INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.
Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.
Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.
Edicta of the Censores
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum censorium de legibus censui censendo
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Id. Mar. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93873
EDICTUM CENSORIUM DE LEGIBUS CENSUI CENSENDO I. Nos, S. Lucilius Tutor et A. Tullia Scholastica, censores populi Novi Romani Quiritium, ex hóc initium censús civium Novorum Romanorum edicimus. Antea omnes assidui et omnes cives novi in censu automatarie conscribi solebant, at post conjurationem Cn. Caesaris et L. Sullae illegalem, non jam accessum ad tales indices habemus, qua de causa necesse erit aliis modis civium enumerandorum uti. (I. We, S. Lucilius Tutor and A. Tullia Scholastica, censores of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, by this edict decree the official inception of the census of the citizens of Nova Roma. In the past, all assidui and all new citizens used to be included in the census roster of citizens automatically, but after the illegal coup d'état of Caesar and Sulla, we no longer have access to those lists. For this reason, it will be necessary to employ other methods of enumerating the citizenry.) II. Sacrificia censús aperiendi a Cn. Lentulo pontifice et auspicia censús incipiendi a C. Claudio augure in nomine amborum censorum habita sunt et auspicia bona et fausta esse nunc populo Novo Romano annuntio. (II. The census opening sacrifices have been made by pontifex Cn. Lentulus and the census auspices have been taken by augur C. Claudius in the name of both censors, and now they are announced to the Nova Roman people that they were favorable.) III. Ego, A. Tullia Scholastica censor C. Claudium Quadratum praeconem ad censum facio. Ego quidem S. Lucilius Tutor censor Cn. Cornelium Lentulum praeconem ad censum facio.
(III. I, censor A. Tullia Scholastica, appoint C. Claudius Quadratus as praeco for the census. At the same time, I, censor S. Lucilius Tutor, appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as praeco for the census.)
IV. More majorum et instituta, formulas antiquas majorum nostrorum Romanorum restituens et observans, ego, A. Tullia Scholastica censor, auspiciis bonis acceptis, praeconi jussum hunc edico: (IV. According to the mos majorum, reviving and observing the ancient formulae of our Roman forefathers, I, censor A. Tullia Scholastica, upon receiving the favorable auspices, give the following order to the praeco:) Quod bonum, fortunatum, felix salutareque siet renascenti populo Romano Quiritibus populoque Novo Romano Quiritibus reique publicae populi Novi Romani Quiritium mihique collegaeque meo, fidei magistratuique nostro: "Omnes Quirites, pedites armatos privatosque, curatores omnium tribuum, si quis pro se sive pro altero rationem dari volet, voca inlicium huc ad me." (May this be good, fortunate, happy, and salutary to the renascent Roman people, the Quirites, to the Nova Roman people of the Quirites, and to the republic of the Nova Roman people of the Quirites, and to me and my colleague, to our honesty and our office: "Call hither to me to assemble all the Quirites, armed and private citizens, the spokesmen of all the tribes, in case anyone for himself or for another wishes a reckoning to be given.")
V. Ceterae leges censui censendo sequuntur solum Anglice: (V. The rest of the rules of the census shall follow only in English:) VI. The census of the Nova Roman People shall follow the procedures mandated by the lex Fabia de censu ( http://www.novaroma.org/tabularium/leges/2003-05-31-i.html ), excepting the details below due to various impediments:
VI.A. The census shall be longer than 16 weeks, because our citizenry is much larger and more scattered around various communication fora than it was when the lex Fabia de censu was enacted, and the census procedure is also slowed down due to technical problems with the official website and citizen database caused by the hostile coup of the Sullan faction. VI.B. At the time of the issuing of this edict, there is no definite method of paying taxes for the current year Q. Arrio P. Annaeo coss., however, if anyone would make donations to the non-corporate government of Nova Roma, he will be registered among the active citizens in this census even if he made no other registration at this census. VII.A. The censors specify the following address as the headquarters of the Census Office for surface mail contacts during the census: Census NR Officer Charles Aronowitz 2251 Avenue Regent Montreal, Quebec Canada H4A 2R2
VII.B. Citizens who wish to register in this census online shall contact praeco and scriba censorius C. Claudius Quadratus, consular senator, at: c.claudius.quadratus@gmail.com
with the subject line "Census" and shall state their Roman name, macronational name, city and country of residence and year of birth, or any change in their contact information since 2011 (when the last census was held).
