INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.
Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.
Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.
Edicta of the Censores
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edicta of the Consules
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum consulare de imperio et potestate
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97812
This edict is issued to clarify the interpretation of imperium as a legal term in the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda. This edict is to be interpreted under the authority of that lex and within its context. Imperium in Nova Roma was interpreted in a mistaken way ever since the founding of Nova Roma due to some outdated 19th century scholar concepts which are no longer upheld by academic literature. In early Nova Roma, imperium was understood to contain all powers of the specific magistrate, thus consular imperium meant all rights and powers of a consul. In this understanding, the lex Arminia de imperio defined that it is within the right of imperium of every imperium holding magistrate to call the senate and the comitia for example, which was not part of imperium in ancient Rome. Due to this understanding, before the enactment of the repeal of the lex Arminia de imperio, it was allowed to someone holding consular imperium not limited to a province to call the senate and to call the comitia. This is how special proconsul S. Lucilius Tutor who was granted full consular imperium, without territorial restriction, could call, fully legitimately, the comitia to enact the lex Lucilia de re publica restituenda. In more accurate terminology, both S. Lucilius Tutor and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander before him, has full potestas consularis, not only the imperium part of the consular potestas, since they were authorized according to the lex Arminia de imperio to exercise all powers of a consul. This edict now clarifies what exactly is imperium under our constitution and laws:
I. Imperium is a specific, military aspect and form of potestas which does not allow place for any procedure of refusal, negation, or disobedience. According to the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda.our constitution, imperium is defined as follows:
- A. Definition of imperium:
- (1) presidency in Nova Roma; with supreme executive, judicial and disciplinary power
- (2) chief command;
- (2.1) complete power over military with supreme executive, judicial and disciplinary power;
- (2.2.) complete power over provinces with supreme executive, judicial and disciplinary power.
- B. Rights and powers belonging to imperium:
- (1) ius imperandi: the power to command and to give orders to anyone;
- (2) full iurisdictio: the power to interpret and administer the law and to administer justice;
- (3) full ius coercitionis: the right to enforce the law and their own decisions, even by disciplinary or preventive actions;
- (4) ius intercessionis: the right to forbid decisions or actions of the colleague or lesser magistrates;
- (5) ius edicendi: the right to issue edicts, containing orders, decisions, instructions, interpretations of law etc.;
- (6) lictors: imperium grants the right and honor of being preceded by lictors as a symbol of supreme power.
II. According to the lex Cornelia Domitia, imperium and the rights belonging to it, may only be exercised within the boundaries or provincia of the office, whether it be territorial or a defined area of duties. The full form of imperium may only be exercised in the provinces outside of the central administration, except in cases defined by lex Cornelia Domitia.
III. According to the lex Cornelia Domitia, with certain exceptions (dictator, senatus consultum ultimum), imperium cannot be exercised within the central administration of Nova Roma, where it is subject to both provocatio and tribunician intercessio. This statement shall not be understood as if people granted imperium specifically in the central administration were not be able to exercise power within the central administration. It only means that imperium exists in a non-military weakened form of regular administrative power within the central administration. Imperium within the central administration is exercised in the form of the administrative, civilian powers of the imperium holder, within the potestas as defined by the law which defines the mission and tasks of the specific imperium holder.
IV. Potestas is the full range of powers and rights of a magistrate, as described by law, within the sphere of responsibility, field of authority, area of duties and tasks given to that individual. Persons who do not hold a magistracy but are granted imperium, such as governors, promagistrates, certain special commissioners of state, exercise all their functions through their imperium, but if their area of responsibility includes the central administration, their imperium is exercised as if it were just normal potestas, unless otherwise mandated by law.
V. The potestas of an imperium holder shall include all rights and powers that are defined for the imperium holder, including those which are defined as part of the imperium, but within the central administration the imperium will take a non-military form, subject to provocatio and intercessio, thus taking the form of unmarked potestas.
VI. The governance of provinces is military governance. Governance of a province is conducted through the full form of imperium.
VII. Imperium, when exercised in the weakened form within the central administration, shall be understood as follows:
- A. Definition: presidency in Nova Roma; with supreme executive, judicial and disciplinary power, limited by intercessio, provocatio, and legal and constitutional procedure and democratic control.
- B. Rights and powers belonging to imperium:
- (1) ius imperandi: the power to give administrative and executive orders within the government;
- (2) full iurisdictio: the power to interpret and administer the law and to administer justice;
- (3) limited ius coercitionis: the right to enforce the law and their own decisions, but only through administrative tools of disciplinary or preventive actions, limited by intercessio, provocatio, and legal and constitutional procedure and democratic control;
- (4) ius intercessionis: the right to forbid decisions or actions of the colleague or lesser magistrates;
- (5) ius edicendi: the right to issue edicts, containing orders, decisions, instructions, interpretations of law etc.;
- (6) lictors: imperium grants the right and honor of being preceded by lictors as a symbol of supreme power, but within the central administration, the fasces shall be without the axes.
Datum pridie Kal. Ian. Q. Arrio Nauta III et A. Tullia Scholastica coss. ANC 24, AUC 2774.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de fine belli civilis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97774
As consul of Nova Roma, chief-commander of all of our armies, I am giving this official order to all troops of Nova Roma.
All units and forces participating in the legal fight to fix Nova Roma:
Cease fight! Battle alert over! Mission completed.
I order all legion and autonomous reenactment unit commanders to communicate this to their troops.
Date, a.d. V. Kal. Ian. Q. Arrio III A. Tullia cos., 28. December, 2021.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulis de comitiis centuriis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97730
I. Authorized by the relevant senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Centuriata.
II. The Contio begins immediately at 18:00 PM. Electoral campaigns and debates about the candidates are allowed from now on through the last day of the Comitia. The schedules for Contio and the Comitia are the following:
Contio begins immediately, as of 18:00 PM Rome Time on 21 December 2021 Contio will end at 09:00 AM Rome Time on 24 December 2021 Comitia voting period will begin at 09:00 AM Rome Time on 24 December 2021 Comitia voting will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 26 December 2021
III. Voting still shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to an e-mail address, designated as the Cista, which will be published LATER so that inadvertent citizens may not start voting prematurely now.
IV. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter (or must be otherwise clearly identifiable) and the selected candidates' names. A public ballot email will be posted to the Main List Forum of Nova Roma, and voters should copy the list of candidates, paste it into their vote email, delete the name they don't endorse. The list of candidates will be posted at the time of the voting Comitia, as the Call for Candidates is still open.
V. The appointment of Ap. Curius Rullus and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as rogators, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as diribitor, and P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus as custos are still in force, depending on their agreement. If they are unavailable for these comitia, I ask them to communicate this to me as soon as possible.
VI. Items to vote on:
A. CANDIDATES FOR CONSUL (2 OPENINGS) 1. C. Artorius Praeconinus 2. A. Tullia Scholastica 3. S. Lucilius Tutor
B. CANDIDATES FOR PRAETOR (2 OPENINGS) 1. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius 2. Ap. Curius Rullus 3. C. Cornelius Barosus
C. LEGISLATION 1. Rogatio Arria Tullia de ordine equestri 2. Rogatio Arria Tullia de classibus et centuriis et de tribubus novis 3. Rogatio Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis 4. Rogatio Tullia de comitiis habendis 5. Rogatio Arria de edictis 6. Rogatio Tullia annalis 7. Rogatio Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve 8. Rogatio Arria de candidatis extra ordinem accipiendis 9. Rogatio Arria de decuriis apparitorum 10. Rogatio Tullia de lingua Latina fovenda 11. Rogatio Tullia de quaestoribus adiumento vocandis 12. Rogatio Arria de castris et coloniis
Datum a.d. XII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. (21 Dec. 2021, the consulship of Q. Arrius (III) and A. Tullia) anno 24 ANRC.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de edicto forensi aedilium
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97704
"If there is any suspicion or complaint regarding messages written in any language other than English, the moderators may either request an English translation of the suspicious message or have it translated by their scribes or by volunteer NR interpreters."
II. I hereby remove the entire paragpraph III.E.i from the same edict and add folloiwng sentences to the end of III.E.:
"Any message found in default of laws of Nova Roma or this moderation edict, will be treated as violating the applicable items of this Edict and the sender may become subject to moderation and other internal disciplinary actions or Nova Roman legal proceedings."
III. Effective immediately.
Datum a.d. III Id. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulis de comitiis populi tributis convocandis (II)
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IV Non. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97610
I. Authorized by the relevant senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Centuriata. I authorize the tribunus plebis Sex. Lucilius Tutor to do the same, according to the rules set forth by me in my current edict.
II. The Contio begins immediately at 18:00 PM. Electoral campaigns and debates about the candidates are allowed from now on through the last day of the Comitia. The schedules for Contio and the Comitia are the following:
Contio begins immediately, as of 18:00 PM Rome Time on 1 December 2021 Contio will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 3 December 2021 Comitia voting period will begin at 00:00 AM Rome Time on 4 December 2021 Comitia voting will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 4 December 2021
III. Voting still shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to an e-mail address, designated as the Cista, which will be published LATER so that inadvertent citizens may not start voting prematurely now.
IV. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter (or must be otherwise clearly identifiable) and the selected candidates' names. A public ballot email will be posted to the Main List Forum of Nova Roma, and voters should copy the list of candidates, paste it into their vote email, delete the name they don't endorse. The list of candidates will be posted at the time of the voting Comitia, as the Call for Candidates is still open.
V. I appoint Ap. Curius Rullus and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as rogators, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as diribitor, and P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus as custos, depending on their acceptance of these offices.
Datum Kal. Dec.. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia anno XXIV ANRC
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare Q. Arrii de scriba creando
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97539
Edictum consulare Q. Arrii de scriba creando
I appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as my scriba consularis Q. Arrii to assist in legislation and in English corrections.
Datum a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Consular edict on the electoral campaigns
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XV Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97536
Preamble. This edict is issued in clarification of my previous edict of forum moderation.
I. Candidates are allowed to post a declaration of candidacy (campaign speech) to all public forums, including Facebook and Discord, but debate on their candidacies should be held, and support or opposition statements should be sent, to the Forum Novum Romanum Cassii or Main List.
