Interview with Professor Mary Beard
From NovaRoma

Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, UK, is a radical interpreter and critic of Roman culture in its widest sense. She is currently working on the Roman triumph. She has previously written on Roman myth, priesthood, violence, castration, gardens, transgression, and philosophy, as well as on the 'myth of Rome' in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her most recent books include:
- Religions of Rome, (a two volume history of Roman religion with John North and Simon Price. Vol. 1 ISBN 0521316820, Vol. 2 ISBN 0521456460)
- The Invention of Jane Harrison, (a biographical study of Jane Ellen Harrison. ISBN 0674008073)
- The Parthenon, (a study of the history of the building from antiquity to the present day ISBN 067401085X)
- The Colosseum (with Keith Hopkins. ISBN 0674018958)
- Classics: A Very Short Introduction (with John Henderson. ISBN 0192853856)
- Classical Art: from Greece to Rome (with John Henderson. ISBN 0192842374)
- Pagan Priests: Religion and Power in the Ancient World (ISBN 0801424011)
An "Interview the Expert" interview.
Religions of Rome
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