Ceremony to Minerva ~ Ludi Conditorum 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

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Ceremony to Minerva
Minerva, from Etruscan Menvra, goddess of wisdom, war and healing. Along with Iuppiter and Iuno she formed part of the Capitoline Triad and shared the great temple to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, her cella was to his right. Sex. Pompeius in 61 B.C.E vowed a great temple to Minerva, modelling himself on Alexander the Great who was devoted to Athena. This temple is believed to be found at the foot of the Pincian hill.
Ritual for Minerva
Avete Minerva Supremi Dique Imortales! Quin agete ipsos et libens propriorum certaminis vos dignare manu indulgete sacris.
"Hail Minerva and all You immortal Gods above! Why not arouse Yourselves and graciously attend the ceremonies that we hold in Your honor with Your divine presence."
Dea ferox, magni decus ingeniumque parentis, bellipotens, cui torua genis horrore decoro cassis, audi, Minerva, audite Di Deaeque Parenti, qui hanc urbem, hoc sacratos locosque colitis, audite. Di Parenti, vos hoc turem obmoveo bonas preces precor, ut sistis volens propitius nobis liberisque notris domis familisque nostris.
"Proud, warlike Goddess, great honor and wisdom of Your Father, powerful in war are You, on whom the grim helmet is borne with its frightful decoration, hear me, Minerva. Listen. Gods and Goddesses of our ancestors, You who cherish this City and these sacred groves, listen. Gods of our forefathers, I make this offering of incense to You and pray with good prayers that You will look kindly and favorably upon us and our children, on our houses and on our households."
Minerva disque ago gratias merito magnas. Serva, Minerva, nos mihi per tuom te genium obsecro, exi, te volumus.
"To Minerva and the Gods deservedly I give thanks. Minerva, look down and preserve us, I do beseech you by your good genius. Come forth! We wish for You."
Minerva, pii castique ad te hoc die cordibus apertis venimus. Hisce safriciis te colere volumus. Exaudi nos, O Minerva, et hoc die praesentia tua nos digneris! Sicut antea toties fecisti, et nunc haec sacrificia accipe, civitatemque nostram benedic! Nec magis ardentes Mauors hastataque pugnae impulerit Bellona tubas, Minerva, huic adnue sacro. Accipe libamina nostra, et mitte nobis voluntatem beingnam tuam! Dona nobis concordiam et abundantiam vitae!
"Minerva, we come before You this day with open hearts, pure and chaste. By these offerings we seek to honor You. Hear us, O Minerva, and may You honor us this day with your presence. As You have so often before, so now accept these offerings and bless our civitas. Never has Mavors or Bellona with Her battle spear inspired more ardent calls to arms on the war trumpets than You, Minerva. May You with Your nod accept this sacrificial offering. Accept our libations and send upon us Your kind thoughts. May You grant Nova Roma concord and a richness of life!"
Laurel, incense, cakes of cheese drizzled with honey, and libations of milk are offered each in turn.
Minerva, te hoc turem obmoveimus bonas preces precamur, ut sis volens propitius nos liberisque noster domo familiaeque noster.
"Minerva, to You we make this offering of incense and pray that You will look kindly and favorably upon us, upon our children, on our homes and our households."
Minerva, macte istic libatione pollicenda esto, macte lactem esto. In tua, Mater carissima, in tua sumus custodia.
"Minerva, may You be strengthened by this libation, may You be honored by this milk. In You, dearest Mother, in Your hands do we place our safekeeping."
The Praeses offers incense on the altar once more. Then he turns, steps away from the altar, and the Praeses dismisses the Gods by saying the formula:
Nil amplius vos hodie posco, superi, satis est.
"No more, Gods on High, do I ask of You today; it is enough."
The Praeses, turning to those present, says:
Ilicet. Di deaeque omnes, superi atque inferi, vos semper ament et felicitam volunt.
"Thus it is done. May all the Gods above and below always love you and wish you happiness in all that is good."
They respond:
Di immortales faciant, tam felix quam pia.
"May the immortal Gods make it so, as fortunate as it is pious."
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