II. The Twitch Channel of Nova Roma is not a forum, my previous edict didn't cover that venue of communication.
III. All requests for modifications or clarifications of my previous edicts related to forum policies should be directed to the four aediles as a body. I don't intend to intervene unless in case of emergency. The forums of Nova Roma belong under the aediles' supervision. Praetors and consuls can intervene only if the aediles are unable to handle a situation.
Date Hodié a.d. XV Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de aedilibus forum moderantibus
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XVIII Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97529
According to the Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici, VIII.B, the consuls are ordered to issue an edict to allow the aediles to modify the consular edict on the rules of the Forum Novum Romanum. I am hereby issuing the edict ordered by the senate:
I. The aediles are hereby empowered by the consuls to overwrite my edict EDICTUM CONSULARE DE SERMONE ET MODERATIONE FORI (MAIN LIST MODERATION EDICT).
II. According to the orders of the senate in senatus consultum ultimum, the aediles make the rules of all public forums of Nova Roma, and henceforth the consules and praetores may interfere only in necessary cases. As the senate ordered, supervision, conflict resolution and administration of justice shall be the responsibility of the praetors, and the owners of any public forum must always comply with the decision of the state authorities. Complaints and controversies shall be judged by the legal procedures described by Nova Roman law, under the authority of the praetors as supervisor of public justice.
III. I order the aediles to revise the EDICTUM CONSULARE DE SERMONE ET MODERATIONE FORI and reissue it as soon as possible as an aedilician edict, addressing moderation policy in the two other public forums of Nova Roma as well.
IV. As it is election time, I remind all candidates that according to the Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici, the Main List of Nova Roma is the only official state forum of Nova Roma: their campaigns and the electoral debates shall be held in the Main List, also known as Forum Novum Romanum Cassii. The alternative community discussion forums are meant to be apolitical and mainly cultural and social, not political forums.
Datum a.d. XVIII Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de accensorum creatione
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IX Kal. Quin. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97118
Ex hoc, C. Artorium Praeconinum D. Aurelium Ingeniarium accensos consulares ilico creo ut aliqua indagent aliaque faciant. Nullum jus jurandum poscetur.
I hereby immediately appoint C. Artorius Praeconinus and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius consular accensi for research and other purposes. No oath shall be required.
Datum sub manu meá a.d. IX Kal. Quint. Q. Arrio Nautá A. Tulliá Scholasticá coss.
A. Tullia Scholastica, cos.
Edictum consulare de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri patris patriae
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XVI Kal. Quin. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97111
Edictum consulare de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri patris patriae
Pursuant to the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri censoris et proconsulis and to honour the memory and service of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, the Consules have determined that:
I. The funus censorium of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, funerary ritual and sacrifice will be held at a.d. VI Kal. Quint. (26th June). The ritual and sacrifice will be officiated by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus on behalf of both consuls.
II. A state mourning is declared from a.d. VII Kal. Quint. (25th June) to a.d. VII Id. Quint. (9th July). In accordance with the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri censoris et proconsulis those days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP).
III. The consuls instruct the aediles to hold the Ludi Cornelii memorial games in this period.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare de quaestoribus assignandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Apr. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96809
I. Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus is assigned to consul Q. Arrius Nauta as his consular quaestor. II. Quaestor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus is assigned to consul A. Tullia Scholastica as her consular quaestor. III. Quaestor Ap. Curius Rullus is assigned to praetor C. Artorius Praeconinus as his praetorian quaestor. IV. Quaestor A. Fabricius Pardalas is assigned to praetor C.Cornelius Barosus as his praetorian quaestor. V. Quaestrix T. Popillia Laenas is assigned to aedilis curulis A. Iulius Paterculus as his aedilician quaestor. VI. Quaestor M'. Manlius Manilianus is assigned to aedilis curulis P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus as his aedilician quaestor. VII. Quaestor C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola is assigned to aedilis plebis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius as his aedilician quaestor. VIII. Quaestor Ti. Horatius Barbatus is assigned to aedilis plebis M.Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis as his aedilician quaestor.
Date: a.d. III Id. Apr. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulis de comitiis populi tributis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Id. Feb. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96520
I. Authorized by the relevant senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Centuriata. I authorize the tribunus plebis D. Aurelius Ingeniarius to do the same, according to the rules set forth by me in my current edict.
II. The Contio begins immediately at 20:00 PM. Under the current procedure, new candidacies are still accepted until the last day of the Contio 18 February, while electoral campaigns and debates about the candidates are allowed from now on through the last day of the Comitia. The schedules for Contio and the Comitia are the following:
Contio begins immediately, as of 20:00 PM Rome Time on 13 February 2021 Contio will end at 7:59 AM Rome Time on 18 February 2021 Comitia voting period will begin at 8:00 AM Rome Time on 18 February 2021 Comitia voting will end at 20:00 PM Rome Time on 22 February 2021
III. Our website is currently under the process of repair and hopefully soon we will be able to turn back to voting mechanism through our website, but currently voting still shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to an e-mail address, designated as the Cista, which will be published LATER so that inadvertent citizens may not start voting prematurely now.
IV. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter (or must be otherwise clearly identifiable) and the selected candidates' names. A public ballot email will be posted to the Main List Forum of Nova Roma, and voters should copy the list of candidates, paste it into their vote email, delete the name they don't endorse. The list of candidates will be posted at the time of the voting Comitia, as the Call for Candidates is still open.
V. The appointment of the previous election officers shall be reactivated.
Datum Id. Feb. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia anno XXIV ANRC
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edictum consulare
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VI Id. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96357
Ex hóc, Cn. Cornelium Lentulum amanuensem consuli minori ilico creo ut me adjuvet. Nullum jus jurandum poscetur.
By this edict, I appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus immediately as secretary to the junior consul so he may assist me. No oath shall be required.
Edictum consulare consulis q. arri nautae de comitiis curiatis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96266
I. In this edictum, I, Consul Q. Arrius Nauta, recognize all past edicts of last year's consuls as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.
II. Authorized by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, we, Consul Q. Arrius Nauta and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus acting in the name of the pontifex maximus C. Petronius, convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under the auspices of Consul Q. Arrius, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.
III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now on the Kalends of January, and is considered opened by the current post by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after the opening, as follows, posting it to:
Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor Q. Arrium Nautam et A. Tulliam Scholasticam consules, C. Artorium Praeconinum et C. Cornelium Barosum praetores Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.
I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of Q. Arrius Nauta and A. Tullia Scholastica as consules, and C. Artorius Praeconinus and C. Cornelius Barosus as praetores of Nova Roma. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.
III. The session ends at the time when Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus announces the closing of the session.
IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the magistrates with imperium is considered completed and is valid.
DATUM Kal. Ian. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss., 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD (Given on 1 January, in the consulship of Q. Arrius the third time and A. Tullia).
Q. Arrius Nauta CONSUL
Edicta of the Praetores
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis III
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97789
- EDITS BY THE CURATOR REI INFORMATICAE: Original Section X removed because it was just a repetition, an editorial mistake, of Section VIII.
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis III
On the recommendation of the Law Revision Committe of Classicists and Latinists, I officially correct the names of the following leges:
I. Lex Grylla de magistratibus plebis creandis
A. It is corrected to lex Antonia de magistratibus plebis creandis.
B. Justification: The name shall be corrected to lex Antonia, because Antonius Gryllus Graecus corrected his mistaken nomen to Gryllus to Antonius, and he is in fact M. Antonius Gryllus Graecus. This should be the only real nomen associated with him, his old nomen is considered just a cognomen. Name correction erases the mistaken name.
II. Lex Minucia de rogatoribus
A. It is corrected to lex Cassia Vedia de rogatoribus.
B. Justification: The name Minucia does not have the right to be there, even if quaestor M. Minucius Audens suggested the lex, but he wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. The lex was enacted by Fl. Vedius Germanicus consul. His colleage M. Cassius Iulianus is included in the name to honor our two founders second joined consulship.
III. Lex Labiena de iure edicendi vigintisexvirorum
A. It is corrected to lex Cassia Vedia de iure edicendi vigintisexvirorum.
B. Justification: The name Labiena does not have the right to be there, even if tribune of plebs T. Labienus Fortunatus suggested the lex, but he wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. At this time, the right of tribunes to call the comitia populi tributa did not yet exist, so Labienus had no right to put anything to vote in the comitia populi tributa. The lex was enacted by Fl. Vedius Germanicus consul. His colleage M. Cassius Iulianus is included in the name to honor our two founders second joined consulship.
IV. Lex Cassia Octavia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum
A. It is corrected to lex Cassia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum.
B. Justification: The name Octavia does not have the right to be there, Octavius wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. The lex was enacted by M. Cassius Iulianus consul.
V. Lex Vedia de provinciis
A. It is corrected to lex Vedia provincialis.
B. Justification: This lex has been always referred to as lex Vedia provincialis, now this praetorian edict acknowledges the name retroactively.
VI. Lex Cornelia Vedia de ratione comitiorum populi tributorum
A. It is corrected to lex Cornelia Octavia de ratione comitiorum populi tributorum.
B. Justification: The name Vedia does not have the right to be there, Fl. Vedius Germanicus wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. The colleague of L. Cornelius Sulla consul was M. Octavius, he shall be added in honor instead of Vedius.
VII. Lex Labiena de praetoribus agendis in loco parentium
A. It is corrected to lex Labiena de praetoribus in loco parentium agentibus.
B. Justification: The Latin gerundive was incorrect here and present participle has to be used.
VIII. Lex Arminia Equitia de dignitate curuli and lex Arminia Equitia de sanctitate
A. It is corrected to lex Arminia de dignitate curuli and lex Arminia de sanctitate.
B. Justification: The name Equitia does not have the right to be there. Although Cn. Equitius Marinus drafted it, but he wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague. Although Cn. Marinus was a consul at that time, and the law was made at the comitia populi tributa, but it was not the consular or praetorial form of comitia tributa, but it was convened in lieu of the plebeian assembly because the number of plebeians was too low. In the interpretation of the praetor, this does not qualifies under the lex Hortensia IV.C.
