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Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.
Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.
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Edicta of the Censores
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Edicta of the Consules
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Edictum consulare de quaestoribus assignandis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XIX Kal. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101462
P. Aurelius Barbatus magistratibus populoque SPD.
The consules hereby issue the following quaestorial assignments:
I. Quaestor M. Caecina Maxentius Conditor is assigned to consul P. Aurelius Barbatus as his consular quaestor.
II. Quaestor C. Aemilius Iohannes Serdicensis is assigned is assigned to consul C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho as his consular quaestor.
III. Quaestor Q. Flavius Hugo Capito is assigned to praetor Ti. Iulius Nerva as his praetorian quaestor.
IV. Quaestor M. Hortensia Maior Faustina Aureliana Marina is assigned to praetor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as his praetorian quaestor.
Date: a.d. XIX Kal. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c. (14 January 2025 CE)
P. Aurelius Barbatus
C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho
Edictum consulare de modificatione edicti de comitiis curiatis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Id. Ian. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101455
I. My previous consular edict has missed a sentence due to an editorial mistake, but this sentence was intended to be included. I trust in the hands of praetors to accept my intention and consider my previous edict still valid with this modification.
II. My previous, first, consular edict shall include as its first sentence, starting the preamble, this sentence: "I hereby recognize all current consular edicts in force as in force."
III. Also, in my previous edict I mistakenly defined the closing day of the Comitia Curiata as January 11. It is hereby modified to January 12, because that's the closest dies comitialis.
P. Aurelius Barbatus
Edictum consulare de comitiis curiatis convocandis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VI Id. Ian. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101444
I hereby recognize all current consular edicts in force as in force.
I hereby convene the Comitia Curiata to invest the consuls and praetors with imperium, the proconsul of Provincia Britannia, C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus whose consular imperium is prorogued by this edict. The agenda is the following:
- ITEM I. Conferring imperium on the consuls and praetors, and on the proconsul of Provincia Britannia, C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus whose consular imperium is prorogued by this edict.
Favorable auspices for this Comitia Curiata session were obtained in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.
The opening ritual was performed by consul P. Aurelius Barbatus.
The session of the Comitia Curiata starts immediately as the time stamp on the message shows (approximately at 19:35 PM). The session shall end on 12:30 PM Rome Time on 12 January.
- A. The session shall be held according to the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis on the "Discord" server of the Curiae at:
- B. The curio maximus (office filled by myself), or if I become unavailable, one of the tribuni tribuum will have to act the following way:
- 1. The curio maximus shall post on the Comitia Curiata channel the consular call to vote which is attached below in the Appendix for the lictores curiati
- 2. When the curio maximus sees the first vote statement posted in the channel of the Comitia Curiata, he shall announce to the Forum Novum Romanum that the imperium has been conferred, according to V.C of the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis.
- 3. After 12:30 PM (Rome Time) on 12 January, I will report the results.
ITEM I: My vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium
Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia (Name Of My Curia) personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules P. Aurelius Barbatus and C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, the praetores Ti. Iulius Nerva and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, and the proconsul of Provincia Britannia, C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curia votes as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.
ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium
Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of every curia personally to be present here this day, the curiae which could not attend have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules P. Aurelius Barbatus and C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, the praetores Ti. Iulius Nerva and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, and the proconsul of Provincia Britannia, C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.
Date: a.d. VI Id. Ian. P. Aurelio Barbato et C. Flavio Constantino Aenea Stilichone coss., MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c., XXVIII a. N. R. c.
P. Aurelius Barbatus
Edicta of the Praetores
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Edictum praetorium de edicto C. Petroni corrigendo
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Non. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101478
Edictum praetorium de edicto C. Petroni corrigendo
I. It has come to the attention of the praetores that the Edictum praetorium de legione I Italica in provincia Thracia legunda was issued with written clerical errors, and it did not reflect the intention of the praetor at the time, nor has it ever been intended to be applied as worded, but it was always applied as intended. I am hereby correcting the record and amending the edictum according to the intention based on which it was issued, and then applied.
II. The second sentence of section III of the Edictum praetorium de legione I Italica in provincia Thracia legunda shall be modified to read as:
- "The Legio I Italica shall remain under my direct command as long as the governor of Thracia or the senate does not decide otherwise."
III. Point III.B. shall be corrected to read as:
- "After my term as praetor expires, and if I will not hold imperium any longer, the chief state command over the legion will pass to the next praetors who shall determine command between themselves. If needed, the senate may make a determination. If I will continue to hold imperium, the legion remains under my chief state command as long as I continue to hold imperium."
Datum: ante diem Non. Feb. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. anno XXVIII a.N.R.c. (2778 a.u.c - 2025 CE)
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
Edictum praetorium de adnotatione et interpretatione Senatus consulti de senatus habendo M. Cotta et C. Petronio coss.
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Non. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101476
Edictum praetorium de adnotatione et interpretatione Senatus consulti de senatus habendo M. Cotta et C. Petronio coss.
I. The praetors have reviewed the Senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV after the latest changes introduced by the senatus consultum de senatu habendo M. Cotta C. Petronio coss.
II. In accordance with article I.B of the Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, interpretation of law and the legality and validity of a disputed law or action shall be in the power of the praetors in the first instance as part of their primary duties. Those edicta issued by magistrates for the purpose of documenting these interpretations do not change or alter the text of the legislation, but they offer clarification to the way they are interpreted within the confines of the legislation in question. Such edicta are appended as notes to any affected legislation. With the authority under the constitution, we declare the following.