VIII. The censors establish a new Temporary Album Civium Database of Nova Roman Citizens where all information required by the laws will be stored. This shall be merged with the old official Album Civium of Nova Roma when our corporation and corporate assets are recovered. IX. The census starts on Id. Mart. (15th March) and ends on pridie Kal. Nov. (31st October) and will be concluded by the lustrum of the Nova Roman People. X. This edict is effective immediately.
Datum a.d. V Id. Mar. Q. Arrio Nauta et P. Annaeo Constantino Placido coss.
Sex. Lucilius Tutor et A. Tullia Scholastica CENSORES
Edictvm censorivm de scriba addendo
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93800
Ex hóc, T. Domitium Draconem scribam ad petitiones colligendas ilico creo. Nullum jus jurandum posco.
By this edict, I immediately appoint T. Domitius Draco as scriba for collecting applications. No oath is required.
Edicta of the Consules
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum consulare on acting magistrates
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Non. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94682
Edictum consulare on acting magistrates
I. This edictum is under the force of senatus consultum ultimum and the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, in the name of, and is issued based on the constitutional interventional power of, the liberators' committee.
II.The terms of office of quaestors would expire on 5 December, of the plebeian tribunes and aediles on 10 December. In order to avert any troubles out of this, all current magistrates remain in office as acting magistrates until the elections are concluded.
Q. Arrius Nauta consul, committee member
Edictum consulare de morte et memoria L. Sullae viri consularis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Id. Sext. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94284
In accordance with the proposal from the Praefectus rei publicae administrandae, Quaestor and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, we issue the following edict:
I. By consular imperium, we declare this next a.d. IV Id. Sex. (10 August) as a memorial day of grief for L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, who was an important protagonist in the early history of Nova Roma. While his actions in his joint faction with Cn. Iulius Caesar caused him to be declared an enemy of the res publica, his role as a dedicated patron to his numerous friends and as an important early citizen during Nova Roma's birth was significant, and as a closure to a period of internal conflicts, we, the consuls, in the name of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites, wish to make his memory publicly honored by the state.
II. The magistrates, all the officers of the state, the priests and all citizens are hereby invited to offer sacrifices for L. Cornelius Sulla Felix on this next a.d. IV Id. Sex. (10 August).
III. Financed by donations, the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the Nova Roman Republic shall send a flower wreath and a ribbon inscribed with "NVLLVS AMICVS MELIOR NVLLVS INIMICVS PEIOR : NOVA ROMA AD SVLLAM" (No better friend, no worse enemy. From Nova Roma to Sulla) and a placard listing his offices to L. Sulla's funeral and/or to his grave or urn or memorial place.
IV. Donations must be sent to the PayPal addess of citizen Pompeia Minucia Strabo who organized and arranged the sending of the memorial items:
- Q. Arrius Nauta
- P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus
Edictum consulis QAN
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XIV Kal. Iun. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94046
I. Authorized by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, we, Consul Q. Arrius Nauta and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus acting in the name of the pontifex maximus C. Petronius, convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under the auspices of Consul Q. Arrius, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.
II. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now, 12:00 AM Rome Time, 19 May, and it is opened right now, by this post.
III. The lictores curiati shall post the following witness statements right now:
Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor Fl. Vedium Germanicum et M. Caecilium Metellum Tocaiensem aediles curules Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Praeterea testificor M. Aurelium Cottam Iovium flaminem Florealem et M. Hortensiam Maiorem Fabianam Faustinam flaminem Carmentalem et sacerdotem Mentis creatos esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.
I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of Fl. Vedius Germanicus and M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis as Curule Aediles of Nova Roma. Additionally, I witness the appointment of M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius as Flamen Florealis and M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina as Flamen Carmentalis and Sacerdos Mentis. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.
III. The session ends at the time when Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus announces the closing of the session. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the comitia curiata conferral of imperium and appointment process is considered complete.
Q. Arrius Nauta
Edictum consulare de funere censorio M. Minucii Audentis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VI Id. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94012
Edictum consulare de funere censorio M. Minucii Audentis
Pursuant to the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio M. Minucii Audentis and to honour the memory and service of the late M. Minucius Audens, the Consules have determined that:
I- The funus censorium of Ti. Galerius Paulinus funerary ritual and sacrifice will be held at a.d. V Id. Mai. (11th May) during the Lemuria and the Nova Roman Floralia: may the festival of flowers bless his memory! a) The ritual and sacrifice will be officiated by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in behalf of both Consules. b) The ritual and sacrifice and state mourning dates were set with the officiating Pontifex.