IX. Lex Equitia Galeria de ordinariis and lex Equitia Galeria de legibus ex post factis
A. It is corrected to lex Equitia de magistratibus ordinariis and lex Equitia de legibus ex postfacto ferendis
B. Justification: The name Galeria does not have the right to be there, Galerius wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. The lex was enacted by Cn. Equitius Marinus consul. Ordinarii was not an adequate term, but it is magistratus ordinarii. In Latin ex post facto is better written as ex postfacto and a predicative adjective is needed to "legibus".
X. Lex Minucia "de duobus legibus Arminiis Equitiis abrogandis"
A. It is corrected to lex Minucia de duobus legibus Arminiis abrogandis.
B. Justification: This lex never had an official name. It was referred to by convenience as "de duobus legibus Arminiis Equitiis abrogandis". It is now ratified but with a modification because the leges Arminiae Equitiae were renamed as Arminiae.
XI. Lex Cornelia de Arminia de fovenda lingua Latina corrigenda
A. It is corrected to lex Cornelia de modificatione legis Arminiae de fovenda lingua Latina.
B. Justification: The name of this lex was improperly worded, the word "lege" was missing, and it was not really a correction but modification.
Edictum praetorium Barosi de iure iurando Latino
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97768
Edictum praetorium Barosi de iure iurando Latino
I. Mandated by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve, which changed the lex Iunia de iure iudrando, an official Latin version for the oath of office had to be published by praetorian edict.
II. In this edict I issue the official Latin version of the oath of office for the people's magistrates and for the magistrates of the plebs, as required by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve.
I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma, and to the majesty of the New Roman people, the Quirites.
I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities.
I further swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will follow the mos maiorum, I will honor the Gods of Rome in my public dealings, I will uphold and defend the Roman religion as the State Religion of Nova Roma, and that I will promote the culture of ancient Rome and pursue the Roman virtues in my public and private life.
In the presence of my ancestors and the Gods of the Roman people, by their will and favor, I hereby accept the office of [enter the title of the office here] and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.
Ego, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], [enter the title of the office here] Novae Romae, fidem atque pietatem Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Rei Publicae Novae Romanae, Novae Romae, maiestatique Populi Novi Romani Quiritium servaturum esse me sollemniter iuro.
Ego, [enter only Roman name here] [enter the title of the office here] rem publicam, leges, Declarationem Novae Romae protecturum et defensurum, semper pro Senatu Populoque Novo Romano acturum, officiis muneribusque [enter the name of the office as institution here in genitive: consulatus, praeturae, censurae, aedilitatis curulis, quaesturae, legationis, praefecturae, curatelae, officii scribae/accensi/praeconis/viatoris/lictoris/apparitoris, dictaturae, magistratus equitum] quam optime functurum esse me iuro.
Ego praeterea [enter the title of the office here] morem maiorum secuturum, deos Romanos in rebus publicis culturum, religioni Romanae fauturum eamque religionem publicam Novae Romae defensurum, culturam Romanam antiquam propagaturum, virtutes Romanas in publica privataque vita persecuturum esse me iuro.
Praesentibus Manibus omnibusque Deis populi Romani, ipsis volentibus propitiis, [enter the name of the office as institution here in accusative: consulatum, praeturam, censuram, aedilitatem curulem, quaesturam, legationem, praefecturam, curatelam, curatelam, officium scribae/accensi/praeconis/viatoris/lictoris/apparitoris, dictaturam, magistratum equitum] una cum iuribus, privilegiis, officiis muneribusque propriis accipio.
Ego, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], [enter the title of the office here] Novae Romae, fidem atque pietatem Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Rei Publicae Novae Romanae, Novae Romae, maiestatique Populi Novi Romani Quiritium servaturam esse me sollemniter iuro.
Ego, [enter only Roman name here] [enter the title of the office here] rem publicam, leges, Declarationem Novae Romae protecturam et defensuram, semper pro Senatu Populoque Novo Romano acturam, officiis muneribusque [enter the name of the office as institution here in genitive: consulatus, praeturae, censurae, aedilitatis curulis, quaesturae, legationis, praefecturae, curatelae, officii scribae/accensi/praeconis/viatoris/lictoris/apparitoris, dictaturae, magistratus equitum] quam optime functuram esse me iuro.
Ego praeterea [enter the title of the office here] morem maiorum secuturam, deos Romanos in rebus publicis culturam, religioni Romanae fauturam eamque religionem publicam Novae Romae defensuram, culturam Romanam antiquam propagaturam, virtutes Romanas in publica privataque vita persecuturam esse me iuro.
Praesentibus Manibus omnibusque Deis populi Romani, ipsis volentibus propitiis, [enter the name of the office as institution here in accusative: consulatum, praeturam, censuram, aedilitatem curulem, quaesturam, legationem, praefecturam, curatelam, curatelam, officium scribae/accensi/praeconis/viatoris/lictoris/apparitoris, dictaturam, magistratum equitum] una cum iuribus, privilegiis, officiis muneribusque propriis accipio.
I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the New Roman Plebs, the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma and to the majesty of the New Roman People, the Quirites.
I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as a sacrosanct [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the Plebs, the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Plebs of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities.
I further swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will follow the mos maiorum, I will honor the Gods of Rome in my public dealings, I will uphold and defend the Roman religion as the State Religion of Nova Roma, and that I will promote the culture of ancient Rome and pursue the Roman virtues in my public and private life.
In the presence of my ancestors and the Gods of the Roman people, by their will and favor, I hereby accept the office of [enter the title of the office here] and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.
Ego, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], [enter the title of the office here] Novae Romae, fidem atque pietatem Plebi Novae Romanae, Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Rei Publicae Novae Romanae, Novae Romae, maiestatique Populi Novi Romani Quiritium servaturum esse me sollemniter iuro.
Ego, [enter only Roman name here] [enter the title of the office here] sacrosanctus Plebem, rem publicam, leges, Declarationem Novae Romae protecturum et defensurum, semper pro Plebe Nova Romana acturum, officiis muneribusque [enter the name of the office as institution here in genitive: tribunatus plebis, aedilitatis plebis] quam optime functurum esse me iuro.
Ego praeterea [enter the title of the office here] morem maiorum secuturum, deos Romanos in rebus publicis culturum, religioni Romanae fauturum eamque religionem publicam Novae Romae defensurum, culturam Romanam antiquam propagaturum, virtutes Romanas in publica privataque vita persecuturum esse me iuro.
Praesentibus Manibus omnibusque Deis populi Romani, ipsis volentibus propitiis, [enter the name of the office as institution here in accusative: tribunatum plebis, aedilitatem plebis] una cum iuribus, privilegiis, officiis muneribusque propriis accipio.
Ego, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], [enter the title of the office here] Novae Romae, fidem atque pietatem Plebi Novae Romanae, Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Rei Publicae Novae Romanae, Novae Romae, maiestatique Populi Novi Romani Quiritium servaturam esse me sollemniter iuro.
Ego, [enter only Roman name here] [enter the title of the office here] sacrosancta Plebem, rem publicam, leges, Declarationem Novae Romae protecturam et defensuram, semper pro Plebe Nova Romana acturam, officiis muneribusque [enter the name of the office as institution here in genitive: tribunatus plebis, aedilitatis plebis] quam optime functuram esse me iuro.
Ego praeterea [enter the title of the office here] morem maiorum secuturam, deos Romanos in rebus publicis culturum, religioni Romanae fauturam eamque religionem publicam Novae Romae defensuram, culturam Romanam antiquam propagaturam, virtutes Romanas in publica privataque vita persecuturam esse me iuro.
Praesentibus Manibus omnibusque Deis populi Romani, ipsis volentibus propitiis, [enter the name of the office as institution here in accusative: tribunatum plebis, aedilitatem plebis] una cum iuribus, privilegiis, officiis muneribusque propriis accipio.
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis II
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97729
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis
On the recommendation of the Law Revision Committe of Classicists and Latinists, I officially correct the names of the following leges:
I. Lex Cornelia et Maria de mutandis nominibus
A. It is corrected to lex Vedia de mutandis nominibus
B. Justification: The names Cornelia et Maria do not have the right to be there, even if the censors L. Cornelius Sulla and C. Marius Merullus drafted it, but they weren't the presiding magistrates of the legislative session. It was presented to the comitia by consul Fl. Vedius Germanicus and enacted by him.
II. Lex Didia Gemina de potestate tribunicia
A. It is corrected to lex Didia de potestate tribunicia
B. Justification: The nomen gentile of the legislator is Didius, not Didius Geminus. In an old, deprecated and now unlawful practice of early Nova Roma, some people were registered with their cognomen as part of their nomen, so back in the they the legislator tribunus plebis was considered to have the nomen gentile "Didius Geminus", but it was illogical, nonsensical, and now it is even unlawful. The lex is mow corrected to the normal naming practice.
III. Lex Iunia de iusiurando and lex Cassia de iusiurando
A. It is corrected to lex Iunia de iure iurando and lex Cassia de iure iurando
B. Justification: The ablative of the compound ius iurandum in Classical Latin is iure iurando. To treat it as one word with inflection only at the end is Medieval Latin, and it is now corrected.
IV. The lex Minucia Moravia de eiuratione magistratuum
A. It is corrected to the lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratuum
B. Justification: The name Moravia does not have the right to be there, although tribune M. Moravius Piscinus drafted it, it was enacted by the people's comitia of consul Minucia Strabo, and not by the plebeian assembly.
C. The praetor also makes a clarification about the valid text of this lex. Investigation by quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus has showed that between the two texts that are communicated on the page of the lex Municia the only valid is the one start starts as "This lex clarifies the legal definition of magisterial resignation...." The other text failed in the comitia. The explanation is that the consul Minucia Strabo wanted to pass one of the texts in the comitia centuriata, the other text in the comitia tributa. The one presented to the comitia centuriata failed (the text starting as "This Lex pursues the constitutional language of Section IV, headed 'Magistrates'"), but the one presented to the comitia tributa was accepted, and only that is the valid law.