III. The praetores acknowledge that the "senatus consultum de senatu habendo M. Cotta C. Petronio coss." will directly modify the "senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV" as is its intent. The "senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV" will remain the primary legislation for the content concerning senate rules.
IV. The latest changes to the "senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV" did leave opened-ended references to articles that were removed in the changes. The following commentary, to be annotated as standard footnotes to the "senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV", seeks to note these now invalid references and interpret the current reading:
- A. Article VII.A, disregard the part “except as allowed for at XVI.P and XVI.Q.”
- B. Article II.C, disregard the sentence parts “Members of the Senate remain bound by the requirements of XII.E.” and “of XII.E” in the next sentence.
- C. Article II.C.1, change the section “violated XII.E” to “posted a violation,”. In the next sentence, change “does not further violate XII.E.” to “does not post further violations”.
- D. In article II.C.2, replace the sentence part “or is likely to, lead to a breach of XII.E” with “leads to further breaches”.
- E. Article II.C.5, change the section “to violate XII.E” to “to continue violations”.
- F. Article II.C.8, disregard “of XII.E”.
- G. Article II.C.5, disregard “except for the reasons specified at XIII.A.”.
- H. Article III.H.4.b, change the section “XIII.A.” to “any calendar day”.
- I. Article IV.G.2, disregard “described at XIII.B”.
- J. Article IV.G.3, disregard “XIII.B” in both instances it appears.
- K. Article IV.G.4, disregard “XIII.B civil”.
V. Two key elements from the latest amending senatus consulta were not explicitly added to the amendments of the original. To ensure they are not overlooked, they are to be added as comments, as a footnote and referenced in the main text accordingly, at the following points:
- A. Annotated on section II, add a footnote that states “When there are no censors in office, all procedural decisions assigned to the censors shall be made by the consuls.”
- B. At section VI.C, add a note that states “Senate sessions shall be reported to the Nova Roman people in the forum by the president of the session. This reporting shall be made no later than within 24 hours after the closing of the session. The tribunes of the plebs may also publish, but are not obliged to publish, their own report of the session to the people, including as many details as they think necessary, as long as they observe the laws that define the tribunes' reporting activity.”
Datum: ante diem Non. Feb. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. anno XXVIII a.N.R.c. (2778 a.u.c - 2025 CE)
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
Edictum Translaticium MMDCCLXXVIII
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XVII Kal. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101467
I. In accordance with the Lex Arria de edictis, magistrates are required to confirm or revoke those edicta of their office predecessors before any new edicta can be issued.
II. The following praetoirial edicta are considered “Lapsed”, no longer relevant, time expired, or overtaken by events:
- A. From 2777:
- i. Edictum praetorium de scriba honeste dimittendo
- ii. Edictum praetorium de Comitiis Centuratis convocandis
- iii. Edictum praetoris de contione comitiorum tributorum convocanda
- B. From 2776:
- i. Edictum praetorium de revisione apparitorum
- ii. Edictum praetorium de comitiis regendis
- iii. Edictum praetorium de contione convocanda
- C. From 2775:
- i. Edictum praetorium de apparitoribus aestimandis
- ii. Edictum On The Praetors' Awards In Honor Of The Ludi Apollinares
- iii. Edictum praetorium Barosi de scriba creanda
- iv. Edictum Praetorium de Scriba Creando
- v. Edictum translaticium
III. The following praetorial edicta are considered as “In Force” and are confirmed into this current year.
- A. From 2777:
- i. Edictum praetorium de commissione classicistarum et latinistarum ad ius recensendum
- B. From 2776:
- i. Edictum praetorium de praefecta expositionibus archaeologicis curandis
- ii. Edictum praetorium de accenso
- iii. Edictum praetorium de legione I Italica in provincia Thracia Legunda
- C. From 2775:
- i. Edictum praetorium de revisione apparitorum et praesidum provinciarum
- ii. Edictum Praetorium de Legibus Mutandis
IV. All other praetorial edicta from previous years not listed are ackowledged as they are published in the Nova Roma tabularium.
Datum a.d. XVII Kal. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
Ti. Iulius Nerva
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
Edicta of the Aediles Curules
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Edictum aedilicium de scribis nominandis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Mar. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101497
I hereby appoint L. Valeria Corvina as scriba aedilicia and Q. Annia Corvina as scriba aedilicia.
Datum pridie Kal. Mar. P. Aurelio et C. Flavio coss. anno 2778 AUC et 28 ANRC (2025).
Lucius Calpurnius Bestia aedilis curulis
Edictum aedilicium de praecone nominando
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Kal. Feb. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101474
With this edict, I confirm all previous aedilician edicts are in force.
I. I hereby appoint C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho as praeco aedilicius ad media socialia Novae Romae, that is public media, information and education content creator of the social media platforms of Nova Roma.
II. In this capacity, praeco C. Flavius will work as a chief assistant of curator rei informaticae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, who, ex officio, handles the social media of Nova Roma from an administrative point of view. Praeco Flavius shall work under the curator's supervision, at his discretion.
Datum Kal. Feb. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. 2778 AUC. 28 ANRC.
Ap. Curius Rullus
Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes
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