II- A state mourning is declared from a.d. VI Id. Mai. (May 10th) to a. d. IV Id. Mai. (May 12th). In accordance with the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio M. Minucii Audentis those days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP).
III- This edictum shall take effect immediately.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de comitiis plebis tributis regendis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93989
Edictum consulare de comitiis plebis tributis regendis
As required by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, I authorize the tribunus plebis M. Claudius Marcellus to hold suffect elections, for the place of tribunus plebis C. Octavius Tranquillus who resigned his office, according to the exact same schedules and procedures as contained in my previous edict summoning the comitia populi tributa for supplemental elections.
Q. Arrius Nauta Consul
Edictvm consvlis de comitiis popvli tribvtis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93988
I. Authorized by the senatus consulta and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Populi Tributa.
II. The Contio begins immediately. Under the current procedure, campaigns and debates about the candidates are allowed through the last day of the voting session. The schedule for Comitia Populi Tributa is the following:
Contio begins immediately, as of 18:30 PM Rome Time on 30 April 2019
Contio will end at 18:30 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019
Voting period will begin at 18:31 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019
Voting will end at 18:30 PM Rome Time on 7 May 2019
III. As the perpetrators of the illegal dictatorship and the so-called “corporate” senate still maintain control of the corporate infrastructure, communication channels and the normal voting tools of Nova Roma, refuse to defer to lawfully established procedure, disallow any exercise of electoral process and willfully impede the election of magistrates, voting shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to the following e-mail address, designated as the Cista:
IV. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter and the selected candidates' names. The following may be used as an example:
I, (insert Roman name) vote for (names of candidates) for quaestor, (names of candidates) for aedilis curulis, etc.
Voters may use languages other than English to communicate their votes.
Note: If more than one position is to be filled for a level of magistrate, voters may choose to vote for none of the candidates, only one candidate, or for as many as they wish up to the number of positions that need to be filled.
A. The candidates for AEDILIS CURULIS (2 positions to be filled) are:
1. Marcus Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis
Other candidates are accepted until the end of the Contio (18:30 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019)
B. The candidates for QUAESTOR (2 positions to be filled) are:
No candidates so far. Candidates are accepted until the end of the Contio (18:30 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019)
VI. I appoint P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus and quaestor T. Popillia Laenas as diribitores. The diribitores shall have access to the Cista e-mail box, and they shall count the votes, supervise the voting process and report the results as required by the laws of Nova Roma in force.
Datum pr. Kal. Mai. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. XXII ANRC / MMDCCLXXII AVC
Q. Arrius Nauta
Edictum consulare de Parilibus Pacis Deorum
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XI Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93692
Edictum consulare de Parilibus Pacis Deorum
I. After Nova Roma received the new Palladium and came into the possession of the worldwide renascent Roman People in its 20th year, on the Ides of October Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. (2770 AUC / 2017) at the Completion of the Founding of the New Roman Nation, and the Confirmation of the Declaration was issued by the royal decree of the interim rex sacrorum and interrex Cn. Lentulus Alexander, in which Nova Roma proclaimed itself as the property of all Romans around the world, and after the leaders of Nova Roma presented the new Palladium and Nova Roma in Rome on the Parilia C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos., (2771 AUC / 2018) in the 20th Anniversary, the Sacred Year of Concordia, Nova Roma entered a new phase in the history of Roman revivalism and reconstructionism, where a fully established New Roman People can honor the Roman gods. After all these important steps, this year the Parilia, the birthday of Rome, and the Pascha or Easter fall on the same day, today.
II. The end of the history of our ancestors, the ancient Romans, was marked by an exacerbated religious conflict between the traditional Roman religion and the Christian religion, when Rome adopted the Christian religion as its state religion, and the old religion of our gods was banned. Rome fell, and the Roman People soon disappeared as an entity and identity. There are still among us who cannot forget that Christianity eliminated our ancestral religion, however, during the 1500 years after the fall of Rome, Christianity also became an ancestral religion of Rome, and almost all of the ancestors of the present day Nova Romans were Christians generations after generations since the fall of Rome. The state religion of Rome was Christian ever since, and Christianity rules Rome and the inhabitants of Rome today. We cannot deny these facts, and as a polytheist culture, we cannot deny the divinity of the Christian god or the validity of the Christian religion, either. We cannot continue to consider the Christian god a foreign god, either, after his cult in Rome was established about 1950 years ago and it has been the official religion for 1600 years. It would be impietas not to recognize the god of our more recent ancestors, because honoring our ancestors is the core of the Roman religion. The period of hostility or ambivalence shall end, and we shall reconcile the old gods of Rome with the Christian god of Rome.