V. Lex Vedia tributaria
A. It is corrected to lex Vedia tributa
B. Justification: When naming this lex, there was a misunderstanding of the meaning of the title. The Latinist asked to revise the title by praetor M. Iulius Perusianus believed the law was about taxes, and tax law would be lex tributaria in Latin, and named the law accordingly. The law is, however, about tribes, and the adjective for that is tributus, -a, -um. The correct name of the law is therefore lex tributa.
VI. Lex Fabia de nominibus approbationibusque
A. It is corrected to lex Apula Popillia de nominibus approbationibusque
B. Justification: The name Fabia does not have the right to be there, even if the censor K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus drafted it, but he wasn't the presiding magistrates of the legislative session. It was presented to the comitia by consul Fr. Apulus Caesar and enacted by him. This lex has been always referred to as lex Apula Popillia ever since, because iuris peritus A. Apollonius Cordus made the modification in the Tabularium, but it was never officially renamed. Now this praetorian edict acknowledges the name lex Apula Popillia retroactively.
VII. Lex Vedia de incorporationis
A. It is corrected to lex Vedia de incorporatione
B. Justification: The Latin ablative case that is required after "de" is "incorporatione".
VIII. Lex Iunia spatia consulatuum circumscribenda
A. It is changed back to the original to lex Iunia de temporum definitione consulatuum
B. Justification: This was the original name, and the correction of praetor M. Iulius Perusianus was an erroneous correction, creating a nonsensical phrase which is grammatically incorrect.
IX. Lex Iunia Cornelia de patrumfamiliarum matrumfamiliarumque aetate
A. It is corrected to lex Iunia Cornelia de patrum familiarum matrumque familiarum aetate
B. Justification: Although this lex was adopted as lex Iunia, it was conventionally known and registered in the Tabularium as lex Iunia Cornelia. The praetor recognized this convention, and retroactively validates it. The Latin conjunction "-que", however, has to be attached to the end of the first word of the joined expression, which "matrum", because the expression "matrumfamiliarum", even if sometimes written as one word, in fact are considered two words in Latin.
X. Lex Cornelia de tabulis gentium novaromanarum agendis
A. It is corrected to lex Cornelia de tabulis gentium Novarum Romanarum agendis
B. Justification: "Novaromanarum" was incorrect Latin, it could be "Novoromanarum", but as a long time policy, Nova Roma uses the adjective "Novus, -a, -um Romanus, -a, -um" in Latin to denote belonging to Nova Roma. "Novoromanus, -a, -um" would denote belonging to a city called Nova Roma, we do not have. Our people also wishes to express unity with the Roman people, and "Novus Romanus" expresses it better than "Novoromanus" which would suggest we are not properly Roman, or we are just inhabitants of a city called Nova Roma.
Datum a.d. XII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia consulibus, 2774 AUC, 24 ANC, 2021 AD.
Edictum praetorium de correctione C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97556
Edictum praetorium de correctione C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis
Section I of the Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis shall be corrected to this:
"I appoint the Law Revision Committe of Classicists and Latinists, consisting of Classicists and Latinists possessing MA degree from Roman Studies, Classical Philology and Latin, according to the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis. The members of the Committee are A. Tullia Scholastica, MA from Classics, and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, MA from Latin Language, Literature and Roman Studies."
C. Cornelius Barosus PRAETOR
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Kal. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97555
Edictum praetorium C. Barosi de nominibus nonnullarum legum corrigendis
I. I appoint the Law Revision Committe of Classicists and Latinists, consisting of Classicists and Latinists possessing MA degree from Roman Studies, Classical Philology and Latin, according to the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis.
II. On the recommendation of the Law Revision Committe of Classicists and Latinists, I officially correct the names of the following leges:
A. Lex Cornelia Iunia de definitione intervallorum magistratuum
1. It is corrected to lex Cornelia de definitione repetundorum magistratuum
2. Justification:
a. The name Iunia does not have the right to be there, even if Dec. Iunius Palladius drafted it, but he wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague, as would have been required by the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis.
b. The word intervallum doesn't mean time difference in Classical Latin, but repetere can express the repetition of office, and this is what the lex limits
B. Leges Saliciae
Justification: These leges shall be corrected to lex Salvia, because Cn. Salix Astur corrected his mistaken nomen to Salvius. This should be the only real nomen associated with him, his old nomen is considered just an agomen he used. Name correction erases the mistaken name.
1. The lex Salicia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum by the Comitia Plebis Tributa is corrected to lex Salvia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum.
2. The lex Salicia de prorogatione et cumulatione is corrected to lex Salvia de prorogatione et cumulatione.
3. The lex Salicia iudicialis is corrected to lex Salvia iudicialis.
4. The lex lex Salicia poenalis is corrected to lex Salvia poenalis.
5. The lex Salicia de suffragiis in comitiis plebis tributis is corrected to lex Salvia de suffragiis in comitiis plebis tributis
6. The lex Salicia de suffragiis in comitiis populi tributis is corrected to lex Salvia de suffragiis in comitiis populi tributis
7. lex Salicia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum by the Comitia Populi Tributa is corrected to lex Octavia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum: this is the same law that was enacted by the Comitia Plebis Tributa but it had to be confirmed by the Comitia Populi Tributa, conducted by consul M. Octavius, and according to the rules in the lex Hortensia, the name shall be changed to Octavia.
C. The lex Arminia Equitia de imperio
1. It is corrected to lex Arminia de imperio
2. Justification: The name Equitia does not have the right to be there. Although Cn. Equitius Marinus drafted it, but he wasn't the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor was he the colleague. Although Cn. Marinus was a praetor at that time, and the law was made at the comitia populi tributa, but it was not the consular or praetorial form of comitia tributa, but it was convened in lieu of the plebeian assembly because the number of plebeians was too low. In the interpretation of the praetor, this does not qualifies under the lex Hortensia IV.C.
D. The lex Cornelia et Maria de civitate eiuranda
1. It is corrected to lex Vedia de civitate eiuranda.
2. Justification: The name Cornelia et Maria does not have the right to be there, although L. Cornelius Sulla and C. Marius Merullus drafted it, but none of them was the presiding magistrate of the legislative session, nor were they consuls or praetors of the year, they were censors. Others don't have the right to give their names to a law.
E. The lex Labiena de intercessione
1. It is corrected to lex Salvia de intercessione.
2. Justification: The name Labiena does not have the right to be there, although T. Labienus drafted it, but the presiding magistrate of the legislative session was tribune Cn. Salvius Astur, and although Labienus was praetor that year, the law was enacted by the plebeian assembly.
F. The lex Minucia Moravia de civitate eiuranda
1. It is corrected to the lex Minucia de civitate eiuranda.
2. Justification: The name Moravia does not have the right to be there, although tribune M. Moravius Piscinus drafted it, it was enacted by the people's comitia of consul Minucia Strabo, and not by the plebeian assembly.
III. The fact of name corrections shall be made clear in the publications of these laws, along with all past names if there were others, and the Nova Roma website shall redirect all past versions of the names to the the page with the current, final, name.
Edictum de Renovatione Tabularii
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Id. Nov. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97528
Edictum de Renovatione Tabularii
Due to the illegal dictatorship and the mismanagement of digital assets, large portions of our website are still out-of-date or inaccurate. Having regained administration rights, we must seek to update and preserve information, which often stands as our only official record on many facets of our Republic. One important part of the website is the Tabularium. While we have a list of active leges, they are only ordered after the numeric they got once they were approved. This format can be difficult for many citizens to appreciate the interrelationships between all Nova Roma policy and legislation. The Tabularium will get an extensive renovation to make it more accessible and manageable in the future. The following changes will be implemented in the coming weeks:
I. The Tabularium will be streamlined into one mainpage/category, then outbranching to subcategories and subpages.
II. The Index Materiarum will be dissolved as it was rarely used and was never finished.
III. The Leges:
A. The Leges will be ordered in four different variations that can be searched:
- the Codex Juris Novae Romae that will sort the leges into libri of the corresponding Ius (into books corresponding with the respective legal topic of the leges).
- a Consolidated Library of Laws in which the leges are in one single page, allowing a keyword search of all leges simultaneously (utilising the keyboard function CTRL+F).
- the existing chronological lists of ‘all active laws’ and ‘all past laws’ will be maintained and updated as they already are.
- as a minor addition, a glossary of keywords (for example: Praetor, Cives, Magistrates, Senat) linking to the corresponding leges. B. The leges of the Codex Juris Novae Romae will contain all the leges ‘in-force’ and ratified leges (awaiting to be put in-force). Repealed leges will be conserved in the appendix (and in the above maintained list of ‘all past laws’).
C. Each lex will have a section for edicta that modify or expand it and for commentary in which you can find comments by Praetores or judges to help interpret the law. It will also contain links to past edicta that have since expired or become invalidated.
IV. Senatus Consulta et Senatus Consulta Ultima
The Senatus Consultae et Senatus Consultae Ultimae further described as Senatus Consultae will be maintained in the ordered yearly list as they are in the ‘Sessions of the Senate’. Links to impacted leges will be provided in the Codex alongside a short description of topics in the overview. In this short overview it will be detailed if they are still in effect or have since lost validity. V. Edicta
The edicta will be sorted like the Senatus Consulta, in a yearly list. The overview will also detail which magistrate issued each. In addition, to this you will find the corresponding edicta in the Leges subsections (when they deal with a lex). The list will differentiate between edicta of the Res Publica scale and that of the provinces. This will seek to satisfy the Lex Vedia altera de ratione edictorum. VI. Religious Texts
All religious edicta, commentaries and notation of the Collegia will be put in an own religious subcategory to be easily reached. They will be sorted corresponding to their stately counterparts. VII. Technical Terms
All technical terms will be presented in Latin with an English translation in parenthesis to encourage the professional use and memorisation of these terms. VIII. Forms and other Documents
Another Section of the Tabularium will contain the various forms of official status as well as treaties of the Res Publica IX. Assigned Staff
The renovation will be undertaken by the Praetores under the guidance of the Officium Rei Informaticae to uphold the standards of our IT-Infrastructure. Involved persons are namely, Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius, Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus, Lucia Silvia Vates and Gaius Artorius Praeconinus. Questions, additional advice and ideas can be sent to any of the involved individuals. If the renovation will not be complete before the election, it is suggested to the next Praetores to renew this Edict.
