documents. I find this item redundant and not necessary MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes). GSA: VTI ROGAS

Item V. [passed 11 in favour – 0 opposed]

We had problems last year with the time limit of the taxation period. As it is now the Consuls forsee that we will have problems with this limit again.

I propose that we permanently change the deadline for taxation to the last day of April and change the proper Senatus Consultum to comply with this decision.

LEC: Vti Rogas, sure let's vote on a new Senatus Consultum on the tax for this year. MAM: Uti rogas TLF:UTI ROGAS CMM: Vti rogas PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: UTI ROGAS QFM: VTI ROGAS. However, based your wording we are simply agreeing with your proposal to change the SC. We will still have to vote on the change itself. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes). I believe this is necessary to give Citizens in the various Provinciae ample time to pay the Citizen tax and ensure their voting status. GSA: VTI ROGAS

Item VI. [did not pass 8 in favour – 1 opposed – 2 open abstentions]

I propose that the Senate support the community of Rosia Montana, the Roman Alburnus Maior accordinmg to the proposal of Manius Constantinus Serapio and that the Consuls are given the task to see to that this decision is executed.

LEC: Antiquo. I find this too vague, I would have a specific proposal to consider. MAM: Abstineo TLF: UTI ROGAS, as this only involves signing a petition CMM: Vti rogas PC: UTI ROGAS (yes) AGG: VTI ROGAS CFQ: UTI ROGAS MOG: ABSTINEO. Probably it's a good idea, but the "support" needs to be clearly defined. QFM: a) VTI ROGAS. [this vote was counted by the presiding magistrate as the motion was for the signing of a petition] With the caveat that this means that we will sign a petition of support only. Before any money is to donated, the Senate will have to be consulted. b) ANTIQVO. [this vote was not counted by the presiding magistrate as described above] If this is a request for permission to donate money to Manius Constantinus Serapio's cause. MCJ: UTI ROGAS (yes). Although the situation in Rosia Montana is distressing, I must say it is good to see a preservation project that Nova Roma can participate in. This campaign will cost Nova Roma nothing in funds, but may do some good for the site in danger. GSA: VTI ROGAS. I agree with this in principle. However, I would like to see a more detailed explanation of how Nova Roma is going to be involved in this project.


NON COUNTING VOTES [votes were cast after close of business]

Item I: Feriae Latinae LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: UTI ROGAS LSD: VTI ROGAS I'm most pleased to see we are following this tradition. ATMC: VTI ROGAS LCS: Uti Rogas

Item II. Approval of the Revised Budget LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: UTI ROGAS. I vote for this item though I wish it did more for the long term preservation of the Eagle. There is no clause in here setting a subscription rate or allowing new subscribers. Essentially, it will allow the Eagle to die when the current subscribers run out. This cannot be allowed to happen; we must have some kind of tangible, real world publication, not just another internet magazine as has been suggested (though that would be fine for reference and old issues). Save the Eagle! LSD: ANTIQVO. We have a moral obligation to the subscribers to the Eagle, and that obligation includes an Eagle of the same quality as it had when they signed up for a subscription, even if it costs us additional funds. ATMC: VTI ROGAS LCS: Uti Rogas

III.A. Julilla Sempronia Magna as Propraetor of America Boreoccidentalis, LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: UTI ROGAS LSD: VTI ROGAS ATMC: VTI ROGAS. She is well deserving of this position. LCS: Julilla Sempronia Magna [Uti Rogas]

III.B. Gnaeus Equitius Marinus as Propraetor of America Mediatlantica LSAO: Uti rogas to Gnaeus Equitius Marinus DIPI: Both of these are fine candidates, I have been impressed by Tiberius Galerius and his work with the Eagle. He has a lot of drive. However, Marinus has a longer track record of service to the state and is more suited to this position. Therefore, Palladius votes for Cn Equitius Marinus LSD: VTI ROGAS It is a pleasure to have two execellent canidates for the postion of Propraetor, something I hope we see more of in the future. Gnaeus Equitius has a slight edge, so I opt for him. ATMC: Cn Equitius Marinus [VTI ROGAS] LCS: Tiberius Galerius Paulinus [ANTIQUO]

Item IV. We have to state whether or not Nova Roma is organized for the public benefit. LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: UTI ROGAS LSD: VTI ROGAS. We have to keep the bureaucrats in Maine happy by restating something that has allways been the case ATMC: VTI ROGAS, In my opinion this should certainly done. LCS: Uti Rogas

Item V. I propose that we permanently change the deadline for taxation LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: UTI ROGAS LSD: VTI ROGAS ATMC: VTI ROGAS LCS: Uti Rogas

Item VI. I propose that the Senate support the community of Rosia Montana, LSAO: Uti rogas DIPI: Abstain. Since it is not clear what this entails, I think it better to abstain on this item for now. LSD: ANTIQVO. I Find the destruction of an archelogical site to be deplorable but I can't vote for an open ended comitment that fails to state exactly what actions will be taken on behalf of Nova Roma. ATMC: VTI ROGAS, if it only involves signing a petition at this time. Any further support to be decided after debate in the Senate. LCS: Abstineo - I disagree with the way the petition was written, it gives too much authority to the Consuls. There is no prevention from the Consuls to dispense funds or place committments on Nova Roma. Recognizing that was not the intent of the Consul, I will just abstain my vote on this issue, but I cannot support it at this juncture

pr. Kal. Feb. MMDCCLVI

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