III. Based on the advice of pontifex Cn. Lentulus, I interpret the coincidence of the Parilia and the Pascha as a sign for Nova Roma: after the recent developments of Nova Roma, the Completion of the Founding, the establishment of the new Palladium, the bringing of the Palladium back to Rome, the Roman gods are pleased, and the Christian god of Rome and the old gods of Rome are giving a joint sign together on the birthday of Rome: the rebirth of Rome has really started.
IV. For all these reasons, I hereby give the mandate to pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, praefectus rei publicae, quaestor, to conduct the Parilia rituals in my name and under my consular, head of state, auspices, and I order him that he request all the gods of Rome, the Lares, Manes, Penates and Genius of the Roman People, that they recognize this Parilia as the start of a new era in Roman revivalism, and that they confirm the new Pax Deorum, not only because Nova Roma has made its contract with them at the Completion of the Founding ceremony, which has been dutifully maintained, but also as a recognition that the revival of the Roman People is the will of both the old Roman gods and the Christian god of Rome, who can be worshiped as one of the gods of Rome and the Roman People, in order to establish the new Pax Deorum.
Date: a.d. XI Kal. Mai. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos., Parilibus.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulis Q. Arri Nautae de comitiis curiatis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Non. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Yahoo Mail List Archive: See the Curator rei informaticae
I. In this edictum, I, Consul Q. Arrius Nauta, recognize all past edicts of the presidential magistrates as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.
II. Authorized by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, we, Consul Q. Arrius Nauta and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus acting in the name of the pontifex maximus C. Petronius, convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under the auspices of Consul Q. Arrius, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.
III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now,11:30 AM Rome Time, 3 January, and shall be opened by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after the opening, as follows, posting it to:
Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor Q. Arrium Nautam et P. Annaeum Constantinum Placidum consules, Q. Lutatium Catulum et M. Iulium Camillum praetores Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.
I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of Q. Arrium Nautam et P. Annaeum Constantinum Placidum as Consuls, Q. Lutatium Catulum et M. Iulium Camillum as Praetors of Nova Roma. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.
III. The session ends at the time when Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus announces the closing of the session.
IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the interreges is considered completed.
DATUM a.d. III Non. Ian. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo coss., 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD (Given on 3rd January, in the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus).
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edicta of the Praetores
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edicta of the Aediles Curules
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum aedilicium II de scriba creando
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Sept. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94517
Edict II of aedilis curulis on appointing a scribe
I. I appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as scriba aedilicius princeps.
II. No oath required.
Date on a.d. III Id. Sep. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. (11 Sept.)
Edictum aedilicium de scriba creando
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Sept. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94515
Edict of aedilis curulis on appointing a scribe
I. I appoint P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus as scriba aedilicius ad ludos circenses adminstrandos.
II. No oath required.
Date on a.d. III Id. Sep. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. (11 Sept.)
Edicta of the Aediles Plebes
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictvm tribuni plebis de comitiis popvli tribvtis convocandis (II)
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #94727
I. Authorized by consul Q. Arrius Nauta according to the senatus consulta and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Populi Tributa.
II. The procedures are the same as for the session of the Comitia Populi Tributa held simultaneously with this session. The time schedule is the same, too, only with the starting date which is 22:00 PM Rome Time.
A. The candidates for TRIBUNUS PLEBIS (5 positions to be filled) are:
Marcus Claudius Marcellus Sextus Lucilius Tutor Tiberia Caecilia Sabina Gaius Cornelius Barosus
B. There are no candidates for AEDILIS PLEBIS. Write-in candidates will be accepted when voting.
M. Claudius Marcellus
Edictvm tribuni plebis de comitiis popvli tribvtis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93990
I. Authorized by consul Q. Arrius Nauta according to the senatus consulta and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Populi Tributa.
II. The procedures are the same as for the session of the Comitia Populi Tributa held simultaneously with this session. The time schedule is the same, too:
Contio begins immediately, as of 18:30 PM Rome Time on 30 April 2019
Contio will end at 18:30 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019
Voting period will begin at 18:31 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019
Voting will end at 18:30 PM Rome Time on 7 May 2019
A. The candidates for TRIBUNUS PLEBIS SUFFECTUS (1 positions to be filled) are:
No candidates so far. Candidates are accepted until the end of the Contio (18:30 PM Rome Time on 3 May 2019)
Datum pr. Kal. Mai. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. XXII ANRC / MMDCCLXXII AVC
M. Claudius Marcellus
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