C. Artorius Praeconinus
Edictum praetorium C. Artorii de prorogationi edicti de sponsoris Flavio
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XV Kal. Iun. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97036
Preamble As we have heard the march brought a plethora of insides into the marching equipment and behavior of a miles of the late imperial era. Sadly due to broken equipment, sore muscles and hardships. To commemorate this further the following is issued:
I. The previous EDICTUM PRAETORIUM C. ARTORII DE SPONSORIS FLAVIO will be altered. Specifically Paragraph IV will be altered to the following:
"A Paypal account will be made available in a separate E-Mail and will stay open for donations for 14 Days from the Email on forward. The State encourages all Citizens to donate at least a symbolic value towards the fund."
II. The donation email is captain_anderson@arcor.de via Paypal.
III. Other Donation methods are possible, please contact me directly about this via Email, Discord or Facebook Messenger.
Edictum praetoris C. Corneli Barosi de corrigenda lege Arria de censu civium aestimando
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Id. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97022
Edictum praetoris C. Corneli Barosi de corrigenda lege Arria de censu civium aestimando
According to the Lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis, I issue the following edictum on the correction of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, revised by the consular task force committee led by the curator rei informaticae and consular quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.
I. In Preamble, the following changes will be made to the sentence: "The Nova Roman people enacts the following law about the assessment of the citizens' census as the estimated civic value, their cultural and organizational wealth that they hold within Nova Roman society, and supersedes the lex Cornelia de punctis censualibus."
Correction 1:
about the assessment
regarding the assessment
Correction 2:
as the estimated civic value,
their estimated civic worth,
Correction 3:
wealth that they hold within Nova Roman society, and supersedes
wealth held in Nova Roman society, superseding
II. In Preamble, the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Accordingly, the purpose of this law is to encourage and reward merit, such as service to the res publica, work and productive activity, especially conventions and live programs of citizens, intellectual contribution and financial contribution to Nova Roma, and to encourage the noble effort of citizens in learning all areas of Roman studies and Latin, the language of the Roman people, rewarding certified and demonstrated knowledge and expertise that are essential in the educational and historical mission of Nova Roma to restore and promote Roman culture."
Correction 4:
Correction 5:
contribution to Nova Roma, and to encourage the noble
contribution to Nova Roma, and the noble
Correction 6:
in learning all areas of Roman studies and Latin,
to participate in all areas of Roman studies and Latin,
Correction 7:
rewarding certified and demonstrated knowledge
rewarding certified, demonstrated knowledge
III. In Census Points I.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"In ancient Rome, citizens were said "censum habere", i.e. "to possess the census of", followed by the wealth they had, and this census (wealth, value) classified them as members of the five classes or the equestrian order."
Correction 8:
i.e. "to possess the census of " followed by the wealth they had,
i.e. "to possess the census of" (followed by the estimated amount of money),
Correction 9:
and this census (wealth, value)
and this census (meaning "wealth", "value")
Correction 10:
classified them as members of the five classes or the equestrian order.
classified them as members across five classes or the equestrian order.
IV. In Census Points I.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"In Nova Roma, our "wealth", our "census" is our merits toward our sacred goals, our knowledge about ancient Rome, our expertise in studies and practices that can help bring Romanitas into life and spread Roman culture and virtues in the world."
Correction 11:
is our merits towards our sacred goals, our knowledge about ancient Rome,
is our merit accrued through our service and contribution toward our sacred goals, and through our knowledge about ancient Rome,
Correction 12:
bring Romanitas into life and spread Roman culture and virtues in the world.
bring Romanitas to life and spread Roman cultures and virtues across the world.
V. In Census Points I.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The wealth of a Nova Roman citizen is the citizen's merits toward this mission, the service toward the republic which embodies this spiritual and educational mission."
Correction 13:
The wealth of a Nova Roman citizen is the citizen's merits toward this mission, the service toward the republic which embodies this spiritual and educational mission.
The wealth of a Nova Roman citizen is the citizen's merits toward this mission. These merits reflect a citizen's service toward the republic which embodies this spiritual and educational mission.
VI. In Census Points I.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The assessment of the census (the "wealth in Romanitas") of the Nova Roman citizens is measured in Census Points (Censualia Puncta) which are merit points given for various aspects of contributions toward Nova Roma according to the aforementioned motivations of this law."
Correction 14:
merit points given for various aspects of contribution toward Nova Roma
merit points given for contributions towards various aspects of Nova Roma
VII. In Census Points I.B. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The assessment, registration and accounting of Census Points is within the power and duty of the censors."
Correction 15:
accounting of Census Points is within the power and duty of the censors.
accounting of Census Points are the duty of the censors as part of their powers.
VIII. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The censors are the supreme authority over the assessment of the Census Points of citizens, the supreme guardians and judges of the Census Point system. If any of the censors suspects a misuse of the Census Points, such as accumulative and unnecessary appointments of friends as officers in order to promote them in the social hierarchy, suspicious or accumulative appointments without any evidence of real work involved, unmerited Census Point awards, corrupt motivations, he is responsible to bring the case to the panel of the quaestors for investigation, as described at II.C, or directly to Nova Roman court if the censor is absolutely convinced and deem that the no preliminary investigation is needed."
Correction 16:
unmerited Census Point awards, corrupt motivations, he is responsible to bring the case to the panel of quaestors
unmerited Census Point awards, or corrupt motivations, the Censor is responsible to bring the case to the panel of quaestors
Correction 17:
and deem that the no premliminary investigation is needed.
and deem that no preliminary investigation is needed.
IX. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.B. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The censors cannot rescind other types of Census Points but Award Points without referring the case to the panel of quaestors first, or to turning to Nova Roman court."
Correction 18:
the censors cannot rescind other types of Census Points but Award Points without referring the case to the panel of quaestors first, or to turning to Nova Roman court.
the censors can rescind Award Points only, but cannot rescind other types of Census Points without refferring the case to the panel of quaestors first, or to a Nova Roman Court.
X. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.C. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"In order to ensure maximal safety and fairness of the Census Point system, the quaestors are also collectively entrusted with the surveillance and protection of the integrity of the Census Point assignments."
Correction 19:
In order to ensure maximal safety and fairness
In order to ensure maximum safety and fairness
XI. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.C. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"If the majority of the quaestors determine that an appointment of an officer or another type of allocation of Census Points has been made out of corrupt motivations, the Census Points in question shall not be accounted for the citizen, and the quaestors shall bring the case to the praetor who shall determine if there is a need for a legal process against the abusers."
Correction 20:
the Census Points in question shall not be accounted for the citizen
the Census Points in question shall not be counted for the citizen
XII. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.C. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"A citizen who has lost Census Points due the decision of the panel of the quaestors can also appeal to court if he is convinced about the righteousness of his case."
Correction 21:
lost Census Points due the decision of the panel
lost Census Points due to the decision of the panel
Correction 22:
appeal to court if he is convinced about the righteousness of his case.
appeal to the court if the citizen is convinced about the righteousness of his or her case.
XIII. In Supervision and Protection of Census Points II.C. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"If both censors disagree with the decision of the quaestorial panel, they can jointly overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel if, by the same action, they refer the case to Nova Roman court for decision regarding the allocation of Census Points or the potential criminality of the involved parties. Only one censor cannot overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel, and the overturning of the panel’s decision cannot take effect as long as the case is not referred to Nova Roman court."
Correction 23:
If both censors disagree with the decision of the quaestorial panel, they can jointly overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel if, by the same action, they refer the case to Nova Roman court for decision regarding the allocation of Census Points or the potential criminality of the involved parties. Only one censor cannot overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel, and the overturning of the panel’s decision cannot take effect as long as the case is not referred to Nova Roman court.
If both censors disagree with the decision of the quaestorial panel, they can jointly overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel if, at the same time, they refer the case to a Nova Roman court for a decision regarding the allocation of Census Points or the potential criminality of the involved parties. One censor alone cannot overturn the decision of the quaestorial panel, and the overturning of the panel’s decision can only take effect once the case has been referred to Nova Roman court.
XIV. In Categories of Census Points III.A.4. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"If an officer serves only part of the term of office, only partial Census Point amount shall be given, which shall be based on three-month increments rounding down (one partial amount for each completed three month period, plus one amount equal to a three-month partial amount in addition just for entering office), calculated from the original length of the full term of their office."
Correction 24:
If an officer serves only part of the term of office, only partial Census Point amount shall be given, which shall be based on three-month increments rounding down
If an officer serves only part of the term of office, only partial Census Points shall be given. The amount of Census Points shall be based on three-month increments rounding down
XV. In Categories of Census Points III.A.4. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"If the governor resigns or is removed after 12 months in office, he shall receive no more than what is due for one full term. Resignation, when it is a traditional stepping down from office due to custom, does not count as a resignation: the resignation of extraordinary magistrates, the dictator, magister equitum, or of other extraordinary officers appointed for a task with a term but having finished the task sooner, or the resignation of a censor after the death or resignation of his colleague do not count as resignations but complete terms."
Correction 25:
If the governor resigns or is removed after 12 months in office, he shall receive no more than what is due for one full term. Resignation, when it is a traditional stepping down from office due to custom, does not count as a resignation: the resignation of extraordinary magistrates, the dictator, magister equitum, or of other extraordinary officers appointed for a task with a term but having finished the task sooner, or the resignation of a censor after the death or resignation of his colleague do not count as resignations but complete terms.
If the governor resigns or is removed after 12 months in office, they shall receive no more than what is due for one full term. Resignation, when it is a traditional stepping down from office due to custom, does not count as a resignation: the resignation of extraordinary magistrates, the dictator, magister equitum, or of other extraordinary officers appointed for a task with a term but having finished the task sooner, or the resignation of a censor after the death or resignation of their colleague do not count as resignations but complete terms.
XVI. In Categories of Census Points III.CA.42. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The reasoning for the reduction in case of reenactors is that reenactors might more pressingly need the authorization to wear equestrian insignia at events where they also promote and represent Nova Roma, therefore the reduction in required donation is justified by the service they do for Nova Roma in the field, and by the fact that they are more likely than non-reenactors actually to buy the equestrian clothing and insignia which causes them additional costs above the donation."
Correction 26:
at events where they also promote and represent Nova Roma, therefore the reduction in required donation is justified by the service they do for Nova Roma in the field, and by the fact that they are more likely than non-reenactors actually to buy the equestrian clothing and insignia which causes them additional costs above the donation.
at events where they also promote and represent Nova Roma. The reduction in the required donation is therefore justified by the service they do for Nova Roma in the field, and by the fact that they are more likely than non-reenactors to buy the equestrian clothing and insignia which imposes upon them additional costs above the donation.
XVII. In Categories of Census Points III.D. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Cultural Points are given in recognition of knowledge and exeprtise within the subjects of Romanitas, and as a motivation and prize for studying, researching, and utilizing all the theoretical and practical knowledge that can help Nova Roma to revive and promote Roman culture."
Correction 27:
recognition of knowledge and exeprtise within the subjects of Romanitas, and as a motivation and prize for studying, researching, and utilizing all the theoretical and practical knowledge that can help Nova Roma to revive and promote Roman culture.
recognition of knowledge and expertise within the subjects of Romanitas; used as a motivation and prize for studying, researching, and utilizing all the theoretical and practical knowledge that can help Nova Roma to revive and promote Roman culture.
XVIII. In Categories of Census Points III.D.1.a.i. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"In order to receive Cultural Points for academic degrees, the MA or PhD, a digitalized copy of the certifications must be demonstrated to the censors, and upon examination of the copy of the certificates, the censors shall issue Census Points according to the following proportions:
Citizen has MA from a Romanitas subject:
10 CP Cultural Points
Citizen has PhD from Romanitas subject:
20 CP Cultural Points"
Correction 28:
a digitalized copy of the certifications must be demonstrated to the censors,
a digitalized copy of the certifications must be presented to the censors,
XIX. In Categories of Census Points III.D.1.a.ii. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"Absolving a course on Roman or Nova Roman studies held by Nova Roman educational institutions or educational institutions recognized by Nova Roma (such as the Academia Thules) are also awarded by Cultural Points if given sufficient evidence to the censors (certificate, testimony of the institution or teachers). Participation in itself, except in case of Latin (see III.D.1.b), doesn’t count, only a successful completion, absolution with a non-failure grade.
Absolving a Nova Roman course:
5 CP Cultural Points"
Correction 29:
Absolving a course on Roman or Nova Roman studies held by Nova Roman educational institutions or educational institutions recognized by Nova Roma (such as the Academia Thules) are also awarded by Cultural Points if given sufficient evidence to the censors (certificate, testimony of the institution or teachers). Participation in itself, except in case of Latin (see III.D.1.b), doesn’t count, only a successful completion, absolution with a non-failure grade.
Completing a course on Roman or Nova Roman studies held by Nova Roman educational institutions or educational institutions recognized by Nova Roma (such as the Academia Thules) are also awarded Cultural Points if sufficient evidence is given to the censors (certificate, testimony of the institution or teachers). Participation in itself, except in case of Latin (see III.D.1.b), doesn’t count, only a successful completion, absolution with a non-failure grade.
Correction 30:
Absolving a Nova Roman course:
Completing a Nova Roman course:
XX. In Categories of Census Points III.D.2. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"Cultural Points must be given to the first three best places in contests and competitions held or officially recognized by the central Nova Roman magistrates, normally the aediles, or the praetors or consuls. Other magistrates and officers and even private citizens may also award Cultural Point prizes on competitions they hold but only with a special permission given by an edict of the aediles, praetors or consuls. The following amounts of Census Points shall be given to the three best places:
Contest Winner:
3 CP Cultural Points
Contest 2nd place:
2 CP Cultural Points
Contest 3rd place:
1 PC Cultural Points"
Correction 31:
1 PC Cultural Points
1 CP Cultural Points
XXI. In Categories of Census Points III.D.2.a. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"If there is only one contestant, he shall receive the 3 CP, if there are two contestants, the winner shall receive 3 CP, the second 2 CP, if there are three contestants, the 3rd place has to receive the 1 CP for third place: these instructions shall be followed regardless of the quality of the work produced by the contestants. No ties are permitted, there must be a decision about 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each competition. At retroactive allocation of these Cultural Points, however, ties can be recognized and points allocated accordingly."
Correction 32:
Sentence categorized as III.D.2.a.
XXII. In Categories of Census Points III.D.2.b. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"In case of a more serious and more difficult contest, where the work involved suggests an extraordinary achievement, the senate may decide about extraordinary Census Point prizes. The senate shall fix the amounts given to the recognized places, which can include as many as the senate deems fit (not only the first three). The upper limit of Cultural Census Point prize shall be 400 CP, the equivalent of equestrian census. Participants without a ranked place may receive no more than 3 CP.
Extraordinary Contest Prizes for Ranked Places:
1-400 CP Cultural Points
Extraordinary Contest Participants:
1-3 CP Cultural Points"
Correction 33:
Sentence categorized as III.D.2.b.
XXIII. In Categories of Census Points III.E.3. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Any private citizen or officer may apply, or any superior who wants to reward the work of his subordinate may apply, for a bonus reward of one Activity Point for a project completed for Nova Roma which required at least 24 hours of work."
Correction 34:
any superior who wants to reward the work of his subordinate may apply,
any superior who wants to reward the work of his or her subordinate may apply,
XXIV. In Categories of Census Points III.E.3. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"An officer cannot reward the work of his own subordinate officer this way, he can only refer the case to the quaestorial panel for decision: in case none of the quaestors subjects, the Activity Point can be issued."
Correction 35:
An officer cannot reward the work of his own subordinate officer this way, he can only refer the case
An officer cannot reward the work of his or her own subordinate officer this way, they can only refer the case
Correction 36:
in case none of the quaestors subjects, the Activity Point can be issued.
in the case none of the quaestors object, the Activity Point can be issued.
XXV. In Categories of Census Points III.E.4. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Any citizen may petition the censors for recognition of, or the censors may on their own or by recommendation recognize a serious, big volumen achievement in the field of Romanitas: for example, a publisher of a high quality website on Roman studies, an author of book, film, renown blog, high quality production or program."
Correction 37:
Any citizen may petition the censors for recognition of, or the censors may on their own or by recommendation recognize a serious, big volumen achievement in the field of Romanitas: for example, a publisher of a high quality website on Roman studies, an author of book, film, renown blog, high quality production or program.
Any citizen may petition the censors for the recognition of a major and particularly significant achievement in the field of Romanitas, or the censors may on their own initiative or by recommendation recognize such a citizen, for example, a publisher of a high quality website on Roman studies, an author of book, film, renown blog, high quality production, or program.
XXVI. In Categories of Census Points III.E.4. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Activity Points for a serious accomplishment can be awarded for more than one time for more accomplishments."
Correction 38:
can be awarded for more than one time for more accomplishments.
can be awarded more than once for more accomplishments.
XXVII. In Categories of Census Points III.F. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Award Points are Census Points given for excellence in public activity, for exemplary service, for singular accomplishments, for heroism, for eminence in productive, positive and exemplary public behavior, virtues and contributions."
Correction 39:
public behavior, virtues and contributions.
public behavior, and virtues and contributions.
XXVIII. In Categories of Census Points III.F.1. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"The four aediles, collectively, in case of no objection, may award citizens who excel in public activity, in public service or in the forums with exemplary conduct, productivity and usefulness to the commonwealth within a given month, thus elevating those citizens as examples to follow:
Award for excellence in the month:
1 CP Award Point"
Correction 40:
The four aediles, collectively, in case of no objection, may award citizens who excel in public activity, in public service or in the forums with exemplary conduct, productivity and usefulness to the commonwealth within a given month, thus elevating those citizens as examples to follow:
In cases where there is no objection, the four aediles may collectively award citizens who excel in public activity, in public service, in the forums with exemplary conduct, productivity, and usefulness to the commonwealth within a given month. These awards will demonstrate these citizens as examples to follow:
XXIX. In Categories of Census Points III.F.2. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Magistrates or promagistrates with imperium and the senate may award the following amounts of Census Points under various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges:
Minor award for a Nova Roman achievement:
3 CP Award Points
Medium award for a Nova Roman achievement:
6 CP Award Points
Major award for a Nova Roman achievement:
9 CP Award Points
Premium award for a Nova Roman achievement:
12 CP Award Points
Highest award for a Nova Roman achievement:
15 CP Award Points"
Correction 41:
Magistrates or promagistrates with imperium and the senate may award
Magistrates or promagistrates, with imperium, and the senate may award
XXX. In Categories of Census Points III.F.3. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
"Only the senate can award the following extraordinary awards which may have various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges:
Extraordinary award, amount decided by the senate depending on the merit:
16-399 CP Award Points
Major extraordinary award, equal to equestrian census:
400 CP Award Points
Highest possible award, equal to senatorial census:
1000 CP Award Points"
Correction 42:
Only the senate can award the following extraordinary awards which may have various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges:
Only the senate can grant the following extraordinary awards which may have various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges:
XXXI. In Categories of Census Points III.F.4. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"This variant of the highest possible award can be given only at the request of a fully Nova Roman reenactment unit under the imperium of the recipient. The prerequisite of this award is the salutatio imperatoria exclamation after a victorious reenactment battle, which a representative of the army shall message to the senate, and only the senate can recognize this award for extraordinary achievements in Roman military reenactment in leadership, or for major heroic leadership actions saving or advancing Nova Roma while holding imperium and command of a Nova Roman reenactment army:
1000 CP Award Points"
Correction 43:
award is the salutatio imperatoria exclamation after a victorious reenactment battle, which a representative of the army shall message to the senate, and only the senate can recognize this award for extraordinary achievements in Roman military reenactment in leadership, or for major heroic leadership actions
award is the salutatio imperatoria, an exclamation after a victorious reenactment battle, which a representative of the army message to the senate, for only the senate can recognize and grant this award for extraordinary leadership achievements in Roman military reenactment, or for major heroic leadership actions
XXXII. In Categories of Census Points III.F.5. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"As a variant of the highest possible awards, the title Pater Patriae can be awarded for founding or re-founding of Nova Roma, for saving Nova Roma from ultimate peril, or for many years of taking care of most of the public affairs with an extraordinary dedication and perfection. If the recipient declines the honor, the Award Points shall still be accounted but instead of the title a note shall be added to the citizen’s public records “Declined the title Pater Pateriae awarded by the senate”:
Pater Patriae:
1000 CP Award Points"
Correction 44:
Pater Patriae can be awarded for founding or re-founding of Nova Roma
Pater Patriae can be awarded for the founding or re-founding of Nova Roma
XXXIII. In Census Point Deductions IV.A. the following changes will be made to the sentence:
Deduction for non-payment of taxes: After each non-paid year, the citizen shall receive a -100 CP deduction, until the census of the citizen reaches 0 CP.
Correction 45:
After each non-paid year, the citizen shall receive a -100 CP deduction,
After each year that tax is not paid, the citizen shall receive a 100 CP deduction,
XXXIV. In Census Point Deductions IV.A. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"When the citizen pays again in the next year, he starts receiving back +25 CP for each paid new year until it deletes all the deductions for non-payment. When, after the payment hiatus, the citizen pays continuously for the 5th time (in the 5th year after the hiatus), he receives back all deducted CP at once."
Correction 46:
When the citizen pays again in the next year, he starts receiving back +25 CP for each paid new year until it deletes all the deductions for non-payment. When, after the payment hiatus, the citizen pays continuously for the 5th time (in the 5th year after the hiatus), he receives back all deducted CP at once.
When the citizen consecutively pays their tax again in the next year, they will start receiving back +25 CP for each new year of taxes paid, eventually reverting all the deductions for non-payment. When, after any payment hiatus, the citizen has paid continuously for five consecutive years (in the 5th year after the hiatus), they will receive back all remaining deducted CP at once.
XXXV. In Census Point Deductions IV.A. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"Citizen "A" had 64 CP, and misses 6 years in 2016-2020. He pays for 2021, and then he is deducted -600 CP for missing the previous 5 years, but it can’t be lower than 0, so he has 0 CP for 2021. Then he pays for 2022, again, and then he starts receiving back his first +25 CP, so he will have 25 CP in total in 2022, and if he pays in 2023, he will have 50 CP, and if he pays in 2024, he will only receive 14 more CP, because he cannot receive more than the amount which he lost by deductions (64), so he will have all 64 CP back in 2024."
Correction 47:
Citizen "A" had 64 CP, and misses 6 years in 2016-2020. He pays for 2021, and then he is deducted -600 CP for missing the previous 5 years
Citizen “A” has 64 CP, and misses paying taxes for a 6 year period from 2015-2020. He pays taxes in the year of 2021, and as is required, he is deducted -600 CP for missing the previous 6 years.
Correction 48:
but it can’t be lower than 0, so he has 0 CP for 2021. Then he pays for 2022, again, and then he starts receiving back his first +25 CP, so he will have 25 CP in total in 2022, and if he pays in 2023, he will have 50 CP, and if he pays in 2024, he will only receive 14 more CP, because he cannot receive more than the amount which he lost by deductions (64), so he will have all 64 CP back in 2024.
CP can’t be lower than 0, so he now has 0 CP for 2021. The next year he pays for 2022 and receives back the first +25 CP. He will now have 25 CP in total in 2022, If he pays again in 2023, he will have received back 50 CP. A fourth consecutive payment in 2024 will result in the receipt of only 14 more CP, because he cannot receive more than the amount which he lost by deductions (64). Citizen “A” will have received all 64 CP back by 2024.
XXXVI. In Census Point Deductions IV.A. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"Citizen "B" had 135 CP, and misses 2 years 2019-2020. He pays for 2021, and then he is deducted -200 CP, so he has 0 CP in 2021. Then he pays for 2022, again, and then he starts receiving back his first +25 CP, so he will have 25 CP in total in 2022, and if he pays in 2023, he will have 50 CP, and if he pays in 2024, he will have 75 CP, in 2025, however, he will receive back all 135 CP at once, because all deducted CP are reimbursed at the time of the 5th uninterrupted year of tax payment."
Correction 49:
Citizen "B" had 135 CP, and misses 2 years 2019-2020. He pays for 2021, and then he is deducted -200 CP, so he has 0 CP in 2021. Then he pays for 2022, again, and then he starts receiving back his first +25 CP, so he will have 25 CP in total in 2022, and if he pays in 2023, he will have 50 CP, and if he pays in 2024, he will have 75 CP, in 2025, however, he will receive back all 135 CP at once, because all deducted CP are reimbursed at the time of the 5th uninterrupted year of tax payment.
Citizen “B” has 135 CP, and misses paying taxes for a 2 year period from 2019-2020. He pays taxes in the year of 2021, and as is required, is deducted -200 CP. Citizen “B” will now have 0 CP in 2021. Then he pays his taxes for 2022 and then receives back his first +25 CP. He will now have 25 CP in total in 2022. If he pays again in 2023, he will have received back 50 CP. A fourth consecutive payment in 2024 will result in the accumulation of 75 CP. Paying taxes again in 2025, however, he will receive back the remaining CP to the original 135 CP. All deducted CP is reimbursed at the time of the 5th uninterrupted year of tax payment.
XXXVII. In Census Point Deductions IV.B. the following changes will be made to the sentences:
"The citizen who renounces his citizenship or who fails to register on the census loses all Census Points, but he can regain it back in the same manner as described above regarding the deduction for non-payment of taxes (in a maximum 5 year process)."
Correction 50:
The citizen who renounces his citizenship
Citizens who renounce their citizenship
Correction 51:
loses all Census Points, but he can regain it back
all CP. They can regain all CP back
XXXVIII. In Final Provisions the following changes will be made to the sentences:
As the applicability of this law depends on the technical realization and programming of the of Census Points system in the infrastructure of the Album Civium (citizen database) website, this lex will take force only after the curator rei informaticae determines that the provisions of this law have been built into the Album Civium and when an edict will be promulgated by the curator rei informaticae putting this law into effect.
Correction 52:
into the Album Civium and when nan edict will be promulgated by the curator rei informaticae putting this law into effect.
into the Album Civium. At that time, an edict will be promulgated by the curator rei informaticae putting this law into effect. ______________________________________________________________________________
Edictum praetorium C. Artorii de sponsoris Flavio
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Non. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96994
Preamble In the senate is at the moment a vote on an Initiative that is a bit of the timeessentiel site. Due to that and in correspondance with the Consules i issue this Edictum. We as Nova Roma, the inheritors of Nova Roma have the duty and obligation to further the cause of Romanitas and help honour those that follow the same cause. A few days ago a Professor ,that researched much and published much about Rome in the nowadays Provincia Germania and the Danube Valley, passed away. A renowned Reenactor of the Late Imperial Era will fullfill a mile long memory march in full gear in honour of the Professor. The Senate is now voting on giving a Sponsorship to said reenactor. Under the signs out of the Senate and from the Consul i have the honour to issue the following Edictum:
I. Nova Roma wishes to honor the memory and the great legacy of Prof. Dr. Hanssjörgen Ubl, to recognize and support the initiative of Geza Frank aka Flavius Stilicho and the Legio XIIII Comitatensis "Quartodecimani", the Ripenses Danubienses Project, and to contribute financially to the Professor Hannsjörg Ubl Danube Limes Memorial March and to further projects of Geza Frank aka Flavius Stilicho.
II. Hereby is created the "Professor Hannsjörg Ubl Danube Limes Memorial March Fund" that is fueled by money donated for this exact Fund towards the Treasury of Nova Roma.
III. The fundraising, the management of the "Professor Hannsjörg Ubl Danube Limes Memorial March Fund" and the sending of the donation of Nova Roma to Geza Frank aka Flavius Stilicho will be untertaken by the Officium Praetores with consular approval and support.
IV. A Paypal account will be made available in a seperate E-Mail and will stay open for donations forseven Days from the Email on forward. The State encourages all Citizens to donate at least a symbolic value towards the fund.
V. Should against all odds the Senate vote against the funding, all donations will be counted as private donations towards this endeavor.
I close with the hope that we will set a sign for all in the world to see as the Reenactor of course will name the Res Publica as a generous and helpfull donor.
Censeo Romam esse florendam.
Valete C. Artorius Praeconinus Praetor Legatus Provinciae Germaniae
Edictum praetorium C. Artorii de foris publicis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IX Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96899
Preamble Due to the slight upheaval of late in certain communication platforms, a topic has arisen that till now was not very important. Since the tyranny of an illegal self-proclaimed dictator the reputation of Nova Roma got damaged, and we are slowly rebuilding it. Sadly such a new blossoming flower can especially in the age of the internet be easily damaged. To safeguard the reputation of Nova Roma as an organisation, I issue this edictum after I have consulted the curator rei informaticae.
I. Every citizen has the right to open communication platforms as they see fit for gatherings, talks and so on. This is safeguarded by the leges of Nova Roma.
II. Every channel, platform or similar created by a private citizen alone has to be clearly distinguishable from official ways of communication of the Res Publica. This can be done through an attached descriptive word, for example "private", to the name "Nova Roma" or by not using the words "Nova Roma" or "official" or the use of the logo of Nova Roma in a misguiding way.
III. If a citizen talks about Nova Roma in another media platform, he is not allowed to pretend to be a magistrate, senator or otherwise elected or appointed officer.
This three rules should be clear and understandable. It safeguards the Reputation of Nova Roma as a whole against any unclear or prematured comments in groups that don't have a clearer insight into the Res Publica. I guarantues that every statement is visible as a personal opinion and not the opinion of the state.
Valete C. Artorius Praeconinus Praetor Legatus Provinciae Germaniae Equs Romanus
Edictum praetorium LXXIV - II
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Non. Apr. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96750
After the Magistratūs recieved complaints about the behaviour of one of our citizens against another citizen, I have reviewed the given evidences and engaged both partys with an option to share their side of the story. As this offer was not taken well by one of the parties, I hereby issue the following:
The citizen Gaius Ausonius Nicolaus is hereby placed under moderation across all official Nova Roma fora for at least 2 Weeks. Despite that the Discord server is not considered an "official forum" under NR legislation the administration of the Discord Server have seen fit to apply the equivalent actions in the spirit of the edictum. The administration of the Discord Server will be kept posted on all new information regarding the case. Citizen Gaius Ausonius Nicolaus has the right to talk and state his case before the Praetores and the Tribuni. The moderation will then be lifted depending on the outcome of the talks.
Valete C. Artorius Praeconinus Praetor Legatus Provinciae Germaniae Equs Romanus
Edictum praetorium LXXIV - I
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Non. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96347
I hereby giving out the first Edict of the praetorial office. As per Ius and Mos here is the list of the former Edicts that were issued last years. All that have been reprimanded as well as the ones we are extending in their momentary form.
Not in force PRAETORIAL EDICTUM 73-06 Munificentia Romana
PRAETORIAL EDICTUM 73-03 Quaestor Acknowledgment
PRAETORIAL EDICTUM 73-02 Scriba Appointment
PRAETORIAL EDICTUM 73-01 Scriba Appointment
In force
PRAETORIAL EDICTUM 73-05 Militarum Romanum
The office of the Praetores hereby remind every magistrate that they have to reprimand or extend Edicts of the former Magistrates of their Line before issuing Edicts of their own.
Edicta of the Aediles Curules
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum aedilicium de sermone et moderatione fori (Main list moderation edict)
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IV Id. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97699
We, aediles of Nova Roma for the current year, in the interest of amicable and fruitful interaction amongst the citizenry and friends of Nova Roma within our three principal fora, promulgate the following edict for civil conduct within the Fora Nova Romana:
I. We hereby rescind the EDICTUM CONSULARE DE SERMONE ET MODERATIONE FORI of consul Q. Arrius Nauta which set out many reasonable rules of conduct, but which applied only to the principal list of Nova Roma: the Forum Cassium or the Forum Novum Romanum (also known as The Main List or the ML).
II. The following rules of conduct apply to all three of Nova Roma’s official fora (the Forum Cassium, Forum Cornelium, and Forum Domitium):
II.A. All members of each group agree to support Nova Roma and its mission for advancing Romanitas and the rebirth of the Roman People united in Nova Roma all over the world. We acknowledge, respect and support all other Roman organizations as our brothers in this path, however, these groups were created and are maintained for the purpose of promoting Nova Roma. It is not permitted to discuss preferences for, or recruit for, other organizations on this forum, with the exception of those officially allied with and sponsored by Nova Roma, but members of our brother organizations may share details of their events and projects in cases when involvement is open to all. We require our group members to be polite, respectful, positive and supportive. We will defend our Roman brothers and sisters in whichever community they belong to. Insulting and disrespecting ANY Roman organization will result in moderation and potential removal from the group.
II.B. Rudeness is not accepted in our fora. Rudeness is a vice, an error in virtue, not worthy of a virtuous Roman. We are, among other things, an educational organization, and we must maintain a standard of tone and behaviour. Nova Roma, as a revivalist community, doesn't just simply emulate everything from Rome, but we are reviving the Roman virtues, the best of Rome, particularly the cardinal Roman virtues of "dignitas" (behaving in a dignified way), "pietas" (respectful goodness within society), "gravitas" (self-control and restraint, seriousness in manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others): "auctoritas" (the ability to influence others, just by being who you are). Impolite words are not acceptable: phrase your criticisms always in a respectful and amicable way. It is not permitted to use harsh, insulting or hurtful language against other list members, or to conduct personal quarrels publicly. Rudeness, impolite tone, insults and ad hominem attacks will result in moderation and potential removal.
III. The following rules are specific to the Forum Cassium or the Forum Novum Romanum (also known as The Main List or the ML - https://groups.io/g/TheForumRomanum) founded and owned by M. Cassius Iulianus
III. A. The Main List (ML) is open to everyone, regardless of citizenship status. The ML is not open to anyone under the age of 16 years.
III. B. Citizens are reminded that the ML is a moderated list, and all posts sent to the ML must conform to the requirements and restrictions of the laws of Nova Roma, including the current moderation edict.
III. C. Citizens are reminded that the ML is not classified as an adult group and should govern their choice of language accordingly. Additionally, citizens should be aware that posts that may be considered defamatory, libellous or otherwise injurious could give rise to a cause of action either within Nova Roma under any current relevant leges, or macronationally in courts of competent jurisdiction and should therefore govern themselves accordingly.
III. D. All posts will be expected to be signed by the poster's Roman name. Roman letter format is mandatory: this is not a chat room or comment section, but the dignified forum of the New Roman People. Latin openings and closings are suggested and encouraged. More information about the use of Latin in email is given here:
III. E. The business language of this mailing list is English, and its ceremonial language is Latin, but there is no restriction on the use of other languages. However, official communications from state authorities and announcements that concern the entire citizenry must be, or at least summarized. in English. If there is any suspicion or complaint regarding messages written in any language other than English, the moderators may either request an English translation of the suspicious message or have it translated by their scribes or by volunteer NR interpreters.
III. E. i. Any message, in any language, found in default of laws of Nova Roma or this moderation edict, will be treated as violating the applicable items of this Edict and the sender may become subject to stricter moderation if his message contained insults that he hoped to veil by the use of a language other than English. Any future conflict will be adjudicated in compliance with the Lex Cornelia poenalis.
IV. The following rules are specific to the Forum Cornelium or Forum Lentuli (or in one phrase Forum Cornelium Lentuli), founded and owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (https://www.facebook.com/novaroma.org/):
IV. A. Facebook is used for increase social life and educational activity of Nova Roma. Internal debates and controversies should not go into this forum. In the Facebook only one statement of candidacy is allowed, or one announcement about the current topic of the comitia, for example, the text of the proposed law and the time of voting. Endorsements, oppositions, discussions should be in the Main List of Nova Roma. Citizens can hold political discussion in their private groups if needed, away from the eye of the world.
V. The following rules are specific to the Forum Domitium, first established and owned by T. Domitius Draco, subsequently extended by C. Artorius Praeconinus (https://discord.com/channels/397275306207084554):
V. A. Ensure you are posting your content in the correct channel. Violations may be deleted without warning. Understand that due to the presence of minors (and the wishes of most citizens), on this platform, profanity and adult content is not tolerated, with the exception of a special channel illis-aetatis-maturae, for adult content of a Roman nature.
V. B. This group allows members to post and discuss a diverse array of subject matter. It is requested that material posted has at least some semblance or link to ancient Rome in some form. Please read and follow the channel descriptions and keep content to the correct channels. macro-off-topic may be used to discuss anything otherwise unrelated to ancient Rome.
V. C. We support authors, artists and creators. If you share an image, post or written text, please be sure to acknowledge the original author or source. We respect all intellectual property.
V. D. This group does allow business advertising and promotion of other groups provided they are Roman themed or Roman related. Be sure to post any Roman themed advertising in correct channels. Abuse of this privilege will not be tolerated. Spamming is not allowed.
VI. Prohibited, disruptive or offensive conduct, language, or a combination thereof, as defined either by the moderators or this edict, will be dealt with by warnings, imposed moderation, or removal from the relevant forum, in escalating measure. The moderators are not bound by precedent in deciding these matters, which will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
VII. Serious consideration will be taken of any apology or explanation in defence of a behaviour for which a penalty may be or has been considered by the moderators with the understanding that, ultimately, the decision of the moderators, subject to all legal forms of redress and veto within the Res Publica, will be considered final.
VIII. This edict shall take effect immediately.
Date a.d. V Id. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
Edicta of the Aediles Plebes
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum aedilis plebis M. Caecilii Metelli Tocaiensis de scriba creando
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Kal. Mai. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96923
Edictum aedilis plebis M. Caecilii Metelli Tocaiensis de scriba creando
I. I hereby appoint C. Claudius Quadratus as my scriba aedilicius to the Officium Aedilicium Plebeium to work in my staff, and I recognize your work for the current ludi, therefore his appointment is dated from 19 April.
II. His job is to advise me in my capacity as aedilis plebis, to run games under my authority and officially held by me, or by me and my plebeian colleague, and to encourage cultural activities and ludi participation in Nova Roma.
III. No oath is required. Effective from 19 April.
M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis AEDILIS PLEBIS
Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictum tribuni plebis de comitiis populi tributis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IV Non. Dec. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #97593
I. Authorized by consul Q. Arrius Nauta according to the senatus consulta and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Populi Tributa.
II. The procedures are the same, and the electoral officers shall be the same as for the session of the Comitia Populi Tributa held simultaneously with this session by consul Q. Arrius Nauta. The time schedule is the same, too:
Contio begins immediately, as of 18:00 PM Rome Time on 1 December 2021 Contio will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 3 December 2021 Comitia voting period will begin at 00:00 AM Rome Time on 4 December 2021 Comitia voting will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 4 December 2021
Tiberia Caecilia Sabina http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=16039
Gaius Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=16512
Marcus Pompeius Caninus http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=13539
Marca Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=5832
Marcus Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=9032
Servius Avidius Secundus http://www.novaroma.org/civitas/album?id=5224
Given, on the Kalends of December in the year of Q. Arrius third and A. Tullia's consulship.
Sex. Lucilius Tutor
Edictum tribunicium de comitiis plebis tributis convocandis
- STATUS: Expired
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XV Kal. Mar. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #96521
Authorized by the consul Q. Arrius Nauta, I declare that the rules and the schedule of the contio and the comitia plebis tributa for the supplementary elections of the aediles plebis shall be exactly the same as those of the comitia populi tributa held by consul Q. Arrius Nauta. Plebeians can announce their candidacies until the end of the contio.
Contio begins immediately, as of 02:00 AM Rome Time on 15 February 2021
Contio will end at 7:59 AM Rome Time on 18 February 2021
Comitia voting period will begin at 8:00 AM Rome Time on 18 February 2021
Comitia voting will end at 20:00 PM Rome Time on 22 February 2021
Datum a.d. XV Kal. Mar. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia anno XXIV ANRC